
Russian girl won the championship in combat sambo 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
At a glance, which one LOOKS tougher? Normally, at an equivalent body weight, the mature male will look more muscular than a mature female, but it looks like these guys found the girl a victim in a very lonely male anorexia recovery ward.
An Indian teenager just built the world’s lightest satellite and NASA is launching It 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
But can he make a clock out of nothing more than a pencil case and a clock?
Barack Obama's response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet 25 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Clock Boy did NOT "just want to make a clock." He and his parents made a device to,purposely appear to be a bomb so that they could cause alert people to report it and then tar them as racists. He "made a clock" by taking the case off a clock and putting the works,into a pencil case, so it clearly was NOT a science fair project or something like that. Now we have the fear that reporting anything will cause the person reporting to be tagged as a racist. It boggles the mind that someone would see this as innocent. And to invite him to the White House as if he's some kind of genius to make a clock out of a clock by removing the case? How stupid do you have to be?
Just don't come up with incest things 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Everyone thinks it's so cute for thin 98 year old, but imagine the ostracism of a 28 year old in high school. It's weird that at some point creepy turns to,cute.
aww 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also, the CEO of the company doesn't "hate gays," but was against being required to cover domestic partners on health insurance by the ACA. But that doesn't fit the narrative.
Hide and Seek 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I don't know...there are still plenty of college majors that make use of skills they may have other than brains or common sense or logic. Like, if they are easily stirred up and particularly screechy, there's always Gender Studies or Women's Studies or Minority Studies. There may not be lots of jobs suited for those fields of studies, but colleges will gladly take your money and award a degree.
Amazing 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Pro tip: if you want to be satisfied by average or slightly above average men, don't stretch out your squack with your fist, a thermos bottle, a fire hydrant, or an arroyo cactus.
And damn they're pretty funny now 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
SNL somehow thinks that every Trump,sketch, joke or impersonation is funny. It's at like 10%. Much of it is only entertaining to those who need a safe space when someone challenges their beliefs with facts or the ones who "protest" by vandalizing other people's property in the name of political correctness.
Yeah well you just read it. 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Lots of women hate the idea of porn despite having things that they like that we find stupid. But, they hate the KIND of porn men/boys usually like. In researching rule 42, I discovered a lot of stuff that's out there, and a small percentage of it is way more....errrrrr...."compelling" than I would have guessed. I never imagined I would be drawn to that tentacle stuff, ya know?
Honest college sign 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If the prospect of student loans is so horrifying, don't borrow. Forgo the "college experience" of cheering for sports and joining a sorority/fraternity and go to,a commuter college or local school and work part time. There are alternatives beyond constant complaining about college loans. I had to take out a mortgage to have a house to live in but I'm not complaining that houses should be free because people need a place to live more than they need a college degree.

But even if society comes around to your way of thinking and makes college cost much less, the next complaint will be that the government takes so much of your income in taxes to pay for everyone's stuff that you have no money to pay off your (now very small) loans.

I see college students goingto spring break locations I never considered because I wasn't going to borrow money for vacations. Some drive ,much newer cars than I do because I hate car loans. In those cases, they've borrowed money*during* college but not
The final Pokémon 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Imagine that someone *did* catch death...all those people in agony after being terribly burned or hurt in an accident...people suffocating or beyond pain due to their age or a disease...unable to be released from that due to death being missing from the earth.
Modern day bad ass 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Deny again do I HAVE to respect someone saying "fuck you" to everyone he meets, and everyone who sees him, me included?
Nah, its racism 100% 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Why do whiners see racism in everything?
Agree? 29 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You have the right to defend yourself more than just repel an attack. You don't know if a robber will leave the encounter at taking your wallet, or a rapist at "just" rape. If killing someone is what it takes to stop the rape or assault, I say that's justified. If you kill someone as he's running away, that's not the same as defense, but sorry rapists and assailants, people get to stop you, and their defense may not be 100% proportional to your attack.

