
Men aren't dogs 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Brilliant advice from a woman who knows men. Wait, isn't she a lesbian?
Baloney pony 26 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ok just a point of clarification. A "baloney pony" is NOT balls. Getting kicked in the dick hurts. Getting kicked in the jewels is some next level shit. Second, I know getting kicked in the nuts hurts and I'm sure having an ankle biter claw its way out of your lady parts hurts. Why the constant debate over which is worse? Although, (and I know this is poking the rabid feminiazis with a stick but...) the vagina is made to stretch, and women are given the option of an epidural to ease the pain; testicles are absolutely not intended to be compressed and we men never even get so much as a shot of Jack before kickoff. Just sayin'. Third, to all you female types out there - how about you don't kick us guys in the hardware section and we won't get you preggers? Deal?
It's Time To Listen! 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If 97% of the bridge inspectors who were saying it would collapse were making a shload of money saying it and the 3% who were saying its OK were not, I think I'd question the consensus. These global warming fear mongers are receiving untold billions of dollars every year for their "research," and would stop getting it if they didn't say everything was going to shit. Use a little intelligence here. Think about this; why has EVERY forecast and prediction they've made in the last 30 years been proven false? The world was supposed to end several times over by now but we're still here. For that matter, why have most of the fear mongers stopped using the words "global warming" and switched to "climate change?" Because the global temperatures have NOT risen like they said they would and the polar ice caps are larger than ever! Don't be sheep. Use some critical thinking skills is all I'm saying.