And cue the shady music. 3 comments
· 7 years ago
And there is a saving point before entering the room, maybe a healing point too
The world is full of misunderstandings 8 comments
"friends" 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Or worst they didn't tell you they had plans and they talk just right in front of you how fun it was and you later discover what they were talking about and how they didn't think of inviting you.. True story
How Germany treats the victims of Muslim terror 57 comments
· 7 years ago
They are not Muslims, they use islam as a excuse to their horrible act but they absolutely don't represent Muslims
Running in your dream like 3 comments
· 7 years ago
This is the most horrible feeling you can have in a dream, when you feel someone following you and you run like a damn snail
European immigration be like 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Je sais pas dans quelle France tu vis mais c'est absolument faux, de plus les attaques terroristes ne touche pas que les blancs comme a tu a l'air de le penser It's a good thing that Lepen wasn't elected as she as racist as you , i don't like Macron that much but he is better than Lepen thats for sure
It's actually true 15 comments
We were warned about this 7 comments
You are welcome 6 comments
· 7 years ago
While the guy was in a coma he still answered him whereas the girl didn't even reply to him
It's ok 6 comments
No way, Jose 8 comments
Offensive humor wooo 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually a lot of arabs can be white skinned too, source is me an arab who is pale as f*ck ^^'
This Chinese inspirational poster 3 comments
*giggles in french* 8 comments
· 8 years ago
C'est vrai! When we count we don't pay attention to the way we count we just learn them like that so it's normal for us
He did it 3 comments
well 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Can someone explain where the "hon hon hon" come from? Because i'm french and i never heard a french laughing like that
Brushing your curly hair 2 comments
· 8 years ago
As a person with curly hair i can confirm , my mom don't understand that and always ask me to brush my hair even thought i told her that you never brush curly hair -_-
Sigh 6 comments
· 8 years ago
That why i'm a partime asshole, if i know i'm going to be forced to do something and i know i can avoid it then i will be an asshole but most of the time i'm nice too
Art of procrastination 2 comments
Saved dog 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I swear one day when i will get my own home i'll adopt an animal from a shelter that just make me so happy to see this dog smiling!
Toys have no gender! Except sex toys.. 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually this may sound weird my mom didn't like it when i played with my brother toys and i'm girl, i don't really know why i mean it's not killing anyone it goes the same for boys if they want to play with doll let them be why do people try to control their children, it's ridiculous :/
And let the glow light games begin 8 comments
· 8 years ago
If it's a party when the girl actually want to meet someone i don't the problem if you do go to this party but you're not interrested in anyone don't take
Wise words from a smart teacher 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I agree with the dance move one, even though i'm a bad dancer it's still more funny than doing it than doing nothing
Show some repect 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Why, if that isn't me ALL THE TIME , i swear no one listen to me it's kinda annoying..
clapclapclap 15 comments
Even more rare albino animals 6 comments
Nurses after a patient suffers a miscarriage 8 comments
Rico Rodriguez, aka Manny, is my spirit animal 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I totaly agree with as i actualy lost a 7 years of friendship with a guy because i rejected him and all he could think of was sex and i felt terribly embarassed as he would threathen me in a low voice when we were together in class.. The worst thing is that he was already going with another girl so i don't regret ending our friendship that much but seriously it's not funny if we don't like you we're not gonna force ourselves just for you and don't make it look like it's only girls who friendzone boys also do it