
I remember the first time I got an lcd monitor 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Gotta love wrestling 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There wouldn't be nearly enough female wrestlers to compete with only other female wrestlers, even co-ed a lot of small towns have to travel all over their state to compete with similar small sized schools. I know my school back in high school regularly did 6 hr drives for football games. If they excluded girls, their would be lawsuits about sexism and only allowing boys to do it, etc.
Good guy ex-marine 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't see anywhere where it said the guy got into trouble with the law
Perfect 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A lot of stores even check 20s. Any 50s or 100s and its definitely checked
Rape culture is bullshit 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
While the technical definition of the word feminism does mean advocating for EQUAL rights, the connotation of the word doesn't anymore. It's changed, it's much more along the lines of misandry now. As ricepudding put it, "it became a dirty word". The connotation of words has a huge impact on their use. For example, if I were to call you strong-willed, you might even take that as a compliment. However, if I were to use synonyms of strong-willed such as stubborn or pig-headed, you'd be offended. They all mean the same thing, yet they are interpreted differently. You can't get mad at people for using a word as its connotation rather than its denotation, because connotation is how others feel and perceive the word, which is more important than the strict definition of the word itself.
Rape culture is bullshit 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not sure where you are getting the 3196 number from. That would be 3196 out of 12784 (12800 maybe?) to get 1/4. 12800 is nowhere on the article, closest is 14800. Foxfox was correct, for the 1/4 number to be true with the 3 unis provided, for every 1 person that reported a case of rape, 470 (actually 468.25 (469.25 minus the 1 that reported)) would need to be raped and not report it
My neighbors don't like me very much 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Right, because a dog that follows its instincts is a complete monster. How exactly do you propose they train a dog for this specific situation? Why not ask the better question of "How the hell did the dog get anywhere near the neighbor's guinea pigs to begin with?" Last I checked those are usually kept in cages, not free range in the backyard, which means it would be particularly hard for a dog to break out of their own yard, into the neighbor's house, and then into a cage.
Line of Coke 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is Henessey a boy or girl name?
Britain vs USA on tumblr 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Nothing is ever free. Somebody somewhere is paying for it
First world problems compilation 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Like lol said, its a 1 lane than breaks off into 2 lanes, 1 for turning left and the other for going straight. the left lane is completely clear and if he could only get there, he could turn left, but since the right lane is so long, he cant get by
In honor of the start of the school year where I live 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Yes because all those "lateral problem solving" people later in life are doing such a bang up job and not fucking over millions. Why do you think things like the bank crisis a few years ago happen? because people try to cheat the system
Only in merica 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Because what they are doing is legal. Attacking them is not. That is why they get police protection. I don't agree with their ideals whatsoever in fact I find most of them completely abhorrent, but I DO agree with upholding their constitutional rights as American citizens. The OP is right, only in "Merica" would a small minority be able to voice their opinions, no matter what they are, without being systematically repressed by the majority
The coolest dad award goes to… 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I loved his comment to somebody about how dangerous that was for his kid. Was something along the lines of "You are more likely to fall walking than I am to fall skateboarding with my kid"
The fox crap has now peaked. Can we please let it die now? 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
While I agree that a lot of pop (and other genres, but this seems to be the main one) songs have terrible lyrics, this is in no way a new thing. Seriously, go look up top 100 songs from the 60s 70s 80s and check out some of the lyrics. Yes, there are some really amazing lyrics on some songs (just as there are today), but there are also some songs that repeat the same sentence 8 or 9 times, or talk about hooking up with a guy/girl, or whatever, just like the songs of today. And then think about how those songs you looked up, are HIT songs from an entire DECADE. The problem with comparing music of today to old music, is you compare the avg of today, to the highlight reel of yesterday. I remember hearing about how music was so terrible and lyrics were junk from back in the 90s, now you look back on them, and its a complete different perspective (some will argue its still junk, whatever). I'm sure it was the same thing in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and will continue on with the 00s, 10s, etc
Fire away! 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
"tyrants who manipulated a population into following them" In other words, the POPULATION of the country FOLLOWED them. Doesn't matter if you're manipulated into doing it, doesn't matter if you know whats going on is wrong. If you go along with it, you are part of the problem.
