
Rejoice! 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Now if they'll just sto stoning women for being raped and throwing gays off buildings...maybe in the next 50 years. In the meantime, lets notice what a paragon of progressive tolerance we have in Saudi Barbaria.
Stop eating so many pies 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Don't put everything your BF offers you in your mouth.
You can never win a woman 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Since moms are nearly always women, they have the advantage in an argument of not having to use facts, using "feelings" and "you may have done what I wanted but didn't do it with the attitude I wanted (but never said, although you should have just known). Also, when beginning to lose an argument, they deftly change to a new argument or shortcoming of yours, without acknowledging the original argument was over (until she thinks of something new that appears to support her side).

BAM! Don't argue with your mom.
Be you-tiful 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The one on the left is beautiful. The one on the right is only in such a lucky position due to white privilege.
That's a world of difference 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Agreed, plus her dental and jaw health is bound to be much better with a correct bite.
I think we can all agree that periods just suck in general 42 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If I have to pick up products for my wife, so be it. If I need to know that one of my daughters is contending with that in order to explain why we need to stop at a store I wasn't planning to go to or to consider that for planning something (maybe she doesn't feel like hiking when she has cramps) that's fine. I just don't need to hear about everyone else's menstruation cycle. Same as defecation...I know all my friends and coworkers must do it, I just don't need to know about it or any of the details. Doctor removed a sebaceous cyst from your groin? No details please.
Tired Trump puzzles the world 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
People crapping their pants and creating an endless stream of memes because of an autocorrect error. And, oh, Trump is the doofus...right.
Has there been a Social Justice Mage? 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Check your pay stub for FICA tax, Medicare tax, federal income tax...that's some hardcore social,justice thievery right there.
New favorite movie 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
57 year old father here...I would take the family to see this in the theater AND buy the DVD or ask for it as a Christmas/birthday present.
There are no consequences 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ironically, Bob Packwood was the senator from Oregon, who had an affair (consensual) with an adult staffer. So, the women's organizations hounded him until he resigned. Because a senator is so much higher than a staffer, they reasoned that she really couldn't give true consent. But, that was a few years before Bill Clinton's tryst with an intern. You might wonder why the same organizations didn't notice the difference between president and intern is greater than in Packwood's case, but politics and organizations don't work like that apparently.

Point is, to be truly immune to bad things, you have to be a white male DEMOCRAT senator.
Breaking up with 4 dudes at once 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Big advantage: all those guys in the group get a peek into her real self, and get it before being very committed. Any girl who is like this...well, stay away.

That goes for boys this shallow and self absorbed as well.
Trent Kimball, President and CEO of Texas Armoring Inc. Putting himself behind the glass 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I bet they tested it out many times without him before they filmed him doing it.
5 million or 5k forever 37 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Since I started investing in 1987, my nest egg has returned 8.6% per year. So, the 5 mil would be ~400k a year without touching the principal, or 32k per month...much better than the 5k alternative. If I have to pay taxes on the amount, so be it, but it's not like you wouldn't pay taxes on the alternative as well, right?

The only advantage to the 5k per month if if you do something dumb with your 5 million and lose it all. But, i suppose that if someone is waiting with a "gotcha," the 5k per month choice might also mean you die in month 2.
Never forget this hero 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This club was in Brazil...I'll bet that very few people here are from Brazil. The fire codes and other regulations in the US and elsewhere I've been are pretty strict and are usually enforced. So, a call to ban night clubs in places that don't have this same issue is misplaced.

Also, I'm not eager to die, but when the time comes, this isn't the worst way to go...saving a bunch of people.
You want an unpopular opinion? I'll give you an unpopular opinion 72 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Let's use aborted fetus parts...even stem cells...for repair of "genuine" humans...that is, people that we define as "real" people worth helping. If you object to using fetus parts and tissue, how on earth can you justify aborting them?

Also, let's harvest stray dogs and kittens for usable parts.
The fifties 38 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Girls: You get what you tolerate. If you all insist on real dates and turn down invitations to "hang out" or for "Netflix and chill," guys will step up. They're not going to give up on socializing with have it in your power to cause a step up in guys' game.
Archangels do this with me occasionally 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
How you live your life defines where you'll go after it's over. The two card players are just killing time til the guy passes on.
I love maths but this really got me. 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It will help you learn how to apply math to answer questions where you know (or can assume) certain quantities.
Hypocrites 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Right...the "same people." Because everyone you disagree with is "them."
Also, there's no difference between someone bitching on Facebook about a cup (which you can bypass by hitting "next") and a bunch of "protesters" (tantrum throwers) blocking a road and inconveniencing everyone and possibly delaying emergency services for some.
This was surprisingly cathartic 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Does anybody see the irony? The big complaints about the "Participation Trophy" generation are that they cry when criticized, and always blame someone/something else for their faults or troubles without trying to correct them. This post is a big crying jag at the criticism of anyone who says anything about them, and blames their parents, teachers and society.

When my kids were small, I shielded them completely. When they started school, I gave them enough rope to make small mistakes, and also helped them figure out how to cope with the consequences. As they got to high school I took on more of an advisor role, and helped them avoid big mistakes, but for the most part they applied the lessons from the small things earlier to see how the world works when the stakes are higher. When they went to college, I mostly didn't have to worry that I was releasing an 18 year old idiot into the wild. I still worry, of course, but not that one will have a problem & just sit and cry.
This was surprisingly cathartic 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This post makes an excellent point: I should be disappointed in the parents who shielded you from all sadness, disappointment, struggle or lack of appreciation for your effort. However, now that you realize this, I also hold you accountable for changing or not changing. Either grow or wither, battle and succeed or battle and fail only to try again, or don't battle at all...or give up the first time things get tough or don't go your way. Now that you *know* you were coddled, break free of that golden cage. Or don't, but don't expect me to respect you the same way I do the people who don't make the excuse that "I have to give up because stuff is harder for me since I was always given my way before."
I've always wondered 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
For the years I checked, the accidental firearm deaths deaths averaged 83 a year for children, so the 86 cited is probably accurate. The average drownings in pools was 336. When will we get POOL CONTROL!? Won't someone think of the children?
Believe it or not but this city (Cape Town) is in South Africa 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Easier to believe when you know most of the progress was made....errrr.....before the originally-from-there people got be in charge.
Religion has nothing to do with character 43 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"[Hitler] is generally believed to have been skeptical of religion, but opportunistic and shrewdly aware of its influence on politics. Raised by an anti-clerical father and practising Catholic mother, Hitler was baptised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church as a boy, but became hostile to Catholicism in adulthood...In practice Hitler's regime persecuted the churches, and worked to reduce the influence of Christianity on society."
Per Wikipedia

So, like many atheists, he was forced to go to church as a child and later rejects God. But, because he went to church with his mommy prior to being able to decide for himself, some @$$hole decides that he represents "Christianity."

We also have to ignore that Christians and the Bible reject all those things that are held up as examples of "bad belief," but the Koran and Islam and its adherents *support* their bad actions. I haven't seen Islamo-terrorism condemned by Moslems...they ask to not be judged for it, But no condemnation.
A millionaire doing it right 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Even if you don't have a million dollars with which to do this, you can band together with like-minded people and accomplish this same thing.

It's much easier to regulate what other people can do with their land, but buying it and maintaining it seems like a better way.
This could explain the trend 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Rural areas? I would say urban areas are more racist. A black cop shoots a black criminal in Milwaukee, and the blacks riot and pull white people out of their cars to beat up. And the black community activist calls for an end to the riot...because it's damaging black people's homes, and she wants the riots to move to the suburbs so white people's homes can be destroyed.

Oh wait, minorities can't be racist, so that example plus dozens of others can't be counted.
FBI be like 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton also ran a "pay to play" scheme while Secretary of State. In order to get access to her as SecState or to the State Department, foreigners and foreign governments had to make "donations" to the Clinton Foundation. That's one of the reasons it went up 100 fold in about ten years. Also, people want to see the texts of the speeches she gave to banks for which they paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars (per speech!) but she won't release the content.

For the posters who think that this is ridiculous because the FBI and other investigative departments haven't convicted her yet, do you also believe that powerful bankers or hedge fund managers can't buy or bully their way out of trouble? There are a lot of people whose illicit gains will stop when the Clinton machine is no longer in power, and maybe worse for them, their actions could be uncovered. All the US's resources never convicted Al Capone of mob activities or racketeering; they only ever got him on tax evasion
Maybe He Isn't as Dumb As We Think He Is 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So relatable..."Let's go to England to celebrate my birthday."
Perfect christmas gift 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
People don't usually go through anything this elaborate for the Santa myth. This kid's in for a huge shock when he finds out it's all a ruse to trick him. Maybe he'll find out at school when he tries to convince some other kids that, yes, he really does interact with the real Dr. Who.
Come visit Chicago 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Oh, that CAN'T be true. Chicago has some of the strictest and comprehensive gun laws in the country, and as we all know, gun laws are the way to effectively curb gun violence.
Is this true? 34 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I wanted a GF who was her own person first, and didn't "have to have a BF" to be complete. I found it a real turnoff that some girls NEED a BF, and would rather have a bad one than none. Then, you build on don't need a BF/GF, but your life is better with the right one.

So, the girl that I dated met the indepenndent description, we got married, and are still married after many years. When I once told her about wanting a person who could be complete without a significant other, she told me she had been looking for the same thing. The reason the topic came up is because of the divorce of a couple who had been super clingy to each other in high school, never dated anyone else and got married early,and they were the second couple like that to divorce.
Impressive ship camoflage 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think that the photo being in B&W helps hide it. It might not be *as* hidden in color.

But, it's still better than just being solid gray. Also, when shooting at it, even if it's not as "hidden," if it takes a few more missed shots to correctly get the distance/range, then it's an advantage.
Freedom kills 32 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Unfortunately, you have shown a mathematical link between violence and Black people. It may be true, but it's terribly racist of you to notice.
Brexit vs Trump 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Britain is "fucked up" because they voted to control their own borders and economy rather than ceding authority to people in Brussels? After Germany, England gave the most money to prop up Greece, Portugal, and the other countries that want to keep a 52 year old retirement age + generous benefits + no contribution from the workers. These countries don't realize that you can't pay out more than you take in every year and sustain that over time. They also welcome people who want to change the culture to mimic the place they just "fled."

We in the US have economic agreeements with European countries, but we don't pay those countries to have their citizens retire at age 52. We also control our own borders (although we do a pretty poor job of it). Is the US "fucked up" because we don't give more of our national control to some Brussels bureaucrats?
I don't know if we call that irony or stupidity 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Is the billboard sponsored by Environmentalists? Kinda looks like it.
Reading about the Brexit posts I remembered this guy 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Agree 100%. The people who consider themselves The Elite would like to make all our decisions for us, because we're average or regular, how can we be trusted to make the optimum choice?

Even when it's not legally mandated (like, everyone must buy an approved Health Insurance), the government picks winners and losers...often picking poorly. Look at the subsidies given to Solyndra and other solar power companies that turned out to be total losers. "The Marketplace" usually gets it right--if you want a cheap computer, you can get one; if you want a Mac, you can pay for the privilege.
Epic dress made from pages of a book 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
6/10 for how good it looks
10/10 for coolness
10/10 for originality
10/10 for execution
9/10 for model
45/50 total...not bad considering I give negative points to fashioistas who think putting a lampshade on a person or having a man wear a sui with too-short-pants and no socks is haute couture.

I would be willing to listen to a well-reasoned case that the 6 should be higher.
Kimmel destroys SJW-infested HuffPost 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How often do we see this...where someone gets offended on someone else's behalf, but that person isn't offended himself/herself?
Best education in the world 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Don't sort kids into sets. That way, you can hold back the brightest, who would create new inventions, new products and new industries, so that the less-than-brightest won't feel bad. Teach at the pace that's comfortable for the's not like the brightest kids will get bored, daydream or get into trouble for not paying attention.
*cough* Loki *cough* 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
and you reject the non-cute one but excuse the behaviour of the cute one.
Superman in the 50s 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Can we talk about people who blow themselves up or shoot crowds of people while yelling Allahu Akbar? People whose religion has them throw homosexuals off buildings? Those whose religion allows rape if the woman is of a different religion? Can we talk about them? Can we talk about those who ask for sanctuary in the US (or any western country) and then agitate to impose Sharia law? Would Superman be OK with that talk? Or are we going to limit the conversation to how that asinine Fred Phelps "church" has signs that make people feel bad?

My guess: We're going to be stuck criticizing ONLY the Christians who point out that the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman, and timidly fear to point out the rapist/murder characteristics of some real bad belief systems because we're too afraid of being labeled racist or politically the people in those very systems and their apologists.
Just saw this 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
OTOH, we welcome candidates who destroyed the careers and reputations of women who were sexually assaulted by her husband and had the audacity to come forward. 'Cuz, you know, the Democracts are the nice ones, and the ones who respect women's rights.
Stay in the room 54 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Whether he knows it or not, he's still afraid to be in that room by himself. Sack up and be there for your pet in his last moments.
People these days 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I can't find a job! Well, not one within a 5 mile radius of where I want to live. And in my exact field of interest rather than something else, And that isn't a starting position cuz it's not fair that I might have to "pay some dues." And also offers the pay and benefits commensurate with my (self perceived) abilities and talents.
Best country 40 comments
guest · 8 years ago
As a benefit to the economy, it might be good to have more engineers, business majors, etc. But, do we really need to give a free college degree to people who want to major in Art History, Women's Studies, African American Studies, Sports Marketing, Hotel-Motel Management, Modern Dance, etc.? People can amke a choice--study, and pay for, an education that's fun, or one that is more work but society values more with higher pay. If you want to study something that you can see doing until age 67 but pays less than something else, that's your choice. But we really don't need more of these fluff degrees.
Put your best caption for this photo 37 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"Did that f***ing gazelle piss in the water hole?"
Best week ever 40 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If it were Game of Thrones, you could easily die within a week. But, except for that, most alternate realities kill off the jerks eventually (Jurassic Park's lawyer, the guy who threatened the captain in Firefly right in front of a running jet engine...bad move), but important side characters survive. If you are the comic relief, you're usually safe. If you are important enough for a main character to come to our reality to get you, you are above the level of the "cannon fodder" needed to advance the story (vampires need to kill some unimportant innocents, some of those office workers must have died when The Avengers were protecting NY against aliens), so you should be OK. Maybe I could help Sam and Dean kill a shape shifter, get hit on the head and have a delusional conversation with Bobby Singer or maybe a minor angel, then come out of the coma with information that helps Sam recover his soul. So, like a four episode short term guest.

To make this weirder: I am a 56 yo dad.
Why can't all cops be like this 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But they get paid for their overtime...usually time-and-a-half. Most of us salaried schlubs get NO extra pay for working extra hours to get the job done ("casual overtime").
The Friendzone 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The girls WILL still accept your gifts, effort and time ("Oh, he gives the best back rubs") before letting you know you're in the FZ, though. Once you know you're FZed, anything after that is your own fault. Once she's been honest with you, use your "dating effort" on someone who might appreciate it.
Brown people 50 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Trump is against people here illegally, giving benefits to people here illegally, and criminlas coming to the US. If "illegal" and "criminal" mean "brown skin" to you, I think that YOU'RE the racist.

I find Trump to be a bit of a buffon, so the real unforgivable things here are
1. You made me defend this guy in the name of accuracy
2. The other candidate is either a criminal or criminally negligent on so many issues, that Trump is the less bad candidate. Is there no Truman or Kennedy candidate left on the Left?