Research shows most women are unhappy if asked to split the bill 49 comments
· 8 years ago
Research lies. SMH
Just let that sink in. 35 comments
· 8 years ago
I see a lot of hate directed towards this decision, but I'd like to point out the absolute staleness in comics in recent years. Sure it's unpleasant and unexpected, but it makes you feel intense emotions. In my book that's good story telling. They have to change things up sometime.... I mean Cap has been around longer than some of us have been alive. So chill.
Is no one gonna talk about the Black Panther scratching the shit out of captain's shield? 26 comments
· 8 years ago
The shield is painted with titanium oxide paint. This is extremely durable, but obviously will become damaged showing the vibranium underneath.
Donald Trump supporters stating why they support Trump 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Sorry USA. Since this all started, I want nothing to do with you. I now order my online stuff from other countries. Used to want to visit for vacation- have since changed my plans. I know it not everybody, but it's a scarily large percent supporting this guy. Like it's legitimately scary that it's even possible he could become president. WW3 will start with this guy, at the very least civil war within the U.S.
Why is she a role model? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, what's with that. Even today. There's so many good influences and they don't get the recognition.
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
· 8 years ago
Personally I'd wear them. Fall and "hurt" myself". Then sue. Can't walk in heels worth a damn, but they should have asked me that first.
Melissa must be stopped 5 comments
Bobble head bog 3 comments
Definitely the best catwoman so far 11 comments
Poor dog he must be high as a kite 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Interesting fact; dogs can't metabolize the thc in pot. It's toxic to them. That combined with chocolate....probably a very unhappy puppy :(
How can one be so stupid? 38 comments
Walmart selling cleaner next to juice drinks 11 comments
Title me like one of your french kitty's. 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm currently watching that show Save my Pet, and the cat looks identical to this one (the "Lulu" story). Sooo weird!
Doesn't look like the same dog 1 comments
pressure 11 comments
· 8 years ago
I was so worried about taking the wrong courses in college, that I waited years after highschool- the whole time stressing about making a choice. Finally I apprenticed to learn a skill (two years), and now run my own business. So glad I took that route in the end.
This is the Japanese make up style 10 comments
· 8 years ago
The contacts don't change the shape of the eyelid, just make the iris look bigger. The opening effect is achieved with glue or tape.
Please say you've seen this guy xD 10 comments
Even Microsoft uses iMac 4 comments
Don't know who that 3rd guy is 15 comments
I am not a good person 19 comments
· 9 years ago
More people die from prescription drugs than illegal ones. Unless you meant to say vaccines, and not "medicine".
Happiest cat 10 comments
· 9 years ago
SOME, not all, but some animals have such bad health issues related to diet they need to be fed a vegan diet. It usually involves adding a lot of supplements too. Though I agree this isn't something to put an obligate carnivore (cats) on, without a vet telling you to do so.
I hope this happens to all of them 16 comments
· 9 years ago
A week later tourists in China killed peacocks by ripping out their feathers for souvenirs.
This is Guanabara. Athletes will compete here for some Olympic medals in a few months 18 comments
· 9 years ago
The positive side of this is the amount of money and effort that will be put into cleaning this up. Though I doubt it will last :(