I didn't choose the fandom life, the fandom life chose me 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Which fandom is the first one from?
Radiation 13 comments
· 10 years ago
"You'll get raditation"? Isn't that like saying you'll get microwaves or x-rays?
I would be laughing like crazy too. 8 comments
pewds 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, it's pretty much like "shell-bearj". It doesn't really work with beige since the g in beige is more like an "sch"-sound rather than a "j"-sound. You could also say "shell-beary" with the y pronounced like the y in really. It's not exactly the same but it works too.
This is a really nice idea 5 comments
· 11 years ago
And then try to convince your friend to leave their initial to sit beside you. The one that leaves their seat is the weakest one and therefor must go.
This is what Darwin meant when he said survival of the fittest.
This is what Darwin meant when he said survival of the fittest.
pewds 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Swedes pronounce it kinda like "shell-be-rj" (shell as in shellfish). Non-swedish speakers often say the "be"-part like the word bucks but its more like the "be" in best.
The J is pronounced softly like the u in use and y in yellow. Okay, I'm gonna stop writing now because I'm confusing myself...
The J is pronounced softly like the u in use and y in yellow. Okay, I'm gonna stop writing now because I'm confusing myself...
There is nothing but Crack here! 26 comments
Not even once 7 comments
Easy way to peal a mandarin orange 8 comments
i feel juged 36 comments
I bet they don't like mirrors 5 comments
At least it makes since 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I get the "she's on the shame side because she's rude" part but saying she's on that side for dating guys is just ridiculous.
Sweden 8 comments
Modern fashion 63 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. If she wants to dress that way, let her! Sure, my parents would never allow me to go anywhere dressed like that but if her parents do, what's the problem? I don't think it's fair for you to jugde her or her boyfriend and call them sluts and idiots just by the way they dress.
Batmo 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Shes married to Justin Timberlake so their kid would probably have the lastname Timberlake
Good guy Ryan Braun 10 comments