Yeah Andrew. They are f*cking Tomatoes 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Am I the only one who sees the bearded guy at the top of the this vegetable ?
Stand up against racial stereotypes 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Its like their encouraging kids not to do well in school because of their racial stereotype
But idk
But idk
Volcano in Ethiopia burns bright blue 3 comments
· 9 years ago
That's dark energon
The lifeblood of unicron, the chaos bringer and Father of decepticons
The lifeblood of unicron, the chaos bringer and Father of decepticons
Even before the movie started 30 comments
I, myself, play the piano... You? 114 comments
Women are f*cking metal 19 comments
Don't blame the games, blame the parents 5 comments
· 9 years ago
What if parents blame the video games because it distracts their child from them...
But that's none of my business
But that's none of my business
45 minutes? How is this even possible? 18 comments
Awesome and evil idea! 2 comments
· 9 years ago
What a waste of time and money, unless it's a tv show will it be funny perhaos
Three great Sims cosplays 3 comments
· 9 years ago
It boggles the mind
It boggles the senses
It boggles the Boggle
What madness can boggle a Boggle to the point it can't boggle and begins to rethink its life choices thus rendering it unable to boggle and loosing its identity in the process.
WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!! Let the Boggle boggle!!
And saying all that, the word boggle has begun to lose its meaning. Good job reader on questioning the universe. Let's hope it gets boggled.
It boggles the senses
It boggles the Boggle
What madness can boggle a Boggle to the point it can't boggle and begins to rethink its life choices thus rendering it unable to boggle and loosing its identity in the process.
WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!! Let the Boggle boggle!!
And saying all that, the word boggle has begun to lose its meaning. Good job reader on questioning the universe. Let's hope it gets boggled.
Something about this bus seems odd 12 comments
It really does 34 comments
Why girls always go to the bathroom in big groups 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Do you guys ever notice that when they censor the person's name it sometimes looks like a penis? Just sayin
Standing Above The Clouds 1 comments
· 9 years ago
Look at this... This sea of mashed potato. This magnificent ocean of delicious carbs and minerals dashed with nutrients. This glorious creation of food made into such abundance. This grandeur of steaming hot food ready to be eaten... AND YOU ALL HAD TO FORGET THE GRAVY!! HERE I STAND ALONE UPON THIS PRECIPICE STANDING IN AWE AT THE MAJESTY OF THE QUANTITY SHINING WITH THE SUN AND YOU FORGET GRAVY!! JEFF! CARL!! DARNIT BOB!!
Is that Heisenberg? 1 comments
Anybody else besides me want to live here? 98 comments
Not very supportive dad 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Woe, I said to my foe... Should your high kick go past my kick mine foot shall be planted upon thy face with great force.