
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Omg, After I read that crazy shit about s/he and I was surprised. Some people think world revolve around them: their country, their language, their culture etc. The fact is that majority of other countries had this patriarchal culture, not only English speaking countries. And when you compare other languages it does not result in the same way. And following the that logic it should. I am a feminist woman, I am all for equal rights, but some dumb bitches takes things way too far...
peanut butter 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Correction: I may stare a bit since it is *unusual*
peanut butter 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It is unusual and I would never date a man that wears make up - it is not attractive FOR ME, it is unusual FOR ME and it is definitely not the norm of society. But I never judge, I may stare a bit sine it is usual, I may smile but I will not express my opinion (aka tell him he is unattractive or something) to him. That is my opinion and some of the things I should keep to me. See how I emphasized FOR ME. That means that if the guy is wearing make up it is not my business. He is not harming anyone. Blue, green, purple hair is not the norm in the society, people still wear it and don't care. It is a feminine thing indeed in our society, but sometimes its fun to break the rules.
I just got a star *_* wuhooo 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Fun prank. How about instead thinking of that sheet of paper, think of knowledge you will get after studying for those 4 years? Maybe that knowledge will help you find better job than McDonald;s cashier? Maybe it will lead to a higher pay, bigger house, tastier food, more expensive shit? Maybe it will lead to better life quality? You study not for diploma, you study for knowledge.
As an European I always wonder 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I know, I am European and when I came here I was genuinely shocked! I mean people in other parts of the world also eat food??? I thought, only us, noble Europeans were that smart to think of use these roots, herbs and other part of the greenery as legit food....
As an European I always wonder 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
As an European living in USA I can tell you that - no. They have no fruits or vegetables nor meat or bread separate. Basically grocery store has two aisles: burgers and freedom. Oh and bacon! I forgot bacon - they give it away for free at the cash register instead of receipts. :)
A+ cosplay 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Please tell me how did u do that? I am trying to have me and my BF go as Archer and Katya for this Halloween but I can't find legit make up tutorial. Tried to come up with one myself and looked like a kid who's got in his mother cosmetics ha ha
This woman should be sterilized 69 comments
guest · 9 years ago
1. I am a woman 2. That is not feminism. That's ignorant bullshit stupid woman says to make them look like they opinion worth something. 3. She should not be allowed to keep her child. SERIOUSLY, isn't this is enough to take the kid away from her? She publicly stated she is "unfortunate enough" to have a son, she stated to treat one kid different that other regarding their sex and intentionally to try to ruin his future sex life (even tho that is not what circumcision does). Shouldn't Children Rights or something look into this???
My kind of job 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
18,000 for lying in the bed for 70 days? $18,000/70 days=%257.14 per day. $257.14/ 24 hours= $10.71 per hour. That is very low income and consider working 24 hours a day for 70 days straight is even worse. Plus you are lying in the bed all day, you get bored. You cant move and use your energy, you get fat. You cant have sex. Clearly there are people constantly running tests on you. You dont get to do so many things. You are literally crossing more than 2 months out of your life for $10/ hour. Why it is dream job, again?
This man deserves to be remembered 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I like that "in Lithuania". I am Lithuanian and never heard of him. And now I wonder how much of it is true and how much of it is my fellow Lithuanians trying to make my country known. Not this way guys, not through where...
Black sand beaches are beautiful too 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago