
Well when you put it that way 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I carry a pocket knife with me pretty much all the time, unless I'm going somewhere with a metal detector and cant (airport, city hall, etc). I know plenty of guys that do the same thing
Stupid teacher 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
most cloth still lets a lot of air get through, plus even if it didnt, unless the cage was extremely small, it should still have had plenty of oxygen for the amount it uses compared to an average cage size. Going to go with the hamster died from something else
Buying stuff online 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
As somebody who ships a lot of things, the size and weight of the item can affect the cost a LOT. And im just talking about shipping things in the US, I'd expect it increases even more dramatically overseas
14 Genius Life Hacks 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Would like to know also
Underwater turbines 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
not the same guest, but serious
Gender equality is important 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
except most of the "real women have curves" shit isn't a ridiculously anorexic girl compared to a normal looking girl, its a normal looking girl compared to an obese one. It's also really the same thing either way
A little historical context for congress 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The politicians are still the ones in charge though. They CHOOSE to be paid off (course if they didn't choose to do so they'd lose the next election to somebody that would, but thats besides the point). Just as easy to execute 600 people as it is 1 imo.
Not saying that they should all be executed
Only god can fudge her 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago it fine and didn't understand what was wrong with it until I read the title. Learn how to read people
Just a man paying his parking ticket 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also, that appears to be in Australia, so it would also depend on what laws they have, the above was for laws in the US
Just a man paying his parking ticket 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Actually, its not. The federal reserve HAS to honor anybodies penny, dime, dollar, hundred dollar, etc. BUT that doesn't mean anybody else has to accept them. It's not illegal for Apple or Airlines to require payment by credit card, nor is it illegal to require no bills larger than 20s at a convenient store. In fact, depending on the way you do it (ie dumping all the coins on the counter so they scatter everywhere) you can even be charged with disorderly conduct
Just a man paying his parking ticket 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
agreed. He did something wrong, doesn't mean he needs to be a douche to somebody that had nothing to do with it
Passive aggressive mugs for grammar nuts 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Their going over they're to there car two give you you're too books about the affects the word effect can have on you're subconscious when your literally loosing your mind
Prove that Batman is the best 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Doesn't Ironman also have some martial art training? Kinda hard to say 1 billionaire without his money or equipment would just automatically be better than another
You had one job 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I dunno, looks like they just had a "super heroes" in general themed homecoming. Doesn't have to be specifically marvel or dc (because lets be honest, the number of kids in high school that know the difference is really small, and the number that would admit to knowing the difference is even smaller). Thus the use of MARVELous and also dc super hero icons would be perfectly ok. They ARE both still super heroes, so they BOTH fit under the super hero theme. Could also use super heroes that aren't marvel or DC, although most people wouldn't know many (or any) of those.
Now, if on the other hand they did specifically pick a marvel theme or a dc theme (which i sincerely doubt they did, since as I said before, most don't know the difference) then I'd agree its not ok.
As it is, I just see it as you purposely being picky to appeal to the "real nerd" crowd
As a non-american 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The government has to pass a budget by October 1st (which went by a week ago) or they have to shut themselves down due to how our laws are written. Well the 2 parties are both acting like little kids and can't agree or compromise over anything with obamacare, which means no budget was ever passed. So NOW, with the government shut down, they are purposely trying to make it as difficult as possible for the American public (closing national parks, forests, memorials, etc.) so that when election time rolls around they can say "but remember how annoying that was when we shut down?! it was all *insert other parties name* fault! vote for me!"
Hoe far would you go to avoid a ticket? 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
This is also why most of these conversations are recorded (audio and video) now. Because stupid people try to lie about what they said/did later on in court (or to the superior officer that came later in this case) so the police decided they'd start getting proof of it all
Fag the cat 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I would just like to thank the poster for posting this with a legible size instead of the minuscule crap people usually post from 4chan.
