When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
· 9 years ago
Interesting that his sentence will be longer than that of the Muslims who raped those women in Cologne on New Year's Day...they will be forgiven because they, as immigrants, don't know any better.
Attention dog owners 1 comments
· 9 years ago
5 Democrats plus a guy I don't recognize. But the narrative says it's Democrats who respect women, so that can't be wrong.
Get to the point quickly so you can go away sooner! 1 comments
· 9 years ago
Next up: why don't my coworkers ever invite me to after work activities, and why don't I have any friends?
truth 19 comments
· 9 years ago
That's right that "society" defines how women should look a certain way. But don't forget that women are 50% of "society." Also, I've noticed that women are a lot harder on other women who don't conform to their preferred standard of dress, makeup and behavior than men are.
People need to understand this shit 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Babylon was long gone before Mohammed invented Islam. So, there's no math you can credit to "Islamic scholars." A lot of math may have been developed in Egypt, and Egypt may be Muslim *now,* but all that math was prior to that. So, no math came from any of the backwards Muslim thoughts.
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
· 9 years ago
It's inbteresting that Blacks seem to have the biggest problem with this. But Blacks can't be racist, so there's that...
Well I understand, because Scully was my first TV crush 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Scully got where she did by hard work, smarts, using logic but not assuming everything she thought was logical always was. She didn't bitch about not getting enough chances and never once brought up "the patriarchy."
"You are in grave danger.." "Lovely." 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Ohhhhh...the pressure on you must be enormous. I and the other engineers designing autonomous vehicles couldn't possibly understand.
Me not being an American, Obama seems cool 28 comments
· 9 years ago
Seems cool? Promised to close Guantanamo prison, it's still open. Promised to unite the two parties, crammed Obamacare through without any input from Republicans because there was a Democrat majority for two years (until voters figured out how bad that is), every time there's a shooting, he divides the US along racial lines, instead of leaving the Middle East or winning there, he's screwing around getting soldiers killed for no end goal, increased the budget by an amount greater than 100% of the income of the "top 1%" that he says a small tax increase will offset, used the IRS to harrass groups he doesn't like. But, I suppose he "seems cool."
Left and right wings 6 comments
· 9 years ago
The Tea Party is for a balanced budget, less federal government control of things rather than more, no special interests getting tax breaks or government subsidies, and US control of inside US borders (no UN or world government laws defing legal/illegal within the US). How is this "fringe" or so out there as to be "outaspace?"
Jack get's like a two. 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Like the movie or not, why is it cool or funny to ruin it for the people who do like it, or are "in the moment?"
How ironic 52 comments
· 9 years ago
FS reader: Yeah that's terrible
Goes off to buy team and athlete gear, plus items advertised by athletes.
Goes off to buy team and athlete gear, plus items advertised by athletes.
More parking lots should look like this 4 comments
· 9 years ago
And the electric cars don't pollute, well, except for strip mining for the rare metals needed for the batteries and those solar cells.
Special Place in Hell 14 comments
· 9 years ago
If the customers had left an average or good tip, she and her coworkers wouldn't think that Christians are jerks. Some things ARE better than money, so show some love by parting with a little of yours.
Just think about it 36 comments
Rescuing koalas 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I am a world renowned koala expert, so here's a fun fact:
Since today is Columbus Day 25 comments
· 9 years ago
It's funny to ee the comments of butthurt europeans who enjoy throwing insults at everyone else for stuff like american slavery or japanese colonization.
Could have won both 17 comments
He whipped it out :0 37 comments
· 9 years ago
So, whipping it out is inappropraite, but blasting air horns in his ear is a response in excess of what's fair or appropriate. His disdain for women is bad, but those women's furious hate is worse.
Poor god 45 comments
Today's special! 6 comments
Literally 9 comments
You need money to buy your family feud 5 comments
· 9 years ago
C'mon guys, it's just the Miss Universe pageant. It's not like he said "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I lived b*tch 4 comments
· 9 years ago
1. Maybe it's to his stepSON. You kids always be calling guys bitch when wanting to assert dominance or toughness.
2. What was the surgery...moustache transplant?
2. What was the surgery...moustache transplant?
Chemistry book 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm an engineer and the last couple of my designs used polybutadieneterapthelate instead of the (as shown) polyethadieneterapthalate. But, it was a conscious trade-off.
