
I always thought about this... 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The only reason why Superman was able to escape and doesn't just fall dead when confronted by Kryptonite is because he was the first Kryptonian of natural birth in centuries, and his father had built a futuristic space pod by incorporating a legendary Kryptonian artifact that would protect it's one occupant from the wave of debris and radiation from krypton's demise. Once Krypton exploded, shards of it's radioactive core were jettisoned among the stars and eventually became Kryptonite.
I always thought about this... 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Right so, I'm reading all these posts and the urge to set things right overtakes me. Superman was sent away from his home planet Krypton as the last survivor because his father Jor-el, the foremost scientist of their planet had made two discoveries. The first was that the excessive use of technology to harness their radioactive core for daily use and energy had caused the planet to be unstable and it would violently explode within a few more months. The second was that the numerous generations of cloning alongside the products of their technology had caused them to have a fatal reaction to the normally harmless radiation from raw Kryptonite (why humans and aliens alike can hand it with their bare hands)This meant that even if they could get on spaceships before the explosion, the massive wave of radiation from the planet's death would wipe them out in their spaceships.
I've always thought of that 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Small edit: meant to say amputee rather than paraplegic
I loved that show 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Right so, this being the only British thing... Because 'Murican-ese was our greatest and most overlooked contribution to the world, right?...... oh wait.
I've always thought of that 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Right so this was already mentioned a few times, Prof. X was a world class mutant psychic, but his powers were telepathic opposed to telekinetic. He could read/speak into/alter/erase/heal the minds of others, and It goes without saying that if he chose to he could readily control/destroy minds too. Now if you take into account the fact that he is the most powerful telepath on the planet, capable of scanning every humans on the planet in a few minutes with the help of Cerebros (essentially a glorified mental antenna) that means not even other psychic mutants, could have resisted Xavier should he have chosen to put the mental squeeze on them. It's a small wonder that even Magneto was deathly afraid of making an enemy of Professor Charles Xavier.
Also as a sidenote: to those who keep posting about prosthetics... he was crippled by a hunk of cement falling on his back and severing the nerves in his lower spine... the man is paralyzed from the waist down, he's not a fucking paraplegic!