
So what did you get? 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I got a set of tires for my car. I was darn glad to get them.
Men will be men! :P 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
You're going to be glad for the 4 1/2 inches once we start getting into the butt stuff.
This shirt 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Doesn't prove anything. You don't identify with a Pac Man character, but *might* be desensitized to violence by all the person-on-person violence, especially coupled with the titilating sex in many games. Think it can't happen? You didn't used to hear the f word used so much years ago, and now thanks to TV and video games, you hear it used nonchalantly all the time.
Would rather not be homeless thanks though 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In a couple years when you want to take the car somewhere overnight or go on a road trip (with those same friends who told you to sneak out) whether or not your parents trust you will, in part, hinge on that sneaking out decision.
69, RIP. 37 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Pretty much sums it up 119 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Global warming is real. But it might not be man-made. It might just be the earth's natural cycle or the sun's cycle.

Trump is a shitty choice but the alternative is even worse. The US can take four years of Trump and recover better than eight years of the Clinton machine.

Abortion ends a life that is that is not yours. Do a DNA test and the infant is not the same person as the mother. Do wE have authority to Force a woman to carry the baby to term? I don't know, but don't act like it's such an easy issue to settle just by stating your preference.
Be spiteful,but be careful. 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If you have shitty friends always do the opposite of what they say.
I didn't make this and it's 2 years old don't judge me 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
MEN don't think that women pee out of their vaginas. The *boys* you talk to might, but men have carefully reseached this anatomy and have accepted the challenge of...ummmm...making sure you have a good time (if ya' know what I mean).
*casually dies of laughter* 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So some young man is taking his GF on a date, instead of "let's hang out" or "Netflix and chill," and you have to disrespect and humiliate him? Let me guess--if he leaves a small tip because the service was bad (humiliating and disrespectful), you'll decide that means all boys that age are bad in some way. Do you also judge girls like that? After all, if the boy is too young to date, wouldn't she be as well? My guess is that you don't; all your judgmental and negative feelings are reserved for boys.
When the rich rob the poor it's called business 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Like how, for example, do the rich rob the poor? Some people perform important services or create necessary goods, for which they charge money, but because its more than you wish you could pay, is that robbery?
I tried to come up with some examples, but everything that jumps to mind is "optional," like MP3s, concert tickets and movie tickets (esp. from musicians and actors that criticize "capitalism" but who make a lot of money in THEIR field and aren't above incorpoorating so as to maximize deductible epenses and minimize taxes).

But really, what are some examples of how "the rich" rob from the poor? Nobody is forcing people to make bad choices.
What are the odds 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Three of my families cars plates have consecutive numbers. If two of us park next to each other at church say or at a kids game, it would look like that.
Murder suspect tries to snatch cop’s gun inside interview room 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
And without the cameras it would be a case of police brutality reported on social media.
Such accurate 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The truest part of the quote is that I no longer laugh at John Oliver... matter how funny he thinks he is.
And let them fight air ninjas outside!!! 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
School: Offers band, general music for those who don't play an instrument or sing, offers wood shop, metalworking, drafting/CAD

Students: When are we gonna use this. Ugh, more stuff to do, I have too muich already, how do you expect me to get into college without the calculus and composition I now can't take due to this new stuff? It's already hard to get in six hours a day of Facebook and Twitter, like I barely have time for Instagrm. I better make some memes on how lame society and my stupid school make me do stuff.
One in four americans is skeptical 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I like how he says that we don't need opinions on a "fact." Problem is, Global Warming isn't a "fact." And if we're going to give the government yet more power over our lives,we ought to be sure that it is indeed a fact, and also man-made, and not just asnother cycle. We can easily see the seasonal cycle of summer-winter, plus the 7 year sunspot cycle, but there's also a 200 year soloar activity cycle and a 4000 year one. There are reasons the earth's climate changed before man even existed or had tools to measure temperature. But, yeah, let's give the govt even more power over our lives, choices, and the economy.
This post always gets me 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Paul Walker, James Dean and many others tought it was great to drive at an excessive speed, and that they could handle it. Thank goodness you didn't kill someone else, you pretentious f**k.
we're not all the same 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But both of them are already spoken for.
She deserves some recognition 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Also, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, not for anything he had done, but for what he was gonna do. He had just become US President, after a partial term as US Senator.

