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American educational system in a nutshell 48 comments
· 8 years ago
If this was on a calc test you should probably be reevaluating the entirety of the course, not just the problem.
American educational system in a nutshell 48 comments
Warrior sword 12 comments
Beauty and the Beast is coming soon! :) 12 comments
*magically cured* 28 comments
· 8 years ago
If I may be a little pedantic, they technically do speak for the Church because every Christian is an ambassador and representative of the Church. Granted, there are those with a much better understanding of scripture and tradition and consequently, have greater authority but every Christian represents the Church.
Because of this, it shows that there's some great misunderstandings and falsehoods being perpetuated through the Church. Knowing this, it would be very wise of a visitor to probe the culture and beliefs of an individual group because (as mentioned in another of my comments) ideas tend to get concentrated within groups for the simple reason that they work together so frequently.
Because of this, it shows that there's some great misunderstandings and falsehoods being perpetuated through the Church. Knowing this, it would be very wise of a visitor to probe the culture and beliefs of an individual group because (as mentioned in another of my comments) ideas tend to get concentrated within groups for the simple reason that they work together so frequently.
*magically cured* 28 comments
· 8 years ago
It really depends on the church. It's not even a denomination-based thing as much as it is a location and local culture thing.
Homeless dogs are the cutest 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Sometimes animals are shits. Just like people. It might be rare to be a shit out of pure nature but its possible.
First post in a while 18 comments
First post in a while 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah well if you're a soldier you have approximately -3 rights because you are owned by the government and they can tell you to do whatever the hell they want and you have to do it.
Probably the greatest insult ever 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Woah there friend you might need to [name] [North West]
Because if we're gonna do cardinal directions might as well throw a Kanye joke in there too
Edited 8 years ago
Because if we're gonna do cardinal directions might as well throw a Kanye joke in there too
Probably the greatest insult ever 11 comments
First post in a while 18 comments
· 8 years ago
It's not illegal to do anything with the flag. Unless it hurts someone else. Then maybe you should stop. But the action in of itself is not illegal.
In a world where cops shoot you because they hit you with a car. 8 comments
· 8 years ago
There's a video on youtube of a cop actually doing that to someone. I think in Florida.
Basically a crazy was walking around with a loaded rifle and a shot was fired into the air (by accident) and there were a shitton of cop cars following him around trying to herd him somewhere safe while making sure he wouldn't do anything stupid and then one cop decides to go vroom vroom and ram the guy. Sent him cartwheeling about fifteen feet in the air where he went splat in someone's shrubbery.
Basically a crazy was walking around with a loaded rifle and a shot was fired into the air (by accident) and there were a shitton of cop cars following him around trying to herd him somewhere safe while making sure he wouldn't do anything stupid and then one cop decides to go vroom vroom and ram the guy. Sent him cartwheeling about fifteen feet in the air where he went splat in someone's shrubbery.
In a world where cops shoot you because they hit you with a car. 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Holy Christ guys, I also read the title wrong. I had to read shadowlord's comment and then the title twice more to get it. It ain't something to get pitchforks over.
Edited 8 years ago
Homeless dogs are the cutest 7 comments
If Movie characters were like the book 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I think it's because their eyes are unfocused. Perhaps it's the glare in one of the eyes or maybe they're actually drawn so they're looking in slightly different directions.
whoa what's this another comic wow 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Every time I see that retarded face I first think "oh-wh-oh" because that's how it's spelled and then I realize it's that stupid meeb face and hate myself that much more
Edited 8 years ago
"White people food" 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I ate a mouthful of chicken dunked in ghost pepper sauce and three hours later, I was shitting lava. Took two days for my butthole to stop burning but the morning after poop was probably the worst.