We need to protect the rhinoceros 49 comments
· 9 years ago
Sadly, it is now too late to save them! The Western Black Rhino has been declared extinct! But that doesn't mean we should give up, defeated..we should get angry & keep fighting for injustices that are happening still...TOGETHER, WE can make dramatic changes if we work together.There are many more of US than there are of those who are powerful, callous, and greedy - they are small in number (but big in strategies, plans, and cash) -with the power of love, and our own firm strategy to stand together for what is right...we can overtake their love of power and change the world. We have to stand strong, we cannot waver, because it is going to take time so WE CANNOT GIVE UP!! This fight started before we were born, and many before us have already struggled & made sacrifices with their lives (and many are doing so still today) so that we could come this, we have to KEEP FIGHTING.