One scary predator 54 comments
· 9 years ago
I know I'm not one of you; I'm not retarded
Papa franku with the real talk 11 comments
· 9 years ago
also she dresses like a whore and that pisses me off. what kind of role model uses her sexuality to gain success. it's a bad message.
One scary predator 54 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a south African snake you dumbfucks. Always believing lies, you stupid dumbasses.
Aw I remember club penguin <3 11 comments
Wait here 18 comments
· 9 years ago
That second pic. I've seen that sitting position in so many animes. And I've always wondered: how the FUCK do anime artists think people sit like that?! That's the most unnatural shit ever. Dammit I fucking hate weaboos.
Aw I remember club penguin <3 11 comments
· 9 years ago
If you're old enough to want to play this game, you're not old enough for this site. Good bye.
Seriously 35 comments
Seriously 35 comments
· 9 years ago
Yea you do realize that for every celebrity there are HUNDREDS of workers: managers, or, audio technicians, photoshoppers, magazine designers, etc etc. Every celebrity is actually just a high paied mascot of a 'company' they represent. Stop commenting until you stop living in a fantasy world where your idols have the success they have based on their own work alone.
When you are out eating and the table next to you is being hella loud 4 comments
· 9 years ago
That's because there isn't a drop of creativity in any of the posters on the site.
Reading changes you 2 comments
I honestly hope someone is stupid enough to believe this 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually the reason your brain deteriorates over time is due to oxygen. Breathing is actually slowly killing you.
Straight outta tumblr 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually this one is legit. If you never pamper your kids, they'll strive to work harder and be better. Otherwise they get complacent.
Augmentation 14 comments
· 9 years ago
You're right. Usually animes just have older brothers get into sexual scenarios with their underage sisters. Because anime.
Augmentation 14 comments
· 9 years ago
in anime, they come up will bulldshit like: oh she's actually a spirit who's 2000 yeras old, but chooses to take the form of a 5 year old. thats why it's ok to have panty and titty shots of that 5 year old looking character. anime is fucking pedophilic
There's a simple solution to the problem, folks 17 comments
· 9 years ago
according to our newly tumblrized, pc, shit, garbage ass apocalypse of a world, the man is a rapist every time.
There's a simple solution to the problem, folks 17 comments
There's a simple solution to the problem, folks 17 comments
· 9 years ago
man is sober, fucks drunk girl, man is rapist. man is drunk, fucks sober girl, man is rapist. man is drunk, fucks drunk girl, man is rapist. man exists, man is rapist. fuck this bullshit system.
Internet 27 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know if you tards realize this, but you can easily buy kinder eggs in the US. There isn't gonna be a fucking swat team busting in your house if you do.
Internet 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Didn't she take an entire movie role about being a slut? Maybe she isn't that classy.
Medusa 20 comments
· 9 years ago
it's not a fucking interpretation, they're fucking up the actual story. stop supporting these mindless fucks
everybody is going insane for civil war so am i but aint we going to talk about this? 30s 8 comments
Damage comparison from different sized bullets 39 comments
Savagery 30 comments
Medusa 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Woah, sorry for not supporting blatant falsity! I guess believing a lie tumblr made to push forth a feminist agenda is way better than seeking the truth! (The better guest)
I live in Sweden and it is true 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Sure, you have the RIGHT to dress like that, but it is unprofessional and makes you look less respectable. It's just a bad choice made by idiots who believe it when tumblr tells them that dressing like a trashy slut 'empowers' them.
Medusa 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Deadpool007's comment. Stop fucking believing every damn thing tumblr says, it's a huge load of shit.
Medusa 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously fuck tumblr dude. And fuck these funsubstance asshats for lapping up their diarrhea every single fucking time.
Just Anime things 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Anime is just a challenge to put as many tits as possible into a show in order to trick their viewer base, horny teens into watching it. This is because the creators lack the ability to make a show that has compelling story; it's much easier to make every female character become a mindless sex object, and it sells better because anime fans are outcasts who can't control themselves.
Don't hate me 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously, maybe I don't like how *insert race* looks. Doesn't mean I view them as less than human.
Thank you for preparing me for adulthood 8 comments
· 9 years ago
You couldn't have chosen that career path if schools decided to only teach practical skills. You say that learning about a mitochondria is useless, and for many jobs it is. For many other jobs, math is useless. And for others, writing is useless. If you're going to think narrowly and say that we shouldn't teach useless bullshit in school, you'll soon find that everyone will have no preliminary knowledge that will help them understand the underlying concepts of their preferred career path. Thus, the knowledge that you deem useless is actually important. Just because it doesn't specificall help you doesn't mean it doesn't help others.
I don't even play and I know that's a fail. 20 comments
Thank you for preparing me for adulthood 8 comments
· 9 years ago
You have to know a little bit of everything in order to choose to refine a specific area of knowledge when you enter college. That's why we learn 'useless' things. You're probably unable to understand that because you chose to become unemployed or something.
Just for the sake of your dignity 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure most Dr.who fans are a bunch of Tumblrinas, which instantly makes them dumber than rocks.
Look at these beautiful leaves 10 comments
You would leave alone, just with food... Knowing you'd be safe 26 comments
· 9 years ago
You can be rich in another planet with intelligent life, because the universe is basically infinite, meaning that there is at least one planet better than earth out there, with intelligent life. Now let me ask you this, who is the stupid one now?
I feel ya, Ted. 7 comments
You would leave alone, just with food... Knowing you'd be safe 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Regardless of how many millions, it's less than a billion so it isn't worth shit. Also,if you could go to other planets, you could bring back super expensive resources and get super rich. Why are you cunts so stupid.
You would leave alone, just with food... Knowing you'd be safe 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Just visit a planet with extremely valuable resources. You'd have a monopoly and you'd easily become the wealthiest person ever.