
It's true 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
which would mean for this to be true, it would have to be written by a drunk person or a child. . . .
So if Hillary Clinton wins in 2016 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
pretty sure obama fucked all the previous presidents when he was elected.
Love this movie, but that part actually bothered me 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
important life lesson all girls need to learn. now shower me with your down thumbs. oh yeah thats the stuff. . . . .
Tall girls 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
orrrrrrrrrrrr. . . . maybe he is trying his hardest not to float away
Tall girls 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I agree with you. Heels were designed for one purpose, to increase the height of its wearer in order to be physically taller, especially compared to other females and also in comparison to men. If a girl is already tall (specifically as tall as the average male height), there is no logical explanation for wearing heels except habit or social conditioning (stupid reasons). Also the taller you get, the more damage is done to your feet when you wear heels since you obviously weigh more. I find heels on tall girls to look kind of trashy to be honest.
The opposite of depression 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If depression is possible, of course the opposite is possible. It is all caused by the levels of chemicals in the brain. Interestingly, depression may have been evolutionaryily beneficial by causing sufferers to take less risks, stay indoors (caves) away from wild animals and generally be more realistic (known as depressive realism). The opposite condition, known as mania or hypomania, causes massively increased risk taking; this includes sexually, physically, socially etc and was therefore more likely to cause those genes to be extracted from the gene pool (by that person dying due to their exposure to risk, or being excluded from mating groups).
Tea in the summer 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
What the fuck is iced tea? ??????????????? ? ?
Probably one of the finest burns in internet history 139 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Hanbananb is right. Homophobia is distinct from simply disapproving of gay people. Simply disapproving of homosexuality is usually a learned construct based on a particular set of beliefs; in this case Christianity. The message they are trying to put across is that they want them to get help and be well, that doesn't seem very hateful to me, even if it is based on flawed beliefs. Homophobia is a deep-seated fear and disgust and hatred for gay people; the fear that your child might turn out gay, the disgust that they use the same drinking fountain as you, the hatred that they even exist. You cannot teach homophobia, but you can teach someone to disapprove of homosexuality. Your comment "whocares" is lacking any kind of coherent structure and makes very little sense, as well as being completely unnecessary. You are trying to mix emotion with logic and it doesn't turn out well for you.
He has a point 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I think people are forgetting that china is a collectivist culture as opposed to our individualist culture, therefore what your family thinks has a very real and meaningful impact on your thoughts and behaviours. In china, people do things for the good of the group; in the West, people do things for themselves. In this example, they knew that the relationship was not acceptable to the larger group and would never be allowed, they would never be gradually accepted over time like they may have done in a western country. The family would have disowned the two had they proceeded, sometimes even murdered to save the family reputation. Seems strange to us living in the UK or america but their culture is completely different. Suicide and death is also looked at differently in China.
Great Point 45 comments
guest · 11 years ago
As a guy, I don't think this explains male homophobia. I think it stems from the fear that you too might actually be gay. I would say that almost every guy feels like this, even briefly, at some point in their lives. I know I did when I was a teenager. When the fear passed, so did the homophobia.
Why I like cats 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING,. . . oooh a kitty. . . .