
reason #113 why I love her 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
She hasn't had "thousands" of boyfriends. And what does it matter? Some people go through more partners than she did (which was only 5 or 6 over a course of a few years) in a month! Why is that your business anyway? Other side of her shown by social media is fake. She's a human. So what if she writes about her exes? SO DOES EVERY OTHER ARTIST OUT THERE. Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, name anyone. I garuntee they have a song written about their exes. If you dont like her music, fine. But some people do. I do. And I don't go around trashing your favorite artists. Music is music and people are people. Her methods for writing songs are the same as any artist. She writes her feelings. And you can't hate someone for writing their feelings. It's a human rights to express yourself. Find an LEGITAMENT reason to hate her. Having "thousands" of boyfriends doesnt take away from a person's value.
Poncho-ing with style 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is the other guy Matt Smith?
Meninist Activism dot org 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's actually really called masculinity, as in masculine and feminine. Some idiot on the Internet came up with "meninism" which, I agree, sounds just plain stupid.
Solar the world 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The reason they haven't done this yet is because the air between the solar panels and the sky is so hot that anything, most specifically birds, that fly over it would literally burst into flames. It's dangerous for birds, and they have yet to find a way to avoid this.