
always remember this! 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Like the media portayal of Trump as a racist. He wants to keep out ILLEGAL immigrants of any ethnicity, and the reason he said he couldn't get a fair trial from a hispanic judge was because that judge is a member of the pro-hispanic organization that was suing him.

But, that fits the convenient narrative the media wants to protray. Trump may be intensely dislikable, but that's not enough apparently.
This is kind of even scarier than the other scary post I made. 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
A radical Muslim wants to kill you.
A moderate Muslim wants the radical Muslim to kill you (and supports hi financially and morally).

You open minded people are going to show your tolerance and compassion right up until we have Sharia law. There are enclaves in Michigan that are self-governing by Muslims, and the police don't go there. The Feminists beleive that a man should be responsible for his actions while drunk but a woman should not be, but all that will fall on deaf ears when "honor klillings are sometimes justified."
Me irl 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
50s and 60s kids: There's an injustice, let's protest and raise attention and cause the system to change it. We'll use civil disobedience, even if there are conseques. We'll force the perpetrators of injustice to face their actions, and either defend them or change from having to open their eyes (non violent resistance to segregation, for example)
70s and 80s kids: there's something that's wrong, let's roll up our sleeves go out and do something about it. Let's create companies, associations, foundations or other groups to bring about the change we want to see.

90s kids: waaah! Everything isnt being handed to me! I'm unhappy and not fulfilled, and the world owes me! Where's my free wifi?
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg "burns" a user on Facebook 1 comments
guest · 8 years ago
She missed the chance to ask him why Facebook filters news/info content, and removes some of the items that lean towards the political side that Mark dislikes.
Wear art in the way you want 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Agreed. I haven't seen very much anti-tattoo discrimination. It seems there are a lot more tattoo'ed people who assume all the non-inked people are thinking something about them.
So rude 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Did they have anything to say about people wearing leather belts, shoes, or those cute cute boots? Or is their outrage only selective? Were there people trying to convince everyone to go vegan, and in fact, transistion their dogs and cats to veganism? Criticising people for "owning"pets as if they're some kind of slaves? Objecting to gender-specific pet names, since it's immoral to subject them to arbitrary gender standards?

Guess how stupid it was at the last PETA rally I had the displeasure to walk past...
Meanwhile, outside Walter Palmer's dentistry office 69 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Ahhh...the bravery of those who put the Rot In Hell sign anonymously on his office door, and who phone in death threats. That's SURE to convince people that you are the more moral person than some jerk who killed one frickin lion. Next up: some hashtag campaign to make people FINALLY realize that rape is wrong or that bullying is mean.
Tummy tickles is happiness 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Don't go right for the tummy and the main tickling spots, tho. When you have him in that position, go for the test tickles first.
NASA is naming Pluto's moon with geeky names from shows like Star Wars and Star Trek 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It seems better to name topological features after actual scientists...maybe great astronomers or the actual physicists and engineers that let us see and photograph these heavenly bodies. But, I suppose TV characters are better.
What it looks like when it snows in a desert 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We don't panic at the heating/cooling cycle that occurs in one year because we've been through several cycles. But we DO go totally nuts over the 50 year and 200 year solar cycles that have an effect on weather and climate. If there IS a global climate change, that doesn't mean it's Manmade.
Real women in Victoria's Secret Swimsuit 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"The media says..." LOL...most criticism comes from other women. Most of the biting criticism comes from other women as well. But "Society says" and "The media says" let us blame something other than us.
deal with it 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Some dudes like to #### other dudes in the @@@; Some dudes like to $$$$ other dudes' ****s. Get over it.
f*cking hippos 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Mr. Hippo lasts as long as Mrs. can hold her breath.
yes 29 comments
guest · 8 years ago
it's too bad the original argument equates "birth control" (preventing a pregnancy) with terminating a pregnancy (thus terminating a life, or what many people understand to be life).
Tumblrites discuss Sean Bean 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
He was also a double-0 agent.
I had to picture the globe in my mind and draw pretend lines traveling around it to think 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Not arbitrary...North and South are defined by the axes of the earth.
One douche to join them all 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Let's drive him out of business with hatred, threats, government sanctions and penalties!

That's bound to make the drug affordable to all, right?
Photographers pose with their most popular photos 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is, in actuality, about 200% cooler than I would have guessed.
Photographers pose with their most popular photos 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Check your facts. The South Vietnamese fire-bombed the village to root out Viet Cong...the US had nothing to do with it. Don't feel too bad, though. That image gets a lot of "US = evil" milage on accident and on purpose.

The naked girl is named Phuc, and she lives in Canada (or did 10 years ago when I had to research the details for another internet dispute). This common misattribution of blame is cited is "Useful Idiots," a book about how people just repeat certain narratives that support certain lines of thinking (or more accurately, certain lines of manipulating others'thinking).
The paint on this wall is melting and cradling the clock down with it 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
1. "The Weight of Time."
2. Why is the clock attached to the paint and not to the wall or studs behind the paint?
Drain art 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The quality of the drawing and the implied comment behind it are great. Yet, this is just some throw-away piece of art, while museums show (and pay a lot for) a crucifix in urine or a white sheet with a blue splotch meant to convey something like "man's inhumanity toward his fellow man."
A very good idea for dog owners 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Lawyer: "So you KNEW your dog was aggressive, which we know by the fact you bought one of these leashes..."
A note hanging from this taxi driver's steering wheel 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I have a file folder of items like that. One is a drawing of a Tyranosaurus with poor handwriting that says, "Dad You have the power of the mighty T-Rex."
I have to take that folder and go through it from time to time.
Please tell me this happens to other people before I lose my shit 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
With me, it's always the metal thing on the doorframe that guides the bolt of the door knob.
Mine was cordless 1 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Pic does not look like CPR, but a horny mouse and his even hornier friend waiting for sloppy seconds.
What if Walt had listened to the doubters? 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
No fair looking only at the few successes and ignoring the numerous failures. It's like some lottery winner saying how everyone doubted his ability to win, and ignoring the millions of losers.
F*ck you gravity 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That was before Pbhysics was invented. Since people didn't know it by name, they weren't obligated to go by that. Sort of like the internet: "I don't understand something, so I'm not bound by it PLUS I have an opinion on it that's just as valid as someone who does understand it."
You probably haven't heard it 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
THANK YOU for spelling "its" correctly!
Bill Gates drinks water that used to be human poop 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Isn't pretty much all water indirectly from some animals' bladders? Water from lakes or puddles evaporates then rains and gets used for drinking. Geez, even lake water have fish pooping and fornicating in it. I probably just drank a trace amount of fish spooge.
EVERYONE!! 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That's accurate, tho. Either the actor is a complete jerk, or he's pretty darn good at playing a jerk...since I don't read "People" or watch shows about actors, I don't know which one.
everyday 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That kid looks "special" enough to where we're supposed to cheer at every play, song or athletic endevour she attempts.
Flawless logic 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Ends mankind before time travel is made possible....
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Super Fresh
Markets are local
A lot of salad choices
Really large array of toppings
'Tis healthy for ye
what. 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The "'60s" were 15 to 25 years after the end of WW2.So, if you were a college student in, say, 1965, you were probably born during WW2.
Human being 20 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Re "Identify as poor:" Look at most lottery winners...they're back where they started (or worse!) after a few years. They blow most or all of the money. So, there actually are people who are "destined to be poor" because of their bad decision making and not only because of circumstance. I see coworkers borrow from a 401k for a vacation or whatever, so even professional people who should have a decent nest egg have little because what they spend their money on (or withdraw or borrow to spend).