Does that mean I think all of Germany is evil or anything? Not at all, its in the past its said and done with, but they DID go along with everything that happened. Saying they didn't is just a lie
Meanwhile at the gun range 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Although it looks like the dad? or whoever shes sitting on isnt paying attention, the person taking the picture must be. I have to doubt they would actually allow a little girl to hurt herself. My guess is the gun is either not loaded and shes just playing with it, or its a converted .22 and thus won't kick hardly at all. Or the person taking the picture is an asshat and doesn't know/care
Good guy cadbury 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I want to see this everlasting chocolate bar
Your life is a lie 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The childrens shampoo IS about eyes. Its just a less concentrated soap so when some happens to get in there, it doesnt hurt AS BAD. Its still soap in your eyes, it still hurts, its just not as much.
This second 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I read the title first actually
He is worse than the stock market 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
For the Americans that don't know metric that well. 55kg is about 120lbs 90kg is about 200lbs. So he's gaining/losing 80lbs throughout his roles
"no, you cant live there. The bank own it, and we are going to leave it there" 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
So you are saying printing more money and giving more free handouts ISNT the answer? well sir thats just crazy talk (If you couldn't tell this reply was dripping with sarcasm)
Friendzone 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If its a friend, you could, you know, CARE about that friendship and what telling them something like that could do to it. Once you let that out, there's no just going back to how things were. Either they feel the same way and something happens with it, or they don't feel the same way and are now uncomfortable knowing how you feel about them and knowing they don't feel that way too. Leads to the 2 people drifting apart. Don't just call a person pathetic because you haven't thought about what the consequences of actually confessing your feelings might be
Mother of the year, everyone! 78 comments
guest · 11 years ago
When you were young too, that just tells them its ok. Don't tell them that most of their friends moms were a bunch of whores and don't even know who the dads are. ESPECIALLY PUBLICALLY. I can not stress enough how tacky this is to do it on a website. Imagine going in a restaurant and hearing all this, that is exactly what they are doing, but on a much larger scale. Its not just the 50 other people in the restaurant hearing you fight, its the hundreds/thousands/millions that see it (both from viewing the actual site looking for tickets, and all the others that see it posted elsewhere such as FS)
You want your daughter to act like a mature adult, try acting like a mature adult yourself.
Mother of the year, everyone! 78 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Revoking a present is perfectly fine. There needs to be consequences to people's actions, especially when they are younger since that is when they learn how to behave. Do something wrong, pay for it. If you never pay for it as a child, you never learn that actions have consequences later on in life, when the consequences are usually much larger than just not being able to go to a little concert. She absolutely deserved to have the tickets taken away, especially after whatever prank calls they did (threatening? Not sure what kind of prank calls they could do to get the mom to stop selling the tickets)
Now, as to how the mom reacted AFTER the "we are taking away the tickets and selling them" THIS is bad parenting. If your child does something wrong, TALK TO THEM about what they did wrong, why its wrong, what their punishment is, etc. Don't passive aggressively bitch at them in a public forum so the world can see it. Don't tell them you and all your friends were a bunch of "trollops"
Mother of the year, everyone! 78 comments
guest · 11 years ago
fancy talk to "your a whore"
Math is useful 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Don't think metric or imperial really makes a difference does it? could just as easily been 7 and 6 cm rather than inches, outcome would be the same. Math appears to be right though w/o doing it myself
They used to smile too 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But that's not what the post says. It says a THREE SECOND exposure made it hard to hold a smile.
Feels, man. 97 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Agree with everything M has said. Don't hate him for speaking the truth
Iceland, you’re doing it right 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Oh good, its explained at the bottom. First thought was why the hell would you buy all the tickets, thats still supporting him
The future has arrived 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I don't see how this is any better than a regular zipper
You guys kneed to be more careful 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Except that's not how you would read that sentence
Good guy Potter 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
He would be so lucky that he'd either find some loophole to get up there anyway, or the stairs "slide charm" or whatever, would just happen to be broken when he tried to go up. Everything goes right for him, so if he wanted up, he'd get up
I don't even feel bad for doing it 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I actually go to his house just to steal it if im nearby. Too much work finding a decent car just driving around
As someone who watches everything with subtitles 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The worst is subtitles of a different language. Because the top subtitles always say something stupid like "speaking chinese" Damnit I know she's speaking chinese, but what the hell does it mean!
