It's different when you see something through other people's eyes... 13 comments
· 10 years ago
The monk and the brother is the album artwork to "Save Rock and Roll" by Fall Out Boy. I'm not sure if the person who made this picture didn't no or if were making a joke.
I just can't... 33 comments
You little angel 20 comments
· 10 years ago
This hit me hard.
It's still nice to know that there are little kids who are less selfish than most adults. R.I.P Tyler, you are a hero <3
It's still nice to know that there are little kids who are less selfish than most adults. R.I.P Tyler, you are a hero <3
Every time 6 comments
I'm born in 2000, so clearly I'm not a 90's kid. 42 comments
· 10 years ago
I was born in 1998. Kids my age and in 1999 or 1997 also talk about "I miss the 90s! It was the best!" Like bruh, chances are you don't remember much of that. I don't remember anything from 98 to like, 2000 or 2001. Although, it was the best...just better technology and internet now.
Feminists and Femanazis 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Most feminists nowadays take everything as sexism. For example, if she doesn't get the job she wanted, then it's automatically sexist. I'm all for feminism. But these "feminazis" and to grow up.