Because f*ck Her 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, screw her religious freedom, that's not for Christians anymore.
Kid throws a fit next to Obama 7 comments
To our friends in France... America stands and mourns with you 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Are you sure? Do you really want them living in your cities? They kill those who don't convert. They really don't need to be shipped in, it's stupid and wrong. They hate us. After all they have done here already I can't believe people want to be so compassionate as to invite the enemy to be here.
Surprisingly same age celebrities! 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Black people don't age, they look young til they die. And don't mess with Gene Wilder, I love that, man. He deserves respect.
Dope quote 10 comments
· 9 years ago
We should all care more about our freedoms because they are flying out the window.
Heroes need more media coverage 6 comments
· 9 years ago
So you don't want to know who the mass murderer is even if he's still on the loose? That's smart. Heroes deserve respect and should be celebrated, but Obama passed a law muzzling the media over who the gunman is in a mass shooting and that is dangerous, especially with so many immigrants coming into our nation who hate us. This isn't about trying to stop this from happening, it's about what you can and can't know when it happens. Maybe soon they won't tellus at all.
Relationship goals 7 comments
Is this what we have come to?! 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm glad it's satitre, this is what it's coming to in common core. What was funny in the nineties is probably what your kids will hear in school and may never know the fantasy of fairy tales if you don't give them the original story.
And the occasional burglar 15 comments
· 9 years ago
It was also meant to protect ourselves from our own government should they get out of hand, which they have. That's why each state is supposed to have its own civilian militia.
Hmm? 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Any child who brought that to school, it would have gone the same way. His older sister was expelled for wanting to blow up the school, and he himself has been a problem child in their school system. It looked like a bomb, and he is a Muslim. What if you were in class with him? Would you have been comfortable with that? America needs to wake up, Muslims are coming here by the thousands and they hate us. Did everyone forgot 911? And isis is killing everyone who gets in their way, taking major territory everywhere they go.
I admire Bill Gates 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Bill Gates is into eugenics in the third world countries people think he is saving. And he is funneling money into public schools for data collection. He pays for all the high tech equipment that collects all personal data on school children, who needs privacy?
Good Guy Mr. Mohamed 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm glad you think he's a good guy just bc he fed the media. Think you might have missed the point. This father let his kid take a clock to school in a briefcase with only LED lights showing on a COUNTDOWN CLOCK. Seems like a threat to me. Would you feel comfortable if you were his classmates?
The moment everything started 9 comments
I already graduated darnit but here ya friends!!! 18 comments
· 9 years ago
People with money can afford to make themselves popular. This man is evil. Google his name with eugenics. He is also behind common core, if you think there's nothing wrong with common core, you are either learning that bs in school or you don't know any better.
I think Judas's biggest crime was never understanding personal space 12 comments
· 9 years ago
This is not funny. The Jesus jokes are extremely offensive. You can ask Judas how funny this is when you get to hell.
When yo girl run for president 40 comments
· 9 years ago
She is a horrible candidate but will probably win because people are stupid and want to vote for a woman despite her awful record. The media loves her. God help us all.
Spoiler 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, keep reading, he is resurrected on the third day! He heals many people, fellowships with his disciples and ascends to heaven! And, He's coming back!
· 9 years ago
Yeah, this image is exactly correct. I remember telling my mom when I was little that it felt like tiny bugs all over me...
George R.R Martin approves 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Keep reading, the story doesn't end there. He's alive! He sacrificed himself to reconcile man to God! Thank You Jesus!
Let's be honest 61 comments
· 9 years ago
This is the last thing we need after the Obama administration has made us an open target to all,our enemies.
f*cking kids 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Spanking and slapping, there's a big difference. Here in the south, we whoop their butts. Not so much as our parents did though. We were talking recently, our kids don't know what a whooping is compared to us. When we were kids, mama had a paddle, that thing hurt! My parents used the paddle, the belt, there was go find your own switch, you don't want mama to pick one, trust me. When all else fails, use the correction device conveniently located at the end,of each arm, your hand. It's ok to use weapons of ass destruction, as Bernie Mac used to call them. I turned out just fine, so did my sisters. :-)
Depression 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Wow, this is scary accurate. I have been there. For years I was caught up in depression I couldn't shake. Some terrible things happened and the ways I used to cope made things worse. Let me tell you there is hope for you in Jesus. Turn to him. He created you and he loves you. He,will carry you through. He brought me up out of the pit of darkness I was in and I don't have to fall back into it because of his strength to save. I did not defeat depression on my own. I must add that I have decided not to be depressed anymore. Yes, that is possible. Since recovering from depression I have also had more terrible things happen and I have not allowed myself to be depressed. You don't have to go down in that deep dark hole. Sadness, sure. Anger, you betcha. But I can't allow myself to wallow in it.
Turn to Jesus. Also, get outside of yourself, put your focus on others. Volunteer. When you help,others, you help yourself.
Turn to Jesus. Also, get outside of yourself, put your focus on others. Volunteer. When you help,others, you help yourself.
sad but true 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't play into their hands. Racism is real, there's no denying it. But all the news about it is part,of the government's agenda for control. Things like what is happening in Ferguson will only lead to a police state for the entire nation. Why do you think the cops have all that military equipment? Does it make you feel safe?
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Achievements 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I love Arnie! Have you ever seen his first movie? He was Handsome Stranger, I think it's called Cactus Jack.
Lettuce. 14 comments
· 9 years ago
It's by the brothers Grimm. She really was named after lettuce, if anyone cares.
The most epic war veteran 6 comments
I do! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
If you have too many bags, (who doesn't?) You can donate some to your local food bank. :-)
Is it just me or is a baby anything cute? 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, not baby armadillos. Those things are disgusting and carry disease. But this is adorable.
some people 6 comments
Equality in action 14 comments
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
· 10 years ago
It's so great to know all young people are not complete idiots. The comments section people here are paying attention yay! This president is bringing communism to our nation wrapped up in health care and education bows. The handouts are not free. That is all.
Never give everything to your kids 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I've known several people who were raised spoiled brats and grew up to be addicts. Who do terrible things and have no conscience. The way children are raised is very important. Do it wisely and with love.