
IE rules lol 12 comments
guest · 11 years ago
You know, I always see posts like this and I think it's clever . . . but then I remember they have to exit out of all those boxes.
I can't be the only one who feels this way 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
What if Oprah was president? She'd be pretty hard to hate.
The New American 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I've felt this way since I was eight years old, this is in no way new.
Pen*s flavor 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I always knew that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was creepy, now I have some evidence to back me up.
Rob you blind 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Wouldn't he already know if he was blind?
From Ellen to Chris Pine 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I love how she has her name on the top like how a name brand would.
When I jump in the water 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It looks like he's gonna go so far and then splat.
Stop looking at her, she's gonna die! 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I love how the nurse/doctor next to her table is just screaming as opposed to trying to revive her.
Jarvis lookin good 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
They all look so normal. It's such a big difference from the glamorous style of Hollywood.
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
(It's the poster of the super long comment. Yes, I came back to see the reaction to my comments. So sue me.)
I remained anonymous just because I couldn't be bothered to make a long comment.
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
relaxing and makeup is NOT relaxing. Ideally, I wouldn't wear makeup at all, but I feel hideous whenever I don't put it on, so I wear it for confidence.
10. Women "deteriorate" because we wear makeup. And this is the kind of shit that makes me feel hideous when I don't put it on. I'm somehow uglier if I don't have longer lashes, more defined eyes, and darker lips. It's bullshit.
And, by the way, unless you're looking like fucking Brad Pitt or Channing Tatum, don't you dare start talking about deterioration.
11. Also, not true. But this is more in the man's defense rather than the woman's. Plenty of fathers are highly invested in their children's lives just as women are. And a lot of times, women are just as ignorant and clueless to their children's lives just as some men are.
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
le-parents, people in debt, etc.
7. FUCKING BULLSHIT. I SWEAR TO MOTHERFUCKING GOD. This is not the fucking Dark Ages, the only point in a woman's life is no longer getting married, raising kids, and keeping up the household. No, our success is now the same as everyone else's because we're supposedly equal to men. I fucking HATE this. It's such bullshit.
8. Only bad marriages. You marry someone because you love them for who they are.
9. Obviously the definitions of "dressing up" are completely different. When I say dress up, I mean in an actual dress and nice shoes and everything to look nicer than usual. Sometimes I dress a bit nicer than usual just to feel nice, but otherwise I don't fucking dress up to go read a book.
If you think that "dressing up" is putting on makeup and clothes, then OF COURSE I put makeup on when I go out somewhere.
But a lot of girls still don't put makeup on just to read a book, who the fuck does? That's when you're supposed to be just hanging out and
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
(it cut me off)
dollar item? That's just stupid. And, yes, I pay half the original price when there's a sale because that's the logical thing to do. Also, I DO sometimes splurge, just as a treat to myself, but I haven't gone shopping in three years just because I can't afford it.
4. You fucking kidding me? 337 items? Who the fuck has 337 items, Kim Kardashian? At the most, I'd say I have thirty items I use for maintenance, and most of that is makeup.
5. Although it's a cute little saying, we know it's not true. The argument isn't over until the problem has either been resolved or, at least, settled for now.
6. Bullshit! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? The world does not just disappear when you get married! You still have fucking bills and world-problems and all that shit, it doesn't disappear and you don't forget about it.
Also, plenty of men worry about the future even when they're not married. And, again, there are so many more factors to contribute to these statements. There's sing
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Okay, I hate this. I hate all these posts stereotyping women and making it seem like men are so much better than them. Bullshit. So I'm gonna try and refute every statement.
1. Okay, when I hang out with my friends, I usually call them bitches, assholes, jerks, etc. when I'm kidding, and they do the same with me. Although we mostly use actual names.
2. What the fuck kind of idiots pays sixty dollars for a bill that's only half that? The real example should have been "Each of them pay ten dollars for a bill that's $32.50 and then someone pays for the rest".
Anyways, that's besides the point. Not all women want to divide things in exact amounts, I'll pay in part of my friends all the time. Not all women are stingy; I've met plenty of stingy men. Besides, there's more factors to consider than just "man and woman". What if you just got fired? What if you're just poor in general?
3. Again, WHY? Why would you pay more than is needed? Who the fuck pays five dollars for a three do
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
That's not true. I'm also a girl and there are some girls that do some of these things, but I think of it more as some of their quirks, but not every woman does this.
