What's I'm alive for 7 comments
· 9 years ago
She threw a party for herself with a bunch of dogs. The dogs don't give a shit. You know, because they're dogs.
Ray Tomlinson (1941-2016), he is totally under-appreciated 11 comments
· 9 years ago
He didn't invent email or the @ symbol. He used @ to allow email to be sent to different network domains.
Why men and women think differently 12 comments
· 9 years ago
There was another study done a year or so ago that found men would rather inflict pain via electric shock on themselves than sit in a room and "do nothing." After spending far more time than I've cared to sitting in doctor and lab waiting rooms, I can confirm this. Men will last between 30 and 60 seconds before fidgeting, making noise, or complaining. Women are usually okay for around 5 minutes before becoming noticeably impatient. Men aren't a simple as they or anyone else seems to think.
title 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I have yet to meet a "dog person" that doesn't have serious issues. I think the dog is supposed to make up for or offset their problems.
I said GOOD vampire films 26 comments
Real Conor quote 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Hard work? You collected unemployment because you didn't feel the need to hold down a job and train at the same time, much like many other fighters do. You even made it into a big sob story about how little you had and how hard it was to survive.
(untitled) 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Slightly less ridiculous that the "gender is a social construct" people, but still not based in fact or reality.
Calmthelovelyt*ts, it is you I thought of. 8 comments
Still get friendzoned 16 comments
· 9 years ago
What difference does the gender of the person holding the camera make? They're not going to live long enough for that to matter.
Im not the only one 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I can't remember a chapter or book that ended like that. Seriously, what books are you reading that skipping a few lines "ruins" anything? Hell, before I read the book I just finished I flipped through it and read a few pages at random to see if it was something I felt like reading right now. Even that didn't ruin anything. This sounds like melodramatic nonsense invented by people that don't really read that much.
And Satan is the bad guy 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Let what sink in? This isn't a profound as you think it is. Read it again. Slowly.
Be patient like Leo 10 comments
· 9 years ago
If the light changes and your head is down playing with your phone, you're getting beeped. I'm not waiting for you to start paying attention.
Gettin real sick of your shit deGrasse 9 comments
· 9 years ago
You think he would learn, but, no, he just keeps posting stupid things thinking he's clever.
"I'm getting a HUGE tax refund!" 12 comments
English is fun, especially in the US 8 comments
· 9 years ago
It depends are what you're discussing.
Spelt is a type of wheat.
Spelled is the past tense of spell.
Spelt is a type of wheat.
Spelled is the past tense of spell.
That really got out of hand fast. 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, because parents are stupid and wouldn't notice the unusual light on your face while pretending to read.
United States of America 27 comments
This kid did succeed 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Dad could have paid for his own damn transplant if he hadn't pissed all his money away on stupid tattoos.
Give this man a medal 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Comparing Westboro Baptist Church to ISIS and the Taliban is so fucking inane anyone making the comparison should be admitted to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation. It is, in all seriousness, an asinine comparison that shows a total and complete lack of understanding of what is going on in the world. Comparisons to the KKK, even the first iteration of the group, while slightly less ridiculous, are still laughable. The overall point isn't lost on me, I'm just tired of seeing these two ridiculous comparisons thrown around like they carry some weight.