I usually do my best as a daughter but always get this from my parents 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, make your parent regret the fact that they ever had a douchey kid in the first place. That'll teach em! Also just remember that a parent doesn't have to buy you those nice new abercrombie clothes or a cell phone or a single toy/game/etc. or any of that other stuff that isn't a necessity to life.
Did you know? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
You can also think about it like teachers in a classroom. If you have a really small classroom and the teacher only has 10 kids, they are going to be able to watch and work with them a lot more. The same can't be said for the teacher that has over 100 kids, so trying to make the 2nd teacher "learn" from the first teacher's example isn't going to do a hell of a lot for them since they'll never be able to put those kind of ideas into practice in their own classroom.
Did you know? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
His point wasn't that just because they are smaller they have no issues ever. It was that to compare "apples to apples" you need similar sample sizes. If you had one area with 100,000 people and 1 shooting every day, you couldn't just automatically say well this area with 100 people only has 1 shooting every year, thats not nearly as often so they must be doing something right and the first area should copy them.
wanted to add one more to think about 2 comments
· 10 years ago
You don't HAVE to pay. Up and leave and go live it up in the woods with all those other species that "don't pay". Oh, that doesn't sound that great to you?
She speaks the truth 6 comments
· 10 years ago
looks like it was a x2 points round. Add up the right answers and you get 49. Multiply by 2 and you'd get 98. The 4th answer could add anywhere from 9-11 points (18-22 points with the x2) for a total of up to 120 points.
Pants 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Its a pretty common phrase, the person that "wears the pants" in a relationship is the one that does the decision making. Its usually used to describe women ("She definitely wears the pants in THAT relationship") because it goes against the norm of men being the breadwinners/boss/decision-maker of the relationship.
The dads joke was to make the woman try on his pants, which would obviously not fit, and then put to rest any idea that she might be the "pants wearer" of the couple.
The dads joke was to make the woman try on his pants, which would obviously not fit, and then put to rest any idea that she might be the "pants wearer" of the couple.
"which I measured with my rulers" 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Depends on the inventory system. A lot of store's systems don't allow you to just say "oh theres 5 of those" and scan one since they each have a specific spot in the system. You have to scan each so that it can remove each item from the inventory.
Someone fix this please 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Somebody already posted this a while back. Just because its the same spot on a circle does not mean they are exactly the same. If you are on a snowboard/skateboard/bike/etc. is it the same trick to do a 360, a 720, a 1080, and to just jump up and land w/o spinning? Or are those obviously completely different things even though you end up facing the exact same direction for all 4 things?
How People React To Child Abuse Between Different Races Is Heartbreaking 16 comments
· 10 years ago
This is ridiculous. You can film as much footage as you want and edit it to show any result. Who's to know that they didn't have to film for 100 hours to get those 2 minutes of the white kid being helped? And how do we know they didn't just cut out every time somebody tried to help the black kid and they only edited in the pieces where nobody was helping? Also why did they change the setting? It should be the same "types" of people for both scenarios which means you kinda need to be in the same place. Another thing was the black dad was a good deal bigger than the white dad. Ya, in a perfect world it wouldn't make a difference, but a lot of guys aren't going to try to step up to stop something if they believe doing so would get their ass beat. Notice that most of the guys that stopped the white dad were bigger than him and just straight up told him stop or I'll hit you. It takes a much bigger (physically) man to do that for the black dad.
Weird name but feminsim has a bad rap that needs changed 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you think that somebody that wanted to go back to promoting those ideals would gain much traction by trying to bring the Nazi party back to power? Or would they have a much easier time of it by just simply changing the name to something new that doesn't have a horrible connotation, even though what they are fighting for hasn't changed a bit. (To repeat, I'm not talking about the obviously bad parts that Nazism changed into, but the original ideals of promoting socialism, and being against communism, capitalism, big business, separate "upper class" citizens, etc.)
Weird name but feminsim has a bad rap that needs changed 34 comments
· 10 years ago
There's nothing wrong with the name itself, or its origins. The problem is the horrible connotation it has today. As so many have commented, a lot of people don't view a "feminist" as somebody that promotes equality, but as somebody that promotes women above men (commonly referred to as "feminazi" now). The "fight" for the cause has broadened and changed, that in itself should warrant a name change as you aren't just fighting for women's rights, but all people's rights (or so I've been told by "true" feminists). Why WOULDN'T you take the opportunity to change your name and distance yourself from those people and that bad connotation? I'm sure today, a lot of people could associate themselves with many of the original ideals of Nazism (before all the antisemitic stuff). Do you think they would ever call themselves Nazis though? Of course not, because obvious things happened and the name gained a huge stigmata.