You shut your mouth right now 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Personally, I'm a allergic to Coke and Pepsi. It gives me a severe stomachache whenever I drink too much (which is more than two or three sips).
The answer to the answer of life 16 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also: M is the thirteenth letter in the alphabet, A is the first letter in the alphabet, T is the twentieth letter in the alphabet, and H is the eight letter in the alphabet. 13+1+20+13=42.
So the answer to the ultimate question . . . of life, the universe, and everything is . . . math.
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Sorry for that, it's just . . . God. This makes me so fucking pissed.
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
m gonna stop here.
So, really, I dare those men to go crying into their little mommies handkerchiefs about how hard it is to be a man. How sexism is making your life so much harder. Complain about all the hard double-standards and unfairness. But you know what? Don't go crying to momma, she'll tell you the same thing I told you. So go cry to daddy. Or, better yet, cry to yourself. Rock yourself to sleep with your little blankie, telling yourself that one day all the double-standards will be gone and that the world will be completely equal and that you just have to wait. I fucking dare you.
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
have to act like a motherfucking bitch in order to do you're business.
You think they want to act this way? No. I would much rather prefer to be all friendly and innocent and charming and easy like my coworkers, but a lot of assholes treat me like I'm less than them and I have to teach them wrong by being a bitch.
Not to motherfucking mention that it's still seventy-five cents to every dollar that a man makes. Is that fucking equal? Are you still complaining asshole? Not to mention all the blatant harassment. Especially if you're a woman in a workplace surrounded by men. Quite often, the harassment is made by your boss, as well. So it's not like you can do anything about it, lest you be fired. You just have to deal with it. And all the goddamn glass ceilings that prevent you from moving up just because you're a fucking woman. You know, I could go through so many more paragraphs describing the YEARS of oppression that women have suffered and the injustice they've gone through. But I'
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
to those morons?
Women in business ARE called independent and strong sometimes, but most of the they're classified as bitches. Why? Because we have to act like bitches to get the men to listen to us and we have to be bitches to get to the top.
I will not count the times that a group of asshole men have laughed and snickered at me while I was making a presentation just because they thought I couldn't do it because I was some weak ass woman. The only way I got their fucking attention was to act like a motherfucking bitch.
Business is competitive as it is, the things you do are generally already labeled as bad, but if you're a woman and you really have to assert yourself because some jackass thinks you're incapable, then you
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
(it cut me off) those men can take care of them. So it's the opposite with a cougar whereas she takes care of him. So we should celebrate both of them for being so well-off that they can take care of someone else (of course, they should be able to tell that they're a gold-digger if that's the only reason the significant other is dating them).
2. Okay, there are plenty of girl gamers and it's just that it's so rare that it makes it cool that a girl likes video-games. And I've honestly never met a guy without a Playstation or XBox or something.
I agree that men are generally more stereotyped on being a gamer, but that's not generally what I picture as a guy-gamer. I picture some skinny teenager in sweats and a hoodie playing World of Warcraft, jerking to each side every so often as a result of being so absorbed in a game. But it's only the idiots who think gamers are the overweight guys with towel-capes and play video-games practically as a living. So why the fuck is anyone listening
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Okay I'm tired of seeing all these posts by men bitching about double standards.
1. Women are still ridiculed for being "cougars" and dating younger women just as men are. So don't try that bullshit. Besides, unless the guy is going after minors, he's not technically a pedophile.
And what guy doesn't dream of some hot twenty-five (when he may forty) year old with blonde hair and big boobs?
Can I also state the controversy of the pictures? Okay, so for the cougars, they have a picture of a beautiful, but an obviously older woman. Classic "cougar" type. For the pedophiles remark they firstly have a of a guy who looks like he's in a prison jumpsuit (the orange shirt) and looks like he's having a mug-shot or something. The second one looks a creepy mad-scientist that would assault you.
So, yeah, if I saw those dudes going around eyeing up young girls, I'd call them a pedophile because they look like ones.
Anyways, the whole reason that girls have initially like older men is because
Bikers are awesome 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Hell's Angels were also the ones who made a barricade against the Westboro Baptist Church protestors at the Sandy Hook funerals, right?
Bryan Cranston at comic con 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Holy fuck. Now my dream of becoming a cartoon super villain will come true!