Putin Everything in Perspective 16 comments
· 10 years ago
That's because guest is lying.
Unpopular opinion puffin 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Lips and kissing were never ment to be sexual objects, so stop treating them like that's all they are.
Self Aware 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Sigh... oh Simpsons, I remember when you used to be good, or at least coherent. It's been established many times in past episodes that their hair is the same tone as their skin. They've also been shown with shaved heads at different points, so that is hair, not boney points.
Would you do this? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Gunmen don't aim, they just shoot. They also rarely use single action guns, but semi-automatics or automatics. ARs can shoot 800 bullets per minute, you don't need to aim to hit someone. Holding a desk at him is like saying, "Hey shoot at this thing now moving at you! You know, the thing I'm standing behind!" You're just making a easier target then 30 kids coming at once. ASAP is the answer, not not-so-clever thinking.
Fixed that duck for you 15 comments
Laziest Thing You've Ever Done? 29 comments
· 10 years ago
I sometimes read in bed and then want to go to sleep but don't want to get up to take of the lights so I bought a sleeping mask.
Would you do this? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
You won't have time to do this. The shooter needs to be rushed ASAP and creating makeshift shields will only give more time to be sprayed with bullets. The weight of the desk will also slow you down and make an easier target for the shooter to aim at. Also bullets can go thru cars, a desk won't stop you from being shot to death.
Someone make sure this makes it into a tumblr version 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I read shoving the sidewalk as making her do push-ups and was like where the hell did the shovel come from?
Someone make sure this makes it into a tumblr version 8 comments
· 10 years ago
The whole world has access to her nude photos. By pounding this into her head, hopefully she'll learn her lesson.
Transparent aluminium 8 comments
· 10 years ago
The first guest is right, almost anything that melts can be turned into glass. The reason we use silica (sand) is because it's so cheap and, adding a few things to it, very strong.
If you chase after them, they'll run most every time 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I tried that once, my dog got about 10 feet away and started running circles around me like she won.
An alien's guide to humans 16 comments
You guys are suckers when it comes to selfies, this guy just raised the bar 4 comments
· 10 years ago
See the wires sticking out the top? Thats what powers the security camera and tells it what to film. As you can see, it's not connected to anything, therefore it is just a prop. For doubters, look really closely, you can see the s-video connectors attached to the wire ends, not plugged into anything. Hint: one is white.
Hip replacement in spain 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Why all the down votes for viekkie? Why is ricepudding calling viekkie racist and ignorant? Hip replacement does not replace your hip with someone elses, but with a prosthetic. And you would get a higher quality one in the US. So how is this racist and ignorant? Do people not know how surgery works?
Time to get technical 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure underware is worn to hold your genitals, not butt. After all, thongs are considered underwear.
Christian mother logic 4 comments
Well this is really creepy 31 comments
Chris rock quote 4 comments
Every time I decide to paint with a roller 2 comments
· 11 years ago
You're probably using the wrong roller. Go to a store that specializes in paint and ask which one would be best. They know what they're talking about and will help you do a professional looking job quickly.
Snoopy the exotic shorthair cat 11 comments
That's nice 15 comments
· 11 years ago
It is said that when Napoleon and Rasputin died, at different points in history, their penises where cut off and preserved. Both Penises turned dark black and Napoleon's shriveled down to the size of a pinkey while Rasputin's was likened to a rotten banana at nine inches long. Just something to think about.
Guess where this was shot form 16 comments
· 11 years ago
It's not extra gravity, but is air currents. Air moves around the sides of the mine creating turbulence, kind of like the swirling of waters in a stream, lowering air pressure. If a helicopter flies over it, the edges will have air moving around them causing unsafe winds making the flight dangerous. If the barely stable copter moves over the middle, the sudden loss of air pressure caused by the swirling will result in the helicopter to be seemingly sucked in. It really falls from not being able to create enough force to lift itself, but the huge mine is directly responsible.
Looking good without makeup 11 comments
Ewww 17 comments
· 11 years ago
I remember this, they found the herpes virus INSIDE the library books. It was smeared on the pages.
He's like a cross between a parrot and a dog 23 comments
Makes no cents 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Because of the zinc industry. Pennies are the number one users of zinc and if the US stopped production, jobs and blah, blah, blah would be lost. Same thing with the nickel and the nickel industry. The government loves pumping money into hemorrhaging businesses. Look at or banks and airlines for more examples.
Rare photos compilation 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Unless you can go back in time and take another photo, this photo will still be rare.
The nicest evil thing 17 comments
We're clear 5 comments
· 11 years ago
That "woman on the bottom" is the immortal Meryl Streep, you uncultured swine!
my weapon of choice during school yard fights 13 comments
· 11 years ago
These things always self-destructed on me, i.e. I'd trip on the damn thing and fall on my face.
When it's that time of the month 17 comments
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
· 11 years ago
Attackers don't always let themselves be seen before an attack, they also don't just stand there, attackers will grab and hit you into submission. Good self-defense classes will stress that you fight back just enough to get away, then run like hell.
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
· 11 years ago
If you're about to be raped, poop and pee yourself. Usually the attacker is so disgusted, they will stop what they're doing. Also, for some reason, telling your attacker you're pregnant might get them to let you go. It won't always work, but it has saved some women from getting raped.
Good guy scumbag 14 comments
· 11 years ago
This doesn't discribe a good guy scumbag, but someone with a psychopathic personality of a sociopath.
The situation in Crimea right now 11 comments
The future: 3D pregnancy technology 28 comments
The new seven deadly sins 13 comments
Stuff to think about 15 comments
Stuff to think about 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Oprah does that becuase if she paid the taxes, they would be much, much higher because she is so rich. The gifts would also be considered part of her income, so their would be more taxes for her on top of that. Even with taxes, you're paying pennies on the dollar on the items actual worth. Stop complaining.
An update on Hilary Duff 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Perhaps you are forgetting in Plane Crazy when Mickey tries to date-rape Minnie? He was never convicted, but it was caught on film.