
My unpopular opinion 23 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Wait till you're old and all of society sees you as a drooling idiot because you aren't new anymore. If old people have to get re-tested after a lifetime of driving experience, then young drivers ought to be re-evaluated every six months for their first ten years of driving. And the evaluation needs to be a surprise evaluation, same day as the notification. That makes so much more sense to do it on both ends of the spectrum. High school and college kids drive like idiots and blame everyone else on the road.
Roux the two-legged cat 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah your statement makes me lose mine. You ever held a dying, starving baby in your arms in a refugee camp? How about we forget helping animals altogether, and take what we as a nation normally spend on pet food every year and organize a peaceful army of nutritional support for areas of the world where people live on garbage dumps? I mean I can have an abortion for a fifty dollar co-pay, so I suppose a cat is so valuable a deity that babies must die to appease the god animals. You people are psychotic.
The arrow metaphor 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Whoever the hell disliked the last comment is a sheltered spoiled brat
The arrow metaphor 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
There are 650,000 words in the English language. I bet you folks are familiar with at least a dozen of our words.
The arrow metaphor 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah planke this whole arrow post is a really cute concept in a privileged, filthy rich, heavily socialized society like America, Australia, Canada, or the EU. But in third world countries, the children nearly starve to death as a rule, the sick die in the streets, child abuse exists on a level only trumped by Hell itself, and people eat garbage and stray dogs because they too hungry to focus and keep aiming. And there is no escape or a better tomorrow. No escape.
The truth about the slow loris pet trade 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I just did. Stop telling me where and when to speak.
The truth about the slow loris pet trade 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It does though. People today care nothing for the unborn, but crusade for animals. Thanks for the correction, daddymommy. Free speech must not appeal to you unless your own mouth is flapping. If that's the case, then this is not the place for watching a video of a loris getting its teeth cut out alive. Hypocrite.
The truth about the slow loris pet trade 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And I don't understand why people organize international rescue organizations for a poisonous animal that lives on instimct alone and is not human, but several million bitches a year can have their babies hacked up alive for a twenty-dollar co-pay so they can keep partying and have a career instead of sterilizing themselves; but no one cares about forming an international rescue force to save the unborn WHO ARE LIVING PEOPLE. Watch a video of an abortion, watch the fetus fight with the tools, screaming as it gets cut up alive; tell me it's just stimulus and response; and then come back and tell me that animals need to be saved globally from people. Animals are only animals. They will kill you. Even a wild chipmunk will butcher your hand. Let the animal trade continue. Who cares? This society is so sick I have no words for it.
Fat acceptance 43 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Those fat people have endocrine problems. The really big chick has Cushing's disease from a pituitary tumor. So no one has mercy on fat people who desperately need medical help. It's easier for you goatfuckers to just despise what you see. You sound like Nazis talking about Jews. But a 35 year old queer can sleep with a 16 year old kid and that's somehow so divine that no one can comprehend the holy love of what is actually a child molester. Or you pathetic porn addicts whose appetites for sex are so out of control that if it were food, you'd all be too big to fit in a piano packing case. The fact is that you hate fat people for not reminding you of porn. Food is evil, but crazy sex is divine? Go burn in Satan's ass.