
This is a proven FACT 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
5 words in I was thinking this was about apple-infused garlic.
How to not drive like an ***hole 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You misspelled 'starring'
A student in 3rd grade class 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I cant tell is this means the kid will grow to be a narcissistic neurotic prick; or if he will grow to be a diligent, well-grounded, success who believes he can help the world. Basically Trump....or Trudeau.
I WANT THIS SHIRT 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I thought someone was excited about their Resident Advisor.
Pretty accurate 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I did not get my allotted ration of head.
Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt? 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It's kind of obvious...Usain has 9 Olympic Medals. Phelps has 23.
That's not how it works... 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
ORIGIN:In February 2013, web site Palookaville Post published an article ("Feinstein and Boxer Ask Californians to Lay Down Their Weapons During Statewide Manhunt") containing an extraordinary claim about a statement purportedly made by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. According to author "Jimmy Olsentwins," Sen. Feinstein commented on the then-current standoff involving former police officer Christopher Dorner by urging Californians to turn in their guns en masse.
Suffice it to say the Palookaville Post was a satirical site that published fake news, one example of which was the made-up story about Senators Feinstein and Boxer referenced above. Other examples of its work included articles claiming President Obama had granted himself a $100,000 pay raise and an Oklahoma teacher had been fired for praying when a tornado hit her school.
That's not how it works... 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This has to be taken out of context. It's not about being that stupid. It's about being this misleading in your post.
One hell of a burger 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Much like Keith Richards, I am just amazed it is upright.
Dear Santa 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Awww, I'm sorry but you seem to be a painfully incompetent piece of unexpected underwear defecation. So you cannot have any kind of animal until you are visibly capable of not embarrassing the marginally more adept people that bravely call themselves your parents. Now go put some vinegar on that cradle cap.
Wife dropped the bi-curious bombshell on me 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Tell her you have similar suspicions about your sexual identity, and you experimented with the young; smooth; tight-assed lifeguard at your gym. The one with the baby face, high pitched moan, wet lacy panties, and desire to ride your big hard stud cock for hours while you use and own that buttpussy. See what she says.
How intense is that... 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
My boyfriend is INTP and we love/appreciate each other, but this post represents exactly why we would never have been friends in college. I would have closed my eyes for 5 seconds and silently asked for acceptance and whatever good things can happen for someone after death...he would've gotten irritated because I was hogging the scalpel.
"Is this all you got?" 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
im losing my mind...grrr what painting is this?
Paris is reusing some abandoned subways as swimming pools 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And the republicans get their titties in a twist when people say America could learn a few things from France. It's not that we don't love our country, it's that sometimes we're jealous other countries can get shit like this accomplished.