Woops 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Literally my future child- i will see you in 5 years son.
Who decided these were a good idea 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Idk what you're talking about- those books carried me through elementary school when my dreams of being in an actual musical failed.
There are friendlies in Australia 19 comments
Obama! Ladies and Gentlemen 7 comments
His plate always tastes better anyway 6 comments
Tax those churches! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Not a real Pastor in the real honest sense of the word.. Hes more of a life motivator
Emails 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Um the FBi actually found 30,000 gvmt related emails, they're going through them to find out if there was confidential information. They've interviewed her personal secretary too, to see what she knows about the whole situation. And apparently there was an amount of deleted emails that they are trying to recover that they know have confidential gvmt info on them but they are having trouble retrieving those.
"We want $15 an hour" 24 comments
Must go here someday 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Watkins Glen in upstate Ny looks really similar to this, perfect time to visit is the fall because of the leaves changing
Well, paper beats rock 12 comments
This should be a sign in every theater 15 comments
Don't forget: 7:11 was an inside job 8 comments
He shouldn't have to gooo *ugly sobbing* 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Its acually to protect the people of the US from a tyrannical dictator from taking over and being in office too long- ex the founders didnt want another king of england scenerio where they ruled for life
Head banging to the wall moments 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Sometimes i want to say to the customer "im sorry i didnt realize you worked here too."
I'm getting frustrated thinking about this 17 comments
I feel sorry for the little guy 10 comments
How it all started 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Washington said we shouldnt have political parties & jefferson was basically the founder of an early political party just because he was very popular at the time.
A little bit of perfect 12 comments
Braids 2 comments
· 8 years ago
She looks like monica geller off of the one friends episode where they go to the bahamas.
This is kinda cool 10 comments
· 8 years ago
You realize he has secret service security right now & they dont let them do that.. Hes probably candidating on a plane
Just some food for thought 27 comments
· 9 years ago
It's funny how everyone wants to "stop Trump" & they wonder how "America ever got that bad to accept him", meanwhile the Democratic Party has 2 socialists running. One that is literally so far left he honeymooned in the Soviet Union. Just a thought.
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
· 9 years ago
Money isn't everything, that goes for all candidates on both sides. What happened to values and morals?
That got deep 33 comments
· 9 years ago
It's because the American school systems are socialist. They aren't there to help you, they're there to conform you and for you to be a tool of the state, ie your standardized test scores