So yall want "real" black twitter 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, people are stupid and ignorant, and loot stores because their mad that Freddie killed himself in the police van.
"Derp derp let's loot stores guys that'll show em and help the community derp"
"Derp derp let's loot stores guys that'll show em and help the community derp"
Shower thoughts 13 comments
· 10 years ago
People with weird fetish for toilets can fap...
*Plumber plunging toilet*
Guy: oh yeah look at that toilet taking his plunger like a pro
*toilet flushes*
Guy: *censored*
*Plumber plunging toilet*
Guy: oh yeah look at that toilet taking his plunger like a pro
*toilet flushes*
Guy: *censored*
What is aethism 9 comments
This made my brain bleed! 41 comments
A whale taking a dump. You're welcome 18 comments
Scooping out a strawberry 23 comments
Men photographed in stereotypical pin-up poses 15 comments
fluffy cows 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm gonna find one, and name it friend beast, and we will watch netflix all day
Thousands of stingrays migrating to new seas 17 comments