Spot the vegan 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not so sure. It's been 11 hours already.
The Aloe polyphylla plant 2 comments
Jew or Nazi robot 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, not Jewish. Called svastika in Sanskrit and manji in Japanese, it is a symbol of auspiciousness in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
Jew or Nazi robot 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes. The swastika is over 3000 years old. Before the nazi regime completely and utterly desecrated it, it was a sacred symbol for luck and good fortune.
Found this legend on a toilet in Istanbul 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I like how the fonts keep getting smaller.
Boss: "We need to add another item to the 'Do Not Flush' list."
Janitor: "What now? Someone's ex?"
Boss: ..........
Janitor: "Really?"
Boss: "We need to add another item to the 'Do Not Flush' list."
Janitor: "What now? Someone's ex?"
Boss: ..........
Janitor: "Really?"
Friendly giants 4 comments
· 9 years ago
This happened to me. Not more than a week after I got married, my wife called me at work. She had found a feral kitten (about 2 months old according to the vet) and lured her into the house with bowls of cream and wanted to know if we could keep her. She was starving and scruffy and had huge ears. For some reason she latched onto me. If I stretched out on the couch, she was on my stomach. If I was on the floor reading a book, she was on my back. She walked around the block with me. We named her Topaz. She flew across the country with us when we moved to San Francisco and rode with us when we moved to Seattle. She lived to be almost 18. I miss her still.
Do they even know how to drive? *honk* 7 comments
yeah, they should really tell Candy... 10 comments
Commercial Break Bingo 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Hawking drugs with side effects more dangerous than the problem they may or may not cure and ambulance chasers offering lawsuits
Wet food for life 25 comments
· 9 years ago
My chemistry teacher had 3 pit bulls that were some of the greatest dogs I've had the pleasure of knowing. I would wrestle with all of them and never had any fear of being harmed. The favorite thing for one of them was to drag a tree out of the woods and hang from it while we ran around the yard with the tree on our shoulders. I do miss those shenanigans.
Didn't go as planned. 11 comments
This is a Concept Violin. 28 comments
oh ireland 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Ha! I read that, clicked off and scrolled on to the next post. Then I got the joke.
The last ride of the death train 6 comments
· 10 years ago
What really pisses me off is, even with all the photographic evidence, there are now people claiming that the Holocaust never happened.
For God's Sake 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh.... Wait.... Now they are called 'Marine Animal Rescue'. Apparently whales don't want to associated with this.
Let's be honest 61 comments
· 10 years ago
@thehatman, if I recall correctly, when she was running against Obama, the Bilderberg Group met and she suddenly dropped out of the race, becoming a non-option.
when i go to kill a bug and it starts flying 31 comments
Many things have been thought of 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know. Last time I was in a sauna it was with my girlfriend, several of her friends and my best friend with his girlfriend and several of her friends. This was in February and I spent half the time jumping in the river "for health reasons".
when i have a bad horoscope 24 comments
Just one day.. 6 comments