So people were better in the old days? 10 comments
· 9 years ago
The audience members probably took a few pics each, but didn't spend the whole time looking through their cameras' viewfinders, unlike today...
Sounds very convincing 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Did you see her Tweets on how everyone should always believe a woman when she says that she's been sexually assaulted? Makes you wonder why she threatened and denigrated those women that her husband assaulted and/or raped.
Weight loss journey 12 comments
Plot twist 4 comments
We need their Ministry of Magic here in the States 20 comments
· 9 years ago
You need certain qualifications to get into this free school. Just like all the places that have free college...most of the people who imagine that they'd get in and get free tuition actually wouldn't qualify.
Grooms blown away by their gorgeous brides 19 comments
· 9 years ago
1. I wish you wouldn't say that first part. If you looked at my wife you wouldn't see anything special, and she looks mom-like thanks to four kids, but *I* see the woman who made me lunch every day when we were trying to save money and I was trying to eat healthy, and I see all kinds of other stuff not apparent to a casual observer.
2. I already knew my wife was beautiful before our wedding day. I can't imagine how she might look SURPRISINGLY better such that I was shocked or amazed. The emotional part (I can't beleive how lucky I am that she's marrying ME) had months to sink in, so on our wedding day there wouldn't have been that kind of reaction. The point there, ladies, is to please not think that your new husband needs to make this kind of reaction to satisfy your desire for it. Those of you saying the lack of it would be dissapointing sounds to me like the girl who said she'd only accept a proposal if made at Disneyland and involved a bunch of Disney pricesses.
2. I already knew my wife was beautiful before our wedding day. I can't imagine how she might look SURPRISINGLY better such that I was shocked or amazed. The emotional part (I can't beleive how lucky I am that she's marrying ME) had months to sink in, so on our wedding day there wouldn't have been that kind of reaction. The point there, ladies, is to please not think that your new husband needs to make this kind of reaction to satisfy your desire for it. Those of you saying the lack of it would be dissapointing sounds to me like the girl who said she'd only accept a proposal if made at Disneyland and involved a bunch of Disney pricesses.
your fandoms, people!!! temme. 13 comments
Now Wait, I'm Not Finished 33 comments
· 9 years ago
The Bible does NOT "support rape" just because some of the stories mention it. History books don't "support slavery" because they describe how it happened.
The $5.50 flag on the moon 20 comments
I need to go clothes shopping 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Those are teenagers, so people going to work shouldn't emulate them. Who'd have guessed that teen fashion would include having your pants hang down to show your underwear, and hats with the tags left on? Bt you shouldn't dress like that to go to work. Maybe next will just be to wear your underpants on the outside of your pants, or maybe to wear a tuxedo to casual events.
A dumbed down breakdown of the national debt 8 comments
· 9 years ago
The last few times there was a big tax cut, the tax revenues actually went up. One reason was increased economic activity...that is, there was more money made by people and corporations, so the lower tax *rate* actually brought in more money.
When you raise the tax rates attempting to soak "the rich," people change their activities to try to avoid taxes in proportion to the cost/benefit of the changes. So, right now the US as a country beleives it is worthwhile to give a tax deduction or credit for things like charitable contributions, home mortgage interest, business expenses, investing in certain kinds of things (municipal bonds, so a city or hospital can issue a bond that costs them lower interest payments to the bond holders), an equity loss that can be deducted from equity gains to encourage investment in businesses, investing in an IRA or 401k, depreciating capital expenses in a company's equipment or factory or tools...remove those, and you'll have less of that activity.
When you raise the tax rates attempting to soak "the rich," people change their activities to try to avoid taxes in proportion to the cost/benefit of the changes. So, right now the US as a country beleives it is worthwhile to give a tax deduction or credit for things like charitable contributions, home mortgage interest, business expenses, investing in certain kinds of things (municipal bonds, so a city or hospital can issue a bond that costs them lower interest payments to the bond holders), an equity loss that can be deducted from equity gains to encourage investment in businesses, investing in an IRA or 401k, depreciating capital expenses in a company's equipment or factory or tools...remove those, and you'll have less of that activity.