Absolutely incredible archery skills 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Just look at how slow the arrows are going. And how little they were penetrating a lot of the targets. Thats the only reason he could catch an arrow or have time to shoot one mid-flight. His accuracy was pretty impressive though
The only thing she sucked was power 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Well of course there would be SOME increase due to additional people, but there in no way should be double or triple an increase. You don't magically consume twice the electricity in a room if you are both in it watching a tv. Its not like water where additional people means that many more flushes and showers.
I'm Not Jealous. I'm Envious 8 comments
· 10 years ago
The original definition of jealousy is actually what Homer said, strictly limited to worrying about losing something you already have. You might say a dragon jealously guards their treasure, or a jealous girlfriend might be worried their guy is talking to another girl so they are worried they'll lose him to the new girl.
It wouldn't be correct to say "Omg! She has the perfect hair, I'm soo jealous." because you don't have her hair, you just wish you did. Wanting something somebody else has is the definition of envy. Today however, both definitions are just used by jealous. If I had to hazard a guess why, I'd say people were more reluctant to say envy as its considered a "cardinal sin" whereas the word jealousy wasn't considered as terrible a vice.
It wouldn't be correct to say "Omg! She has the perfect hair, I'm soo jealous." because you don't have her hair, you just wish you did. Wanting something somebody else has is the definition of envy. Today however, both definitions are just used by jealous. If I had to hazard a guess why, I'd say people were more reluctant to say envy as its considered a "cardinal sin" whereas the word jealousy wasn't considered as terrible a vice.
You only buy a seizure salad once 15 comments
· 10 years ago
She said "dairy air" since she'd probably only ever heard the saying and never spelled it, but the actual word is "derriere" which is a french euphemism for butt.
A Collection of Neil deGrasse Tyson's Tweets 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Thats the problem with trying to put it in alphabetical order. There isn't a real firm spelling for each letter. Is H "aitch" "aytch" "aich" "haitch" "haich" "hech" and depending on which you use, it changes the order of a few of em.
I mean... Really 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Because adding heaven and hell to no/yes emphasizes it. For instance, its not just "yes, I want to do that" its "hell yes I want that so bad!" You can't really emphasize maybe because you aren't really sure which you want so there is no strong opinion one way or another.
The Future ☻ 8 comments
· 10 years ago can highlight and write long notes and everything else on an e-reader too. And much easier to bookmark specific points or search back for when a specific thing was mentioned. Or look up the definition of a word. Or look up the wiki article of something (assuming you are connected to the internet). And you don't need a highlighter and sticky notes and a pen/pencil every time you read because its all part of the device.
Blackmailing dad 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Its your fathers business to cheat on your mother....bareback. Contract herpes, and then probably give it to your mother because he's reluctant to tell his wife he cheated....and none of that is your beeswax? Seriously?
Book Hermione vs. Movie Hermione 13 comments
· 10 years ago
The point wasn't that you shouldn't ever change anything in an adaptation of a book, it was that if you do change something, whether it be to add humor or shorten the story or whatever, it shouldn't be completely against character for them to do it. As an extreme example, if you had a book character that is the physical embodiment of PETA, you wouldn't make them harm an animal for a joke in the movie. By all means add the joke if you think its funny, but have another character do it, one that might actually have done it in the book.
My Dad is 40, his GF is 21. I'm 19, my GF is 24 24 comments
· 10 years ago
As a longtime guest, you can go back to your own messages and find the posts to see what people have commented or replied, but there is no notification pop up for it like (I assume) there is for somebody with an account.
Not an excuse 13 comments
· 10 years ago
But being drunk isn't an excuse remember? "Control yourself or don't drink" right? Why is it not an excuse for cheating/rape/assholeness/etc. but its perfectly fine to use it as an excuse for that?
Team Katniss 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Well the first book/movie WAS more about her sacrificing herself for her sister and whatnot. Its the later books/movies where the huge stupid love triangle takes over the entire story.