
DWIGHTED 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or you can be dead for longer
The fastest white sprinter 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The other dudes are like so chill but he's jut like so intense
How music reading works 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So if you want an easy instrument then i would recomend flute or clarinet. Clarinet would be easiest i think, except i've been told high notes are hard to play. I only play flute so i never tried sax and clarinet, but i think flute is easy too except getting a clear sound could be pretty hard, and high notes aren't that hard to play. Alto sax is lighter then tenor and is a bit higher pitched because it's smaller. it really depends on your preference and how each one sounds, if you just want a easy instrument i would probably reccomend clarinet, because for flute i had a hard time producing a nice clear sound. A few things about clarinet, you need to replace the reed, it might be hard keeping your hands in the same place because you have to move your fingers around, and high notes are difficult. I would prefer sax because of the nice sound ot makes, but it's your choice. I think you should listen to each instrument and see which one sounds the nicest for you.
How music reading works 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I play the flute but i have friends who play the sax and clarinet. It depends on which kind of sax you play, tenor sax is heavier and bigger then the alto sax. Sax could be difficult to produce a good sounds at first, it will make honking sounds, but once you get good it at it will produce nice sounds. Clarinet and flute are pretty quiet instuments while sax is quite loud, so if you like to show off i recommend the sax. Clarinet and flute are also considered the easiest instruments, but flute migt be a bit difficult to produce a sound at first but actual quite easy once you get the hang of it. Flute you blow into differently then sax and clarinet, you don't blow directly into it, so some people can't make a sound at first. Clarinet and sax has a reed and you have to replace the reed often, so that might get pricey. Clarinet might also be hard to produce a sound at first but most get the hang of it easily, It is very easy at first but once you have to play higher notes it gets harder.
I can't stand them 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yes me too it's not funny anymore, it's just anooying i usually just scroll right past them
Joke 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Famous from being a good kisser?
So true 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This isn't naruto...