
To the girls and guys 31 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I was raped by a female teacher. Fuck you.
Heyyyy ladiessss.... Nope 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah this is real cute because when I was in the military all these "committed" dozens of Marine females got terrified out of their wits at the reality of what was required of them. So all these little girls who swallowed all this American women's studies bullshit about every woman being born a Viking warrior goddess, they all got scared, went out and got pregnant on a one-night stand, got out of the military, and slunk off home in their shameful cowardice, all while the men went to war without fear or shame. Western women are more uncommitted as men, at life and at relationships, because they're sure that nothing they feel can be wrong. I call billshit on this post. It's just one more subliminal enforcement of misandry.
good for you stranger! 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Haha!!! Why aren't you in congress??
that's so creepy 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Neither psychology not science can explain this.
good for you stranger! 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
He should've had his girlfriend jailed. Women like the one in this post are very "brave" nowadays in this way because they really think there will be no consequences simply because they are women. Their mothers taught them that their tits are a ticket out of every unpleasant situation, and that if that doesn't work, tell as many lies as possible to police until all opposition is dead. It may be tough because the bitch is yelling in your face, but frankly, if she is assaulting you, defend yourselves, men. I mean if women can fight in the military, so have her jailed or fight back. Women demand true equality, and now legally they have it. Don't fail to give them entrance into the man's everyday world of violence, since they think they can compete in it on equal terms because they know most guys will never raise a hand to them, because most men still think chivalry is valid. It isn't. Don't let your asses get kicked anymore. It is a brave new world for women, one they demanded.
good for you stranger! 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Nice guys always finish last. Their ambitions are peace and quiet, stability and temperamce. Most guys in the world gravitate to to this mindset. If you're not seeing it, or you think men aren't geared this way in general, then there's a reason for it. Men like this are also pretty private about being like this.
Tips on how to not let your kid end up like that 50 shades girl or guy 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That was my point, long-winded as is was. Read it again from that viewpoint.
Let it happen 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You are a genius
Tips on how to not let your kid end up like that 50 shades girl or guy 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh my! Honor codes are outmoded so here's your honor code that doesn't sound like an honor code? You can't escape the honor code of the golden rule. It's what makes this world work. Ifvwhat you say is true, then men and women should hire out their children to factories, since the self-sacrifice of providing for a family is outdated. It's only outdated in fat western society. Without an honor code, we're just a society of thieves and murderers bent on justification of our selfish actions OH WAIT
Let it happen 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Stupid bitch screaming men and women are equal but hates domestic violence against women, who, naturally, are independent from and equal to men in every way. Except that most men are stronger than most women, and she is the exception, and even her exceptional talent is not exceptional among men, is in fact sub-standard for men. Women have lost their monthly bloody minds when they think they are an even match for men. We exhibit sexual dimorphism like so many other species. Women are destroying the planet so they can all spread their legs to a mirror together and cry at what they see. SOOOO STROOOONG!!! Dumb bitches.
Learn to laugh, you'll live longer 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's strange because smartasses have a name on the internet, and that mame is "troll". Trolling is an imprisonable offense in several European nations and some American states, as well as certain circumstances in Australia and New Zealand. So go ahead, all you smartasses out there tonight! Enjoy your six-month lockup and get all the ass you want.
Tips on how to not let your kid end up like that 50 shades girl or guy 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Then make girls understand that guys don't want sex automatically with any girl who offers. Why girls believe this is beyond me. Oh wait it's what they tell each other so they pretend to have a reason to hate men, because in reality, men are PEOPLE who CARE for their loved ones and work themselves to death for their families. Modern western women live in a fantasy world of their own making, and so many millions of men and children suffer daily for women's self-inflicted psychosis that all society groans under their Satanic hypocrisy.
Let it happen 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
She will lose in about four seconds. She HAS to fight in lightweight because SHE'S TINY. Plenty of women abuse their husbands, quite brutally. But we take it like men you whiny cunts.
Tips on how to not let your kid end up like that 50 shades girl or guy 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So maybe if we teach little girls that they are simply human people whom the Law demands follow the moral code of society, instead of public schools inculcating every little girl in the nation that everything she feels cannot be questioned because she is divine, perhaps then women today wouldn't bellyache about the consequences of their inconsiderate and abusive posturing, spending her life blaming someone else for her screw-ups. Instead we might have a balanced society of responsible individuals who understand that no one in life is entitled to anything they didn't work very hard for.
Tips on how to not let your kid end up like that 50 shades girl or guy 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You know, Little girls are every bit as violent toward little boys. I had ten times more girls hurt me BAD when I was in grade school than boys. But you're not supposed to hit a girl! This twofaced "girls are born enlightened" pseudophilosophy is bullshit, especially considering today's world where women fight in combat, can be police and fbi agents, fight ufc champuonships, but somehow, even though the bitches are as tough as men on every level, men can't hit back. This sick sociopathic mindset starts in grade school where all boys are brainwashed to think women are born morally superior to and more intelligent than themselves (which is a communist lie). Fact is that 4 out of 5 molestation cases in Florida are charges brought against women. Men, wake up and get your balls back from your teacher's purse, spineless pussies.