
me 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
As soon as you pull your mamma's fist out of your jojo
Beauty and the beast 39 comments
guest · 9 years ago
number of abortions dot com
me 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Free speech won't remain a feature of society if you turn tail and run at the scorn of the ignorant masses.
Beauty and the beast 39 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Maybe the ancients knew the nature of women far better than we give them credit for.
Beauty and the beast 39 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yes! Women start to read, then they get to vote, which they used to institute abortion and dress like whores. So now we are a society that harvests organs from living babies whose hearts are beating, lying on the table, alive and screaming, all because women thought that because they aren't men, they can commit no moral crime and their motivations are incomprehensibly divine. And the men of the west are so emasculated from 3 generations of women telling them that they are too stupid to feed themselves, would only eat shit they find on the ground if it weren't for women, so men are too terrified to stand up and put a stop to the daily infanticide in our society. Rewind to the US Civil War: 750,000 men die to free the slaves. WWII: 60 million people died as a result of Japan and Germany. Today: 1.4 billion abortions worldwide, and women keep smiling because they got their way, and the men sit silently like the pussies they are, because women thought they could do better than men.
It's her body so it's her choice 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
More people need to pound this into their kids' heads. Really, everyone needs to hammer this concept into their children's heads about as soon as they can understand the concept, about 2.5 to 3 years.
Truth has been spoken 33 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You'll find that, and not much else, I'm afraid. In advance, good luck with the divorce. I'm sure your kids will be shallow enough to make loads of money to be able to afford to put you in a nursing home with a view of the Bronx.
People can be so easily offended 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's surprisingly common for women to breastfeed their animals
ya, that definitely makes people wanna date you... 20 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Good grief is there some law in this country where someone can't ask you out on a date? I'm a dude and at work a while back I got asked on a date by a woman 15 years older than me. I nicely told her no but I was flattered, because I prefer people my own age, and every single woman I work with verbally abused me for a week and a half and told me that there was nothing wrong with her asking me out and I morally was obliged to accept the offer because I am a male and she is female. Innocent lesbian is also the most contradictory statement I have heard in 2015. Women all over the western world have lost their minds so they don't have to follow the litany of rules they have invented for men. You're a damn curse on society and freedom, ya spoiled brats.
Some of you need this 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Bill Clinton meets Bill Clinton 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You're a moron.
Bill Clinton meets Bill Clinton 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Really why is he still walking around free? He signed the bill for partial birth abortion in spite of the fact that he knew it was murder. Today, based on the same evidence available to his administration at the time, anyone performing partial birth abortions gets decades in prison. Why is he walking around free?!
Animal rescues are one of the good sides of humans 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That dog had mange. You're imagining people that don't exist just so you can find one more reason to hate someone, you bestial harpy
Animal rescues are one of the good sides of humans 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I wonder how many hungry homeless people got passed up on the way to pick up and then drop off this filthy animal that can't even talk no matter how much you sickos imagine it can. Come to think of it, I'm also curious to know how many PEOPLE could have been rehabilitated and put back on their feet with the money it took to build and to maintain that, any, and all animal shelters in the industrialized world. If you ask me, this is the sickest side of humanity. You must stand judgment for worshiping deaf and dumb animals, and so refusing the unborn their very lives, and starving so many poor, just so you can have a feeling at something. Throw out universal morality for your own tailored pseud-moral programme of eating your own philosophical feces. Are you so cold?? Fools! You should have invested in the hungry and the naked, in the children and the widows! You have your reward: you inherit the desert wind!
guest · 9 years ago
Don't forget that every system in the nation uses your presence in it to garner city, county, state, and federal funding. So they trod you down to keep you frustrated and distracted from the prisons you're required to attend year after year until you've racked up a quarter million dollars in debt.
Welcome dear brother 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Pinterest is more likely to break your spine
Social contrast photographs 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeh children need to be left off of the "exposure to sexuality of any sort" list until they're about thirteen.
A clever idea for a pet food dispenser 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
How is a kitten more important that a man or woman without a home, whose life is in tatters, and who need rehabilitation to live in the crust again?
TSA, what the hell? 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
holy derping derp my anglish jast ternd too pupe and poodeeng slartybartfast
TSA, what the hell? 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
that wasn't not at you, aj.
TSA, what the hell? 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh for the sake of Appalachia it's a polyester stuffed animal!! Look up photos of pandas and look at the noses! What a frigging load!
