i love this 38 comments
· 8 years ago
They all for except for snow white looking like a fat ass
i love this 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Why does Jasmin look like an oppressed middle eastern and snow white like a refrigerator?
Every time I try to understand math 13 comments
· 9 years ago
This is embarrasing. This is cake. Asians must think we're so stupid in the u.s.
So important 15 comments
· 9 years ago
He should get arrested for public indecency. That should teach him to waer a shirt.
Best thing I've read today 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Plot twist: the skittles were laced with lsd and instead she tripped balls all day. Woooo
Now the Global gross is around 260mil. Not bad for a 58mil budget. 28 comments
· 9 years ago
Its like eating sugary food mixed with salty food, but the sugar overpowers the saltyness and prevents you from enjoying the dish. basically, hes trying to be funny in every scene including the serious scenes so much that you cannot even get into the movie. Plus, hes talking to the audience and reminds you its just a movie in a non discreet way. I was dissapointed.
my mom won't let me see this movie bc my brother informed her of the damn rating 36 comments
· 9 years ago
I got all the jokes since iam a marvel fan, but he was just trying way too hard to be funny. He was trying to make you laugh in scenes were it wasnt supposed to be funny. I actually hated it. I couldnt get into it. The only gunny part is the beginning if the movie.
It got BERNT 9 comments
I live in Sweden and it is true 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Hey notice how us guys pay attention to legs but its the first thing we put to the sides ;)
Oh, what a surprise, u caught me again 11 comments
That last one looks like a real tovarish 14 comments
pwned 21 comments
Synchronised floofing at its finest 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I cant count how many times ive seen this mother fucking damn gif on this site. It was funny the first time not the thousand times after.
What you get for 2 US$ in Colombia 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah but buying a mansion for that much over there it means living in a shit area which would force you to have body guards and weapons on premises to keep the peasants away.
What you get for 2 US$ in Colombia 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Cocaine is free to Americans over there. We Make It, Foreigners Buy It. That's our modo. Medellin Cartel Inc.
What you get for 2 US$ in Colombia 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Omg you can get so much amazing food for much cheaper. Of you go an island called San Andres over there it's like Bahamas and Jamaica but one third cheaper. EVERYTHING is one third cheaper. And they deliver beer and alcohol.
Relevant 26 comments
· 9 years ago
No its in your attitude. If you wake up thinking it's going to be a shit day then you will have a shit day. If you think that theres racism everywhere, then any remark by anyone, mistreatment, or when you don't have it your way will be misinterpreted as racism. It's truely annoying and like I said before being black is just as beautiful as being white. Now let's start acting like it, and it starts with you. Change your attitude and you'll change your perspective.
Relevant 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Also black people, by allowing these privileges it's like you guys are agreeing that being black is a set back or a handicap. You don't need BET and BLACK colleges or even Black beauty pageants. Your race is beautiful. Now start acting like beautiful people.
Relevant 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Honestly there are alot of black people who are butt hurt for nothing. They accept black this black that and don't see how truely racist they are for accepting black colleges and black entertainment television. If we are so equal why are blacks getting all these things for their race? What do white people get? I say we either all get these racial privileges or no one does?
Not a very good way to express your love 13 comments
Rey 16 comments
Good feels all round!!! 13 comments