
He don't give a... 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Snape as an asshole to Harry because of his relationship with his father and how he saw him when he looked at Harry and the resentment he felt for Harry's mother's death. However he always protected because Dumbledore asked him and Harry was needed to defeat Voldemort (in book ONE for instance he prevents Quirrel to make Harry fall from his broom to a certain death).
He don't give a... 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Every last name was changed. Except Snape's. Snape will always be Snape. Always.
Smallest living organism in Atacama deset 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What I came here to say. Also, I highly doubt that statement to be true in the first point.
So much win. Don't judge a book by its cover 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Am I the only one who gets pissed by this kind of post? I mean sure, its not all about the physical attraction, but I won't give overweight girls a chance not because I'm an asshole, but rather because I'm not attracted to them, and I wouldn't want a girl who isn't attracted to me to date me. I would want her to want me as much as I want her, so forcing it with a person who I'm not attracted to seems stupid, and actually mean to her.
:( that was a good line too 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well the answer to that is : "So should I do you all night long?"
Where does the extra time go? 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It goes to not missing that minion that was about to die, and outfarming our ennemy to snowball to victory.
they're not ninjas if I can see them 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well if that's not assault I don't know what is.
You don't need it 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well damn mom, guess we're not talking anymore for the internet has spokent !
some people just want to watch their mouths burn 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah, he also gets cultivated A LOT more because of that. So it's an actual win !
Creationism 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
In France evolution isn't taught as a FACT. It is taught as a Theory with A LOT of evidence towards it, yet it is also stated that there is no absolute proof, and that it still is a theory, and if evidence against it should appear then it might be proven wrong.
And that is how I think it should be taught, since it illustrates the scientific method and helps keep an open mind while still learning about the most highly probable scientific explanation for shit.
Bartending problems - job comp 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Ill get downvoted straight to hell but here goes : "Many of the 'bartender classic complaints' make me feel like bartenders need to get of their high horses". As much as I understand that some of them must be annoying, you're still paid to make drinks, you're selling entertainment (you're here for people to have fun, and you're paid for it). So stfu if the customer wants a vodka cranberry when you're famous for your whiskey shit. Its their choice.
New Stop a Douchebag Episode - Hell of a Lawyer 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
One thing I disagree on is, he says at the end "it amazes me that people are willing to advocate for offenders". Everyone is allowed to have defense, and everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I strongly disagree on him on that point.
He looks so proud of himself in that last picture xD 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Maybe you guys are butthurt and insecure? When I use stereotypes I mean it as a fucking joke. Truth is, I don't care about your sexuality / race / hair color or anything, yet Ill still make jokes about gay / chinese / gingers stereotypes, because fuck it, it's fun. If you weren't insecure you'd take it with humor and not bitch about it, because that's all there is to it.
Feel free to downvote, but really, stop being insecure, most people don't care about your sexuality, others aren't worth your time.