Yasser Arafat was also a Nobel Peace Prize winner. It looks like the Nobel commitee is basically worthless.
What da faq! But why & how? 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm gonna guess we owe this to future generations. But, yeah, let's run it up more.
Since we're so concerned what a feminist looks like 30 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"We want equal opportunity to go to college." I'm with you there, ladies. But, 51% of college degrees are awarded to women, and most HS class officers (president, VP, etc.) are women. So, I think you're there.

"We want equal pay for equal work." With you again. How could anyone be for anything else, if the work is truly equal.

"We demand that women, as an average, earn the same as men, on average." What the heck, ladies (and effete, fawning, PC males)? The averages count different jobs, different years of experience, different everything. That's your 75% or 68% or whatver the number is today. All the data THAT'S CORRECTED FOR EVERYTHING says that discrepancy is like 99% or 98%. The last bit is probably because women (on average) don't negotiate as much as men.

"Everything's OK now" would probably be a horrific finding for all the Womyn's Studies departments, though. It's too bad this whole sham draws attentiona away from the real problems women have.
Double standards 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why would that make their picks invalid? Which Oscars given to a white person would you think should have been give to a black person? If you can't think of any, you are essentially agreeing with the choices of the 60 year old white men, and are bringing up their gender, race and age out of spite or hate but not for any substantive reason.
The heroes we need 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"Let's go to the rally of that guy we hate, and F*** it up...let's ruin it for people...fellow American citizens mind you...whose views are different than ours. Let's not debate any of the issues, let's purposely decide that 'no welfare for illegal immigrants' means 'let's hate all Hispanics' and 'let's stop allowing thousands of Muslim immigrants to come to the US until we can effectively screen for terrorists' to be the equivalent of 'let's round up all the Muslims and ship 'em off.' Of course, we'll go absolutely @pe$#i+ if anybody ever does 10% of anything like that to US."
You have a weird definition of "hero."
As a 40-year old, my life advice for teenagers 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
75% income tax = "free." LOLz.
Oh look feminism, reply to buzzfeeds "36 questions for men" 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It drives me nuts when the terrible logic of "women earn less than men" because the numbers don't account for different jobs, experience, etc., gets used as proof of discrimination by those with no understanding of numbers, statistcs or logic. Making up rape incidents for an article because it's "representative of our rape culture" only shows that our culture is one that loves to take the politically correct path of finding rape culture everywhere.
What a shame 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How does a female vegan get pregnant? I mean, she has to get a few cc's of "animal product," right?
What you get for 2 US$ in Colombia 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Average annual salary in US: $45,363
Colombia: $692

Still want to go there?
Marlon Brando can't remember 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Tataglia is a pimp! But I never realized until was Barzini all along.
For one more minute we're on this earth 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Waiting to see how Man gets blamed for the enormous destruction of the tropical forests due to the Ice Age or the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.
Old school telephones 57 comments
guest · 8 years ago
56 comments and nobody noticed that the numbers are backwards?
What exactly are Russians made of? 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They removed "it" from his head...they apparently removed an AK-47 from his head.
He loves his baby 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Roasted 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Obama bows before sheiks, makes treaty with Iran that limits the US but not Iran, applies dig to Trump.
Why do they always explain the jokes? 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is from the 1% of Family Guy that is actually funny.
In response to RuinedEffect's post, don't worry about it anymore. 34 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Are they really"pro-rape," or just pro-"no changing your mind the next day?"
Pet cemetery type stuff 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Forgot to put salt in the grave and light it on fire.
I know a few adults who would benefit from this sign 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I need a safe area where I can be shielded from any speech or images that, even though they aren't really offensive, I may decide to construe as offensive. Oh, and I'm a grownup, so don't try to restrict my decisions. Plus, I need you to pay for my college.
Give this boyband a name! 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
One Erection.
A space mission cost less than a movie 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Gravity: People willingly gave $7 to $12 for a ticket to see.
Indian Mission: 1. Took the money from their citizens whether each one wanted a Mars mission or not. 2. India had a Mars mission?