57 y.o. Man here
Interesting field trip 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Good thing Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws around.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Because everyone who doesn't believe in paying for everyone's stuff by confiscating money from those who produce goods and services and are paid to do so, is a Nazi Fascist homophobe sexist racist. And as that, they aren't deserving of any respect in a debate or discussion, and it's totally justified to vandalize their property or chuck bottles at them when we're " protesting."
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He's removing the SPECIAL "rights" that people give as extra privileges to gays, trans, etc.
If you can't be pretty, be kind 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"There's a Stabucks...maybe you can find some there. Problem is, they only like hot guys of at least average height."
A-okay 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Alternate ending: The pressure she felt as a teen allowed her to build those characteristics that resisted the even greater pressure that occurred to her adult self. Think "fitting in and schoolwork and being responsible for your grades while being in activities" is tough? Wait 'til you have a job and are responsible for spouse + kids and home maintenance or problems there, plus two cars are messed up at the same time, plus one of your parents is sick and the other one is no longer around to care for them, plus...
Sounds like a great idea 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If we did this in the US:
1. College Student "I call out That One Guy for saying something that I decided to find offensive!"
2. That One Guy endures a bunch of CS's slaps.
3. That One Guy punches CS once.
4. "Ow! OWWWWW!!! I'm gonna sue! Pain and suffering! Hate Crime!"
Finland has the best education 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Also, spending like zero on your own self defense and that of other countries is nice for the balance sheet. Being racially homogenous and having few people who regard welfare as a hammock to rest in for life is also a plus.

In the US we can't fire incompetent teachers because they're union employees. So, adding another hour of recess and shoveling more money to the teachers' unions won't help despite it "working" elsewhere.
Times have Changed 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
There are ALWAYS more wants than money to pay for them. Before cell phones I had >$100 land line bills because long distance calls wer >$0.20 PER MINUTE. You don't HAVE TO buy expensive cable plans and Netflix, you just WANT to. So, bitching that there are more expenses now than before because there's more neat stuff available isn't going to fly. All the millennialist I work with seem to understand that, but it looks like the ones who spend hours a day online and majored in fields that nobody wants to hire can always find somethijng to whine about.
That's talent 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Him "How can you see contractions and homonyms in what I'm saying?"
This tickles me 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Maybe Canada doesn't want a bunch of ignorant self-absorbed malcontented whiners...
Making fun of columbus 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Agreed. "Accidentally introduced a disease that killed the natives (when they didn't even know what disease was)" is not the same as "murdered."

Also, I never see any of these "socially aware" people offering to leave North America to make room for more of the descendants of the people whop were here before Columbus. Maybe by going back to, say, a Western European couintry, you can make a case that your ancestors were forced from their land by Gengis Khan or Charlemagne, and you are the rightful owner of some parcel of land.
The hell's the image for? 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The yolk's on you!
I know I would 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Would you give a *person* a whole lifetime in exchange for nine months of yours?
Housework can save your marriage 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Interesting comments to my reply about home & vehicle maintenance. Actually, I *do* the home repairs and auto maintenance/repairs that some of you seem to think are impossible. I have the full-time job, while my wife works part-time. And somehow, with your all-knowing power, you've decided that somehow that's not possible and I should be doing "half" of the housework.
Don't do this. Be honest about what you want, communicate, don't pull this bullshit. 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That's how the majority of girls are, and they don't grow out of it. Example:
My wife didn't really want me to go out with my friends instead of spending the evening with her, what she said was, "That's just fine. You go out with your friends." And then, she gets angry at me when I *don't* presume that she's not telling the truth and do what she said.
Father of the year 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Once you improve your reading comprehension, you'll see that I didn't say he should be legally prevented from doing whatever he wants with his money. I dispute that this is "a wonderful thing." People waste money on ridiculous things, and then want "society" or "the government" to help confiscating the earnings of others. Not only could you make a dent in the problems yourself, in this case, he's being very indulgent of his daughter's fantasy.
Shots fired! 63 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Doesn't include those who would enter the country illegally, or those who would pretend to be refugees but be able bodied leaches who arrive with the intent of going on lifetime welfare and try to change the US to mimic the $#+hole they left, or are actually terrorists.

