
you phangirls will understand me 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Watch their videos, their also hilarious, sweet, and live together. Literally everyone is convinced they're like married tho xD they also have a gaming channel
Welcome to the US and of A! 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The United State (yes State) wants its youth brainwashed into mini-crusaders who think in bumpersticker, slam-dunk ideology, and reason based entirely on undefined flashes of violent negative emotions triggered by their public school programming, so that there are roving gangs of little Nazi control freaks who correct everyone they perceive who isn't politically correct. And it works faaaar better on the motherly instincts of girls. This is why kids are generally kept in public school till far past the traditional age of accountability, but are given adult consequences for actions performed while "underaged". It's a total screw.
Welcome to the US and of A! 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Consent in most of South America is 14-15, most police need a permit just to carry a gun, and the standard of living in some of those countries is higher than in the EU or the US. But in the US you can solo pilot an aircraft at 12; drive a vehicle alone at 16 so the youth can become debt slaves as early as possible; legally join the military at 17 and go to war in order that young men will sacrifice their lives before they can think that the war they're fighting just might be for profit but underage drinking will land them in prison; all this before a citizen can vote, at the same age a woman can legally choose to marry (18) and have children because the State wants women who have been brainwashed to hate men so they choose careers over a family. So they are kept in the system past the point of being able to know instinctively what they want. But drinking waits until you're 21??? The system is so rigged for lowbrow political purpose that it's completely demoralizing.