Again, thank you
Seriously, it's college not elementary school 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Seriously! Always hated college classes that started this way....usually the ones that did were a waste of time blow off class too
Hermione is the greatest 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Kinda thought this was common knowledge if you read the book. Rowling MADE a big deal out of just how big a deal it was for her to basically delete herself from her parents lives. Doesn't she go off on Harry or something about the sacrifices her and Ron had made too? Been a while since I've read the books, but pretty sure it was emphasized how big a sacrifice she made
This is actually true 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
There is a big difference between being stuck up, being modest, and just flat out fishing for complements. "Ugh, I know Im hawt, don't talk to me" is stuck up. A facebook update of "Ugh look at this picture of me, im so ugly!" is flat out fishing for compliments. This is completely different from somebody saying "Oh your so pretty" and you disagreeing with how pretty you are
Internet, show some respect 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Don't tell me what to do. YOUR NOT MY SUPERVISOR!
Mon€y 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Really? you think that all that would possibly add up to 250/hr? even at just 12hr days thats 3 grand EVERY SINGLE DAY. You could live in downtown New York and go to Strip Clubs every day and STILL have money left over at that pay. But no, your right. Sharing a little hut with 30 other people in southern georgia a century ago was actually quite expensive
Gamer paranoid parrot 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
psh, If you aren't making multiple manual saves on a game, you are nuts. What if you fuck something up and need to go back?
1983 vs now 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Not really true unless you go to a ridiculously expensive college though. I worked part time and went to one of my state's colleges. When I graduated I had no loans to pay off. Even just working part time it wasn't so expensive I couldn't still pay it off every year. I did get a little lucky having a pretty good job to do that, but even so I could have completely paid it all off within the first 2 years of me graduating. Now if I went to some private college where its 10x as much, ya I'd still be hugely in debt. But its definitely a CHOICE to go to a private college. You CHOSE to go there and get in that much debt. It's not like there weren't any other easier options
How to remember things 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
sounds like a terrible idea, i forget when my phone has texts all the time
Most likely 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Wouldn't really have a problem hearing or seeing it, bacon and a good steak are gifts from God
Hotdogs or legs? 22 comments
guest · 11 years ago
kinda weird hot dogs to have knee caps on them....probably dont taste very good
Life hack for the forgetful among us 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
then you don't leave til you find them, kinda the whole point. Need to your keys to leave, so if you don't want to forget something, put your keys with it so you HAVE to remember it
Scumbag video game industry 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
They also have to factor in other big game releases. You dont want to have to compete with same week initial sales of another big game. This means you either A) get a jump on them and release earlier, or B) let them release first so that you have the "newer, better game that just came out" as Christmas approaches.
You also don't want to release it on into December as you are much more likely to miss sales. You miss out on the big Thanksgiving shopping sales, and you're also more likely to not be able to keep stores stocked with your game. When its released earlier, you spread out the sales of Christmas, and the people that just want the game that instant. If its released later like in Dec. then you get both groups of people trying to buy it at the same time.
And that boys and girls is an introduction into video game marketing
Scumbag video game industry 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
honestly, school doesnt even factor into acompany's decision at all. Yes, theres a good population of kids under 24ish that start school in the fall, but theres also an even larger number of 24+ people that play video games, and its getting bigger as gaming becomes more common.
But, thats still not the reason why school isn't a factor. THE reason that games are released in the fall is because of Christmas. You release it before Thanksgiving so the people that just have to have it this very second can go buy it, then you get the parents buying it for Christmas for their kids during the holiday shopping (thats why you want it out before thanksgiving for black friday). High initial sales, plus good sales for 1-3 months as Christmas approaches. If they do it too early (before school starts) by the time Christmas and shopping is approaching, nobody cares about it anymore, they want the next new game thats just coming out.
Well, there ya go 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It's also not the fact that you "cant overdose on it man" that doesnt mean you cant get super high and do something stupid and kill yourself that way. Do you really mean to tell me not a single person ever has EVER got stupid high and accidentally killed themselves? Thats weird because I see crap like that on the news quite often. Guess they are all just lying to keep weed illegal.....ya that must be it
Not today 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Do you not think they would let you know that you are hurting them? Also, how heavy do you think a frickin head is?
