
When people say "I'm not trying to be racist, but..." 65 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Nobody? Don't make me laugh, this site is filled with liberals and many get offended for slightest thing. Half the members here see having their "feelings" hurt worthy of a ban
When people say "I'm not trying to be racist, but..." 65 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh no, I could careless whether you minorities agree with me. Those apes ruin neighborhoods, loud, lowly educated, violent and rape culture, terrible fashion, and think they are entitled over everyone. People would want me banned and oppressed for the views I have. The world would be much more better segregated and that's my opinion. You fuckers would have me out right shut off because it's "hateful" or "offensive". Just the hypocrite side of you people
As a guy who lives alone 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Someone had a surprise period and needed to make a diaper