
pray the fanfic away 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Porn will ruin your standards for a future marriage partner. RUIN. Don't take that poison into a lifelong relationship. Quit while you still can.
duh, stoopid people 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
melted refrozen sunmoon stackable cheese star bodies. That's our sun.
hmm I wonder if these are related 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And frankly guest from 4 messages up, if that's your attitude toward persons who are damaged goods concerning sex, you need long-term professional help before you end up causing irreversible damage to those about you. As it is, your life purpose is a dead-end masturbation.
hmm I wonder if these are related 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If I said trauma, I meant trauma. Feel happy your body is still in one piece. Mine ain't.
hmm I wonder if these are related 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Never tell a disabled wartime vet with over a decade of university that he is a pussy, you worthless urban computer whore
hmm I wonder if these are related 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Other guest, I could go the rest of my life without sex. Not because I don't want it, but because chemically it's just about as traumatic as waking up from major surgery. But I'm married, my wife has normal human demands, and so the show must go on OH LOOK IS THAT A RABBIT OVER THERE???
duh, stoopid people 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Astronauts don't visit the sun at night because that's when Chuck Norris is sleeping...on the sun
Hip to be square 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uh, I'm fairly sure that hipsters will look a whoooole lot stupider than this. At least when I saw this the first go-round, it looked stupid to me back then, too. Hipsters to me now look as obnoxious as the picture above looks to kids today. So in twenty-five years, I expect to feel about photos of hipsters the same way I feel about pictures of an 80's hair-rock god with his arm around a woman whose eye he just blacked the night before.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Also, "Uncommon Dissent" by William Dembski
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'll watch that debate, by the way.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I couldn't be more in agreement. Also, I find that if we mind our own business, and if we have a concern about an acquaintance to pray silently instead of judge them, remembering that even Christians are abjectly filthy people who need Jesus, we keep more friends, and loyal.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Then consider reading "In The Beginning" by Walt Brown, 8th edition; and "Bones of Contention" 2nd edition, by Marvin Lubenow. Not all evidence to the contrary is published, for debatable and wholly obvious reasons. Good luck to you, and best regards. I hope these books give you opportunity to ruminate, if you elect to read them. I would buy them for you myself, but I am not wont to dispense my personal information in this era.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If it is, it would take an act of God. Though I do not believe this. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your civility.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
With my soul on the line? I'd sooner die burned at the stake on Darwin's altar.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
and arrogant, vacillating minute to minute on right and wrong, moral and immoral. I prefer to be accountable to that intelligence which is consistent enough to give unalterable physical Law, and the miraculously complex information and design that upholds our fragile bodies. Mostly I find evolutionists are so zealous for their viewpoint simply because they do not wish to be told what to do, by anyone, anywhere, at any time. If there is no God, you can eat a baby without fear of retribution from that God. But we recoil at the mere mention of such an act, even though the animal world perpetrates this daily. We are NOT animals. We are made in the image of God, or we would not be so offended by hypocrisy and abuse. Good luck to you all, and please, for your own sakes, reconsider.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
guest · 9 years ago
How did complex information, information which is true even if all universes cease to exist, originate in informationless matter? How can the non create its creator? What I mean by this is how can simple hydrogen, or stone, or water, create the laws whereby the sum of our bodily substance stands in space and time with self-awareness? One plus one is one, even without a universe. Whence come these laws, that are true even if there never was an is? Furthermore, it is reprehensible of the individuals here to be convinced of their own view simply by insulting the intelligence of those who do not share that view. While there is a very vocal community of evolutionists here tonight, none of you has convinced me of the veracity of your philosophy with wit or rhetoric. So often I only see "HEY STUPID YOU NOT ENLIGHTENED STUPID!"; and so your belligerence is your only reward for your troubles. I shall continue to believe in God, and in His organization of our world, for Man is finite and arroga
Trans race 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*slips hand into jimmie sack* *shoof...shoofa
Helpful ghost 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I would be a ghost that specializes solely in filling up the cars and closets and baths of hypocrite feminist babykillers with thousands of angry fetuses bent on revenge.
Boom 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uhm. Well maybe I'm just a hip man.
Boom 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Small boobs are by far more attractive and proportionate to a woman's hips than larger equipment. So much more balanced.
Good guy burglar 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And people say God never steps in to stop the bad guy
Boom 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Me am got moobs. Skinny as a rail with two lucky chestmeats. Insurance won't cover getting the boys removed. Never take me shirt off at beach. These bodies are a cruel joke.
Trans race 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I have met many people spouting this bilge, usually over coffee or Schlitz malt.
Maybe you should be concerned 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Hey flyingtrooper, you sound like " Hey scroat you just should just do it just you you you should just cause just stuff and ME ME I AM AMAZING but you should just should!" I hope you made it out of high school with a diploma.
Southern grammar 101 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yep. Lone Star got a Volunteer's back. Thanks, brother.
Southern grammar 101 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It always astonishes me just how many northerners I come across who are immovably convinced that there is only one dialect of southern speech, and that it is non-rhotic. The only extant southern non-rhotic accents I am aware of are in and around Atlanta, Georgia. I can go over Tennessee and hear at a minimum eight distinct variants of the accent, and of vocabulary shift, especially of idiomatic phrase. This generally can be said of all southern states to include Texas, just as New England presents drastic variation in accent and dialect. I am very glad someone posted this. Oh, and if I were to say all this out loud, it would have a pretty heavy drawl.
y'all need to calm down and be kind 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I got major thyroid problems. Some years I'm fifteen pounds underweight, some years I'm sixty over. Doc says I should have my thyroid removed. I hate it. So I know both ends of the "make fun of the not exactly perfectly proportioned guy" spectrum. People will abuse anyone they can using any excuse at hand. Eat that burger with a big smile, hardcoreplant.