Do you take the challenge? 67 comments
· 10 years ago
Which months?
Just searching for a place to fit in 4 comments
The story behind Orlando Bloom hitting Bieber 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Orlando's hand must've hurt after that night...
Hours of high-fives and fist bumps and really get ya after a while.
Hours of high-fives and fist bumps and really get ya after a while.
The new spongebob movie 9 comments
· 10 years ago
All I can think of for live action spongebob are those overly detailed pictures of the characters when a scene gets intense like "moar krabs" and "I don't need it spongebob".
Rise of the planet of the fish 10 comments
· 10 years ago
You should've let magikarp evolve into gyarados, he's one of the best water types you can get.
The new spongebob movie 9 comments
I'm surprised no one has made this yet 10 comments
My biology teacher told us about this BLB from a few years ago 4 comments
· 10 years ago
While learning blood types in bio, my biology teacher told us that we had to use fake blood because 20 years earlier, students used their own blood and one girl got the recessive blood type O (only possible if both parents have O blood). The next assignment was for the girl to find out her parents' blood type. She went to her mom and as expected she had O blood. She the went to her father and to their surprise he had type A blood. The mom had cheated 15 years earlier. As a result the parents divorced, then sued the school, and the super intendant demanded that only fake blood be used from then on.
Bill gates' most annoying myth 7 comments
· 10 years ago
White letters with a black border would make it so you wouldn't have to change font color.
Nice change 13 comments
· 10 years ago
This is like the difference between your real email and the one you use on resume's.
Edited 10 years ago
Drugs and life lessons 11 comments