Spider Chip Cookies 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Wow i thought there were actually spiders squished into the cookies! That is very creepy looking
Did this ever bother anyone else? 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But if they hadn't put themselves in that danger, it might have been too late by the time a teacher found it
They used to smile too 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
so....people back in the day couldnt smile for 3 seconds at a time?
Lets take a moment to appreciate 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also the actual weight of the contents of the bag (aka the weight of the CHIPS since air doesnt really way anything) of lays or ruffles or whatever, is much higher. I'm thinking like 9oz vs 6oz. So you are getting 1.5x as much out of the lays/ruffles "air bags" as you do the full tin of pringles, all for .30-1.50 (whichever of your prices is right) less.
Lays could put less air in their bags and make the bags smaller, it wouldnt change how many chips you are getting, it would probably even be cheaper for them, less materials. However the complaints would be HUGE because there would be WAY WAY more crushed chips. I dunno about you, but I'd much rather have a slightly larger bag and not a ton of crushed chips
That would be romantic it if made sense 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The answer to "do I love you" is so ridiculously obvious, its like asking what color the sky is
Neville's role 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Except Neville wasn't really leading at all, he was just there fighting along side them. And to say Neville was somehow fighting for the Hogwarts population while Harry was just with Ron/Hermione is just retarded.
I liked Neville as a character, but this post is just pulling shit out of somebodies ass
Black people 34 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Andrea, Felix, Gabrielle, Humberto, Lorenzo, Omar, Marco, Gustav, Wanda, Igor, Jose, Katia, Maria, Philippe, Rina, Rafael, Oscar, Florence, Ernesto, Alberto..............Ya you're right, they DO use too many white christian names O.o
No, honey 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
its a phone line not ethernet
No, honey 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Right, because its stupid not to know what an item you've never seen or used before is? I'm sure you could name and describe exactly how every single item used by your grandmother works?
Hermione...Yes please 28 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Usually I complain about regularly occurring reposts, but this one never gets old :)
Smooth 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Thats actually pretty dangerous for the dog and the owner shouldn't be even letting their dog attempt it. If they slip or miss and their leg falls in, its really easy to break it. That is exactly why it works as a fence for larger animals because they won't even attempt it. Its fine for humans because we have longer feet so we can step on 2 bars at once.
The dog may look funny but thats actually probably the smartest way for him to get across, 4 legs means 4 chances of slipping. Only using 2 legs means he can focus on planting those 2 legs correctly.
This messed up generation 106 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Well I was gonna make a big rant similar to whocares, I had a few disagreements with what she said, but overall was the exact same sentiment I had. So thanks for that whocares :P
This messed up generation 106 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Yes because video games with guns in them are only very recent and havent been around for decades or anything. I mean, they didn't make accessories shaped like GUNS to shoot things since like the 60's or anything. No I believe the first gun game came out in 2006. Thats when all the real problems started happening
This messed up generation 106 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Its not more common, its just more public. 50 years ago a guy could be a big pothead or drinker or whatever and the only people that knew were the people that physically saw him do it, and the few people he could brag about it to. Nowadays you can post it on twitter or facebook and all the sudden hundreds or thousands of people can see it. And for the parents, it was much easier to hide the "problem" kids. Girl gets pregnant "oh shes sick" for 9 months as the mom gets "pregnant".
This messed up generation 106 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Weird, a post in ENGLISH on an AMERICAN website was referring to AMERICANS?!?!?!?!?! what the hell were they thinking?!
As a teacher, this is my biggest confession 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
If a kid and their parents don't care about detentions, do you really think a suspension is gonna be any different? I would think a problem kid would view a detention as bad since it takes away from something good (ie I have to stay after school so I cant go home and play, or I can't go out to recess) while a suspension would be seen as something good (ie Woot! I got a 5 day weekend!)