
Pro-choice 153 comments
guest · 9 years ago
@jollysailorbold: I respect your decision though I think at the age of 14 you might be a little too young to see through all the consequences. You wrote that that you are terrified of a pregnancy and that a baby would reshape your whole future. Make no mistake here - an abortion reshapes your future just the same. With a baby it's more certain and clear how your life changes and with an abortion it's not, that's why many forget. You might be fine and never ever think back to the abortion so you chose the perfect solution for you. But one day you might feel a terrible guilt. you might have a family. You might feel guilt looking at your children. Your children might find out and hate you for it (as I can tell from personal experience). It's still your decision I just don't want you to think that an abortion does not influence your life. The only difference is that you can never be sure how it will influence you - if it's for better or worse.