The Dems: "you" doesn't include the unborn.
Southern wedding 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The guy in the camo shirt is taking a dip of chew.
Traffic lights: USA vs. Austria 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I hate to admit it, but 5% to 10% of our American drivers are too stupid to accomodate this change, even though it's just more/better information.
Green day vs Usher 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Thanks. Please continue to support guests posting. (Note: We guests get a max of 5 per day!)
Rush hour in a NY subwaycar, 5 years after it's retirement 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No apostrophe in "its."
Some of these are actually very helpful 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm going to try #22 on my wife: "Doggy or cowgirl?"
Well? Insert title for self. 54 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Two years ago, I was at a graduation where the (female) salutatorian gave a speech criticizing "The Patriarchy" that kept down all women. Everything, according to her, had problems due to men oppressing women. She did not notice that the graduating class's president and VP were women, there was one young man who was treasurer or secretary, and a woman was the fourth person in the student government...3 women and one man. Also, there was a young lady who received a scholarship from the Society of Women Engineers...good for her, BTW...but only women were eligible to apply, and there is no scholarship open only to men. So, I can't figure out what on earth the anti-Patriarchy warriors want...there are tons of pro-women opportunities that have no male parrallel.
I understand there are plenty of self-described feminists whose core belief is equal pay for equal work, but you've let the anti-men crazies define what "feminism" is.
Congrats chile 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
1. Corporations can't pay anything that they don't earn in the marketplace. So, any taxes taken from corporations must come from consumers via the prices they pay for goods and services.
2. They will be VERY selective on college admissions. That means many many fewer students admitted to college. Since the government controls all higher education, most of you free-tuition desiring children won't get into college at all.
3. There aren't college sports or fraternities/sororities, so the "college experience" is much different than what you expect.
4. The government isn't going to pay for Women's Studies, Minority Studies, Art History or Modern Dance majors, or at most, just enough for what the country needs, so to get free tuition, you'll have to major in something society needs, just like in the US where those fields are rewarded with good paying jobs.
not so new video, but the topic always recent 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Sorry ladies, I apologize on behalf of my gender. But, does that stuff work 0.1% of the time such that there's some kind of positive reinforcement on that stupidity? Please work with your sisters so that there's never encouragement for texts THAT bad. It's just...embarassing.
Pretty much 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Most likely scenario: A private businessman or a company funds the effort to go to the moon and "fix" things. That guy who parachuted from low earth orbit was a big Red Bull advertising thing, and a private businessman is sponsoring the effort to put people into earth orbit as a commercial endevor.
A healthy future? 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Research paid for by...companies that earn money manufacturing and selling pharmaceuticals...those evil profit-makers.
Oh the Irony #DontboycottstarwarsVII 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
ALL wars suck, dude.
well, yeah 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In high school, you're responsible for yourself only and your biggest worry is the grade on the next test. Somehow, you think this is more stressful than a parent who is responsible for his/her children and a spouse, plus maybe even aging parents. Even if you're not "responsible"for a spouse, his/her health issues are still on your shoulders much more than those of your school friends. When my company had layoffs, there was a lot of stress among those who were their family's sole source of income and health insurance. And how about a sergeant or officer in the army...his order can result in the deaths of his men...that's not as stressful as not being as popular as you'd like in high school?
Being an adult 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Age 55 here. I "knew" this, but never had this thought put so suucinctly. So, although this thought is no surprise, I never really realized it before.
12 crazy ideas that just need to happen already 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My daughter has created a couple prom dresses for herself and friends, and always makes a matching tie.
Avengers, Assemble! 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why would Marvel recast all but one character?
Tumblr 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Then, if you DON'T want to go out with him, call him a weirdo and a stalker for asking more than once. Hey-it's his job to figure out if no means no, or is just a test.
Not my smartest moment... 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why is there a problem? If anyone ever pointed out that a nursing mother had a boob out, there would be unbridled criticism of that comment as closed-minded and Neanderthal.
All boys are the same 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Y chromosome in da house, yeah boyeeee.
Good ally and Bad 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What a nice thing for the country of French to do.