
Being gay is fine 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
As a catholic, one thing I hate is when people use the Bible to justify their hatefulness. You know what the Bible also says? You can’t mix fabrics- but yet, Bertha, you are wearing fucking JEANS and COTTON! The Bible says you can’t get a divorce, but what happened with your last five husbands, HUH? You can’t have premarital sex, but you, a “devout catholic”, had a kid at 16 and are CURRENTLY having an affair with your boss. Huh, BERTHA?
I have a lot of anger.
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one. 53 comments
guest · 9 years ago
My personal unpopular opinion is... I think nobody really cares or likes Bruce/Cait as much as they say they do.. I think most people are acting super happy and acting like it's wonderful so that they don't seem like a close minded individual. I don't think he/she deserved the Courage award. Sure they may seem courage in some people eyes, but I feel like the award was given to them so that whoever hands out the rewards seems cool and accepting.
RachEl Dolezal said she was black and everyone shunned and made fun of her and gave her a really hard time. Wasn't she courageous too? She came out and told the world she was born the wrong race, but instead of praise and acceptance she became a laughing stock.
I think lots of people, when it comes down to it, don't care about Bruce/Cait. I think they take that persons side because they were famous and they want people to think they're opened minded and accepting and loving.
but that's just my personal opinion