"Bush did 9/11" 20 comments
· 8 years ago
No, they hate him because he's a racist, sexist, homophobic, and zenophobic hypocritical ass who has been spreading bigotry and hate for months
Beware of the Crocs 3 comments
· 9 years ago
They can kill you... something looking like that could make any fashion guru drop dead instantly
The world of 100 people 42 comments
· 9 years ago
But when you think about it there's actually a lot of whites since they didn't sub-divide into Asians, Latinos, blacks etc. and you could divide it further than that
Big props to you 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm with jordgubbe, I've been on both sides when I had depression and was suicidal, which is now still there but manageable, and my brothers severe depression and suicidalness now and it is harder to see that in someone you care about and to live with someone knowing that you can't actually do much to help them
Big props to you 39 comments
· 9 years ago
It does get better though if you try, a year ago I decided to kill myself but backed out at the last minute, now even though I still have bad days I'm so glad that I didn't end it and overall life is of a good quality
The Horrors Weren't Common Knowledge Yet 11 comments
· 9 years ago
My grandfather was conscripted to fight for Germany in WWII when he was 16 and had a complete breakdown when he found out what the people he'd been fighting for had done
stranger danger 11 comments
· 9 years ago
My when my little brother was 12 he met up with a guy who he'd met online without our knowledge who turned out to be a 22 year old pedophile. He had three other victims (that I know of) around the same age and we got a call from the police when an 11 year olds parents found out what was happening and the police tracked his other victims.
Here's my rant about the weight subject. 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Even when being supportive you have to be careful, one of my friends who was overweight, but not insanely so, had her mother tell her she should probably lose a couple of kilos for health reasons, she got down to 30kg (roughly 65lbs) and ended up dying a few months ago at 17 from heart complications due to malnutrition.
This also isn't uncommon, 1% of adolescent girls get anorixia and 25% of anorexics die either by suicide or long term complications (that's 1 in 1000 adolescent girls dying of anorexia).
My point is although being overweight is dangerous, so can going too far the other way, so you have to be really careful with what you say to people regarding their weight and straight out shaming people isn't okay regardless of whether they're too fat or too skinny.
This also isn't uncommon, 1% of adolescent girls get anorixia and 25% of anorexics die either by suicide or long term complications (that's 1 in 1000 adolescent girls dying of anorexia).
My point is although being overweight is dangerous, so can going too far the other way, so you have to be really careful with what you say to people regarding their weight and straight out shaming people isn't okay regardless of whether they're too fat or too skinny.
2. You can't be whatever you want, but you can try damn hard
3. Yes, gender studies are a waste of money
4. People who live in America (as a non-American) are far better off than many financially, doesn't mean they don't struggle
5&6. You can believe and do what you like, within reason (nothing illegal or that would physically/emotionally hurt another and no shoving beliefs down someone elses throat)
7. Not everyones home is a safe space eg. abuse and workplaces/colleges/schools should do their best to protect their employees/students but said employees/students should know it is inevitable they will get hurt at some point