The $5 Coin Canada is getting in 2017 38 comments
· 9 years ago
If it comes into circulation with that design, moonie would be a perfect name.
mind blown 11 comments
· 9 years ago
The thing is that different people have very different experiences when they take drugs, so it's unlikely that there's some sort of truer reality that everyone is perceiving.
Leslie Knope for president2016 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure Ron's first act as president would be to abolish the federal government, but maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing?
At the very least, he would reduce government spending and taxes to pretty much nothing.
At the very least, he would reduce government spending and taxes to pretty much nothing.
omg black widow movie!!!1!1!!1!11! 16 comments
This Guy Knows What He's Saying 23 comments
· 9 years ago
The thing is, your view operates on the assumption that the primary purpose of all sexual and romantic interactions is childbirth. However, most people who oppose homosexuality are typically far less critical of contraceptive use, couples who choose not to have children, and couples with at least one infertile member, even though these behaviours are just as reproductively unviable.
So while the idea you've presented may be a factor and is often used as an argument against homosexuality, it is not sufficient to explain the average homophobe's views. The issue is far more complex than what you are reducing it to.
Tldr: stop pretending like your prejudice against me and people like me is scientifically justified. You're still an asshole.
So while the idea you've presented may be a factor and is often used as an argument against homosexuality, it is not sufficient to explain the average homophobe's views. The issue is far more complex than what you are reducing it to.
Tldr: stop pretending like your prejudice against me and people like me is scientifically justified. You're still an asshole.
Ahhh... the wonders of tumblr 11 comments
· 9 years ago
That's because it's the box where you indicate what language you want it translated to. Seeing as this person can't speak Russian, I doubt they'd want anything to be translated into Russian.
Thanks sperm 7 comments
· 9 years ago
You might want to brush up on your sex ed a little, because sperm cells can live for up to five days.
Ten Points To Gryffindor 4 comments
10 of the worlds oldest stuff 8 comments
Must contain anger 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Why not just "gingerbread people"? It accomplishes the same thing without making such a fuss about it.
Me irl 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, he releases female pheromones to trick the other males into trying to mate with him, so that he warms up faster and actually has a shot at the lady snakes. But we don't know whether things work out in the end.
I just watched this today, it was super cool and super disturbing.
I just watched this today, it was super cool and super disturbing.
And the Oscar for 'Best Female Performance in a Breakfast Movie' goes to...Nicole Kidman!! 3 comments
I saw this post about evolution 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, not all hybrids are sterile. Coyote/wolf hybrids, for example, can reproduce. Animal hybrids probably couldn't lead to evolution, though, since animals by far prefer mates from their own species. On the other hand, since plant reproduction is less discriminating (make a ton of pollen and hope for the best, basically), interspecies plant hybrids often occur in nature and can sometimes lead to new species.
Shurikkaru 28 comments
· 9 years ago
That's how it works with any morally dubious movement, though. Or any movement at all, really. People pretty much always believe what they're doing is right, or else they would stop doing it.
Gender 8 comments
· 9 years ago
However, the majority of people have gender identities congruent with their sex, so this post holds true for most people.
She's the One 8 comments
Who uses a fork to stir?! 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I suppose "science" is still correct, but physics would definitely be more precise.
I'll bet! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
We don't have to learn imperial units next door in Canada, so I'd be surprised if the rest of the world had to. But learning the metric system is way easier than learning the imperial system, which I guess is kind of the point.
Who uses a fork to stir?! 10 comments
· 9 years ago
The center of gravity of the forks is actually at the edge of the penny, so it can be balanced on the rim of a glass.
MATH. Not even once... 4 comments
Aye. 6 comments
· 9 years ago
stevonnie is frigging adorable oh my god. the ship and the person are both perfection.
We all like curves 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Why all the hate for e-readers? Sure, books are great and I still buy them all the time, but with my Kindle I can instantly get new books for cheaper without leaving my house. Both are good in their own ways.
I greatly respect this man 34 comments
· 9 years ago
For my own reference, are non-Christian temples also exempt from taxes? Or is it just churches?
Stop nagging 17 comments
· 9 years ago
The thing is that black people are often treated as criminals regardless of whether they act like one whereas, as totallydude pointed out above, white people receive far less judgement for far worse (or at least less justified) behaviour.
As an American where you have to be 21+ to drink 45 comments
· 9 years ago
It's actually 18 in Quebec, because Quebec insists on differentiating itself from the rest of Canada.
I'm so doing this 21 comments
· 9 years ago
If disciplining your kids so that they don't become assholes (i.e. doing your job as a parent) counts as bullying, then yes.
Can a guy confirm this for me? 14 comments
Tom Riddle must've been a hella good artist 19 comments
· 9 years ago
The Hermione Can't Draw song is actually from A Very Potter Sequel, but I digress.
So much pain 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I like to think Canadian strippers make more money because the smallest bills we have here are $5. Unless strip club patrons can pay with loonies and toonies, but that sounds like a mood killer.
DONT 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Personally, I beg to differ. I'm also gay and only take offense at things meant to be offensive, but that's because now I'm secure in who I am. When I was 13 and coming to terms with my sexuality, every day I'd hear my classmates calling people and things "gay" as an insult. Even if they weren't being consciously homophobic, the implication that gay is bad or inferior really fucked me up and made it a lot harder for me to be okay with who I am.
This line strucked me hard 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure the bomb wins in this one. I mean, say what you will about words, but they can't instantly kill millions of people unless those words are "fire the nuclear bomb".
awwwe ^_^ 36 comments
Asking the important questions... 8 comments
Sibling love 10 comments
Why didn't we notice this?!!! 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I would agree if this were a movie for adults, but, speaking as a gay person, LGBT representation in children's media is actually super important. It's evidence that we are finally being accepted even by the stricter moral standards of children's shows and movies, and, more importantly, it lets kids know that it's perfectly alright for them or for people around them to be gay.
mhhhhhmmmhhhh 19 comments
· 9 years ago
But it's a choice that endangers a child for no reason other than the parent's ignorance.
Chris Pratt is the best thing to ever happen in this show... 6 comments
· 10 years ago
If you mean code names, I'm pretty sure Leslie was "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it".
That's the question 3 comments
This was the first clue everyone 27 comments
This was the first clue everyone 27 comments
· 10 years ago
There are U.S. copyright issues on the word "Avatar" because of James Cameron's movie, so it's "The Legend of Korra" in the states and "Avatar: the Legend of Korra" everywhere else. So you're actually both right.
Maybe one day my dream will come true 5 comments
The biggest statues in the world 10 comments
George Orwell was right 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Something that really interests me is how the contrast between the two books can be explained by the context they were written in. Brave New World, published in the wake of the roaring twenties, depicts a culture of mass production/consumption, complete sexual freedom, and instant gratification. 1984, on the other hand, came out in the aftermath of WWII, and it focuses on controlling people through deprivation, fear, and redirected aggression. Brave New World relates a bit more to the world we're living in now, but 1984 was certainly extremely relevant in its own time, and still very relevant today.
Genetic diseases are failures 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Interestingly, some genetic disorders are still around because they can prove helpful in certain forms. For example, while sickle-cell anemia severely weakens those who have it, people who carry the abnormal gene but also have a normal copy are less likely to die of malaria, which is why natural selection never removed the mutation.
The truth about greek and roman statues 6 comments
The lightest material ever, less dense than helium 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Also, gases don't have a definite density because they expand to fill the volume available to them.