Dobby is a free elf! 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I want this cat to campaign against my barn vermin, to battle them in the rafters in the dark of night, and to wear their little mouse skulls tied in a line along his tail, snake skulls slung from his ears on bronze rings
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Violence of women toward men has never been okay, it is only now that men have the room to act upon mistreatment. Once upon a time, not so long ago, the courts of the western world would not entertain a man's claim that he suffered abuse at the hands of a woman. They were laughed out of the courthouse. So defensive violence against any aggressor, regardless of gender, is now legal and to be practiced when necessary. It is just that violent women are now placed on an equal footing in the court systems, should the behave in the way they claim men do.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I never hit first.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
"Violence against women" in an inequal phraseology based in empowerment. Why not "violence against men"? Because women don't care about men. Your second statement is the opposite of your first thought. You are masquerading your double standard as equality, when you only mention how women are treated as your real concern. Shut. Up.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why must you insist on using liberal catchphrases to spark emotions, but no reasoning? You cry IGNORANT! COWARD! WATCH YOU CRAWL! MOTHER! SISTERS! DAUGHTERS! FEELINGS! CONTROL!! Damned feminazi, you are. What I have said here, I can be heard to say to the face of every woman I know and many strangers as well. Some of them agree, some of them don't. I suffered heinous abuse from several female schoolteachers as well as women relatives. The men throughout my life have never hurt me, not teachers, not employers, not family. Why should I care for the opinion of you, someone who professes the ideal that women can do no wrong? Do you think you can manipulate me by using emotional phrases in place of reason? How am I ignorant? How do you justify 4 out of 5 child molestation cases in this country are charges brought against women? How many women could look their aborted baby in the eye, could they talk to it? You're still an idiot liberal with nothing but programmed phrases in your mind.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If we have, it's because we were told not to hit back, and not for lack of bravery. If we have, it has been a matter of self-control, and not cowardice. You're a moron with a 7th grader's reasoning skills.
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh my picked peas I love it when people are predictable. Which rock? Because there are very few rocks that aren't beautiful. We build our homes from them and pay top dollar for it, we make countertops and floors out of them and hold the material in higher esteem than any other; nearly every married couple in the western world wears a very costly rock on their fingers to express love. So which rock were you referring to that, as a comparison, would be a detraction from a girl's personality? RubyEmeraldCitrineBerylGraniteObsidianOpalNovaciulite? Even tortoises have wonderful personalities, madam...
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So don't. Your mother's manipulative demand that you show of your private body is unreasonable, and forcing you to dress that way or not to clothe you at all is outright child abuse.
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
P.S. One ugly smart girl in sweater with the personality of Koroit fire opal, is sexier than all the sorority girls on all the beaches on spring break the world over, combined.
yes. 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
After she gets run over and her face looks like hamburger, she won't act this way anymore. She'd beg a fifty-year-old mechanic just to say hello. It's aaaaaalll about the right to entitlement, my boys. Ugly girls don't get away with this so much. Date an ugly one.
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Why do women complain that men stare at their bodies, when men are trained since they are toddlers to see a woman nearly naked as something they desperately want, but cannot have? Spoiled brat. Think about someone else besides yourself and your happiness. Give men a chance to respect a woman's mind before they ever encounter their skin. Being a whore is not moral or empowered, it's destructive to little minds. Go to hell.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Please stop using psychobabble terms to invent and then pigeonhole types of behaviour
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Violence saves people from animals and other people. If you're not prepared to enact some violence on the side of right, then you only aid criminality.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
All the feelings at things! Please enlighten us, feelingsmonger
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well, lyonstill, you could return fire and defend yourself instead of running away with your scroat hanging in her tiny girl fist
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uppermost guest, what you say used to be law, but since equality in the military, is no longer recognized. What you said about the differences in body size will now get you incarcerated for sex discrimination. You're far behind the times, my man.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Spoiled brat feminist bitches have gotten used to mouthing off to daddy, slapping him in the face their whole damn lives, and getting away with it. So they grow up in that frame of mind and think they can do this to everyone they meet. I sure love normal girls who just like to eat pizza and walk on the beach talking about flower gardens, good music, and soccer. I've never known a feminist who wasn't spoiled. There's a reason men haven't made a pro-male, totally anti-woman organization. Its because we're born with an innate sense of right and wrong. We feel shame for what we do as little boys, like a knee jerk reaction. It comes from needing a father, from worshiping him like God, and the desperate need for his approval. Men damaged in that area are bitter, but not usually evil.It's so easy to strip that from a young girl with empty, liberal, selfish, crusading ideals; it's feeling based with them. Men don't absorb that bilge too easily. We just want to play at tyrannosaurs in the rain.
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So women want to do maximum damage and receive minimum consequence? Women want to fight in the military, be police officers, and demand to be recognized as total equals by global society, but when they have to deal with the reality of it, they scream DON'T HIT ME I'M JUST A LITTLE GIRL HELP I'M A SMALL FRAIL WOMAN BEING ABUSED BY A BIG BAD MAN *giggles and jiggles titties in the cops' faces*
Even Rhonda Rousey wants to be able to hit men and not be hit back. What feminists want when they say equal rights, is they want to do anything they want, no matter how horrific, but they want zero consequences b/c they are "goddesses" whose minds are beyond comprehension. And it all falls apart in front of the judge, who will throw a spouse abuser, a child abuser, or a murderer in prison regardless of gender. Holy crap when are you people going to wake up and realize that if a woman hits a man, now he has the right to defend himself and his children from her just as violently as if she were a man!