I want to help my fellow citizens 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
gun control doesn't do shit to take guns from bad people. If they are gonna commit murder, do you really think they give a damn about some little law that says they can't have a gun? All it does it take the guns out of good people's hands. You know, the ones most likely to STOP the psycho with a gun shooting other people. Why do you think most gun shootings happen in places that strictly ban guns?
Test taking logic 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Thats actually the best way to take a test if theres any sort of time limit, go through the whole thing and answer the ones you know or can finish easily, then go back through and answer the ones that will take longer but your sure you can answer, then go back through again and work on all the ones you are completely unsure of. This way if time is running out, you already answered all the ones you know for sure, instead of being halfway done because you sat on one question for way too long. Because you probably got that shit wrong anyway, and now you're blazing through most likely making mistakes just to get some sort of answer on everything before you have to turn it in
Just heard this walking through the hall 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It really depends on the class sizes. I'm gonna assume this is about college. A professor could only teach one class and only have a dozen kids in it, in which case, yes they should absolutely know your name by now. They could teach 5 classes with only a dozen kids each, in which case they should probably know most every kids names by now. Or they could be teaching in an auditorium type lecture class and have over a hundred students in each class. In this case, unless you are a teachers pet or a complete asshat in class, they arent gonna even bother trying to learn your names. Way too rediculous to relearn 500+ names every few months
How my wife sees it 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Its actually still good for about a week after the expiration date. After that people start to notice a taste difference.
As a chemist 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
water is also not "organic" and there are plenty of bad organic compounds
Your husband 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
love it
Crazy ex 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Ok seriously, i get that you dont want your ex gf to just kill herself because you broke up. But toying with the crazy bitch is just making things so much worse. You keep leaving that glimmer of hope that you'll get back together, its gonna end badly
Never sleeping again! 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
doesnt even look that big
Awesome wall design 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
doesnt even look that cool
Hot dogs 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It's the same as the rest 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Well to be fair I usually dont even get through a whole loaf before its gone bad, so I don't eat a lot of the inner pieces too. But as to the end pieces, its 1 thing to finish off the loaf and use both end pieces on a sandwich, or use them for something specific like navybrats. Its something completely different to use the first end piece with an inner piece right from the start of the loaf. Unless your planning on eating the entire loaf that day you leave that shit in there. That outer piece is a barrier for air, so taking it out first means your entire loaf is going to go stale faster, and your inner pieces arent gonna be as good even if they arent stale.
I have a deep seated hatred for barbarians like yourself that do this
Lip sync battle. by the way chinese or indian food? 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
liked joe's the best. Stephen started out good but the 2nd one wasnt as funny
Your ugly 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
your ugly is showing
"free" checking account. I'm looking at you bank of america 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Maybe read up on your contract before just signing things?
New job, new suit 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
not too shabby photoshop skills
A future? 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also to comment on the actual picture rather than the other guest, Germany has a goal of 18% renewable energy (not just electricity but all energy) by 2020. So if they are anywhere close to their goal, if they shut down all their nuclear stuff that would mean they are still burning lots of fossil fuels
A future? 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
At this point in time, most renewable resources are extremely inefficient. The only way they work is the government is subsidizing them so much that they can operate at a loss and still be ok. Otherwise they would nowhere near compete with fossil fuels for cost. Even with the government subsidies as Germany shows, its just plain more expensive, without those it would be extremely expensive for the consumers. Are alternative resources good? Of course, and we need to continue to work on them because one day we WILL be required to use them whether we want to or not when Earth runs out of fossil fuels, but that doesnt mean Big Business is just out to get everybody and they are blocking any and all renewable energy from coming into play
A future? 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also after doing some quick research (I'm the 2nd guest not the first). Yes Germany is one of the leading countries in Europe for alternative energy sources. HOWEVER, they are still only using somewhere around 20% renewable resources. The 2 out of 3 houses you stated using alternative energy also never states how much is alternative energy, they could be using 1% alternative and be considered "using" it. Germany also has the highest electricity costs and it is expected increase even more as more emphasis is put on alternative energy