I still like the meme, tho. It's interesting that it cost more to pretend to have a space mission than to have a space mission. But, India didn't have to pay Clooney or Bullock.
Good point 35 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So what are we supposed to do to "correct" the situation? Give Oscars to actors who are less deserving because they're Black? Withhold awards from deserving White actors so that less good Blacks can be represented? If you're boycotting the Oscars because not enough Blacks were awarded something, that's what you're saying.

Now,if your complaint is that not enough good roles go to Black actors and atresses, it doesn't make sense to boycott the awards. Boycott the movies until the situation is corrected. I don't see THAT happening becaue it's an inconvenience to yourself, and not as easy as bitching about everyone else and wanting them to change for your benefit.

The irony is exquisite here...Hollywood is one of the most PC places around, and usually is jumping onto any PC bandwagon, even illogical ones. Now they're on the other end of the stick.
I live in Sweden and it is true 42 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Maybe socialism and bending over backwards to acoommodate all aspects of political correctness has neutered the males there. Have you ever listened to the PC males? It's like ingratiating themselves to the most extreme misandrist viewpoints is the only thing that can get them some sex. Soon the US will be de-masculinized, and it looks like all the european countries are already there.
Dinosaurs evolved back wards 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Flows. Blood flows. The verb has to agree with the subject.
false advertising? 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Isn't this about the same thing as Photoshopping off Hillary's makeup and commenting how ugly she is? I mean, nearly ANY 68 year old woman is going to look worse without her professionally done makeup.
What is money was no object 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Maybe ask yourself those questions at the beginning of college or even before, rather than at the end. You might get a degree in something that supports your dream vs. the thing you find fun to study with no other consideration. 30 years ago, some of these questions didn't always cross people's minds. Now, thanks to humorous memes and "maximize your porential" posts and tweets, you get this idea put in front of you every week--better to have a job you like for 45 years than a better paying one you hate for 35 so you save enough money to retire from it. I've seen some kids that major in something at a private college, running up huge debt, and then find that field of study doesn't have jobs that pay the money to cover the loans. Better to look into job prospects ahead of that...and with the internet you can.
Vince is gonna be angry 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Maybe the septic and drain systems can't handle that, or it clogs the pipes. So, somebody has to fish it out and dispose of it. So, yeah, causing trouble for someone is hilarious, as is screwing up the plumbing so people can't use the toilet.
One of the perks of working at Google 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My company gives all the employees 1.5 times salary as life insurance. So, same as half-salary for three years, except your beneficiaries get it all at once. With kids and a non-working wife, I bought an extra 4x salary. So, Google includes more life insurance than most companies. They also offer a better benefit to someone with more & younger children. With few older employees, this can be a good way for a company to appear to give a wonderful benefit that doesn't cost as much as a company with a cross section of employees that's more like the population. Also, I'll bet there are some deaths that are excluded (suicide?), and there's bound to be a waiting period between hiring on and when the benefit is in force..
Tesla deserves more respect 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What a shame that electricity costs something. If it were free, we would obviously be using less and be less dependent on foreign oil plus be contributing less to global warming.
My ovaries 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Plot twist: The kittens are related to the guitar's strings.
Russia, the women take no shit, but are nice too! 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Over the course of three days, while he was tied up, wouldn't he have had know, seeral times? I mean, ewww.
Where will you be when debt hits? 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So much knowledge. But, the answer to every question is "The Patriarchy" or "White Priviledge."
We are not the best version of humanity 42 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Of course some idiot has to throw "Trump" in there, because in his mind, not allowing unlimited illegal immigration is as bad as genocide.