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— Tyler Report User
What do people have against milk 33 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Antacids are chalk. Tums is CaCO3, calcium carbonate, which is chalk.
This kid is goals 11 comments
chu · 8 years ago
In all honesty, I feel like (which is against all Christian wisdom and teachings but fuck that, it's what I think) God really wants to care and really wants to help but we're just so full of shit that we just fuck up everything he tries to do so he just throws his hands up and flops into his couch with some divine alcohol and watches us with depressed amusement.
Special dog 4 comments
chu · 8 years ago
But aren't behaviors like that learned from social cues? If you grew up around humans, wouldn't it be natural to assume showing teeth implies friendliness?
What do people have against milk 33 comments
chu · 8 years ago
like chalk
This kid is goals 11 comments
chu · 8 years ago
~some Jew from WWII
I so need to get me one of these 8 comments
chu · 8 years ago
*gets shot by TSA*
just kidding they just hold you up for six hours, ignore that blade, and take away your 6oz tube of toothpaste that's clearly less than half full so it's clearly less than 3.5 oz but for some fucking reason they still take it away because they're dumb fucks.
Safety is the number one priority 8 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Possibly a grinder disk
You should never make this mistake 8 comments
chu · 8 years ago
I used to be pregnant until I gave birth
Thor's Helmet - A 30 light year wide bubble of oxygen 6 comments
chu · 8 years ago
I'm 88% sure that elemental oxygen spontaneously combines into molecular oxygen.
Black olive on pizze that I don't stand 61 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Not to mention that I don't even like pizza to begin with but whatever
Black olive on pizze that I don't stand 61 comments
chu · 8 years ago
The level of sweet pineapples bring doesn't taste good with meat or cheese. Ever had Adelle's chicken-apple sausages? The small chunks of apple bring just enough sweet into the meat that it's not weird.
Oh shit 11 comments
chu · 8 years ago
RNGesus has himself a kek
All is well 6 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Or maybe because I'm too much of a bitch. The simplest answer is often the most correct.
That's what I always wondered when I was a kid in church 27 comments
chu · 8 years ago
I got my stat off a magazine or something several years back.
That's what I always wondered when I was a kid in church 27 comments
chu · 8 years ago
The US alone wastes enough food that all the wasted food in one day could feed the entire world two(?) full meals per day
That's what I always wondered when I was a kid in church 27 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Because we spout the most bullshit between all our denominations. I don't hear much about Islam except aloha snackburr but that's a radical minority. And the Jews are like "no fuck you this is our religion piss off you can't join" or something like that. And BLM, KKK, Scientology, and Pastafarianism aren't even religions so their bullshit doesn't count.
Kids nowadays... 10 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Columbine and 9/11 have probably caused more administrative and legal bullshit than the next ten things, whatever they may be.
Save the dogs 10 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Maybe it got called inside of is taking a shet
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
I was also deported to Canada once accidentally. Completely unrelated story.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
But I forgot to tell her I was breaking up because of the accident, so during her funeral, when it was my turn to speak the speech or whatever, I went up, said my piece, and then knelt beside her and announced I was breaking up with her because I didn't feel safe around her, but that I hoped we could still be friends.
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Have I never told this story to y'all? I feel like I have.
Once upon a time, I had a girlfriend. She was the most beautiful, kind, and funny woman you could ever meet. An angel, a gift, a blessing to everyone she met, and by God's kindness and grace, she chose me as her boyfriend. She excelled in everything she put her hands and mind to, except for driving. She could not drive worth a damn, and hell if I know how she passed the test to get her license. In all honesty, I just didn't feel safe around her at all so I wanted to break up with her so she wouldn't kill us both but I did love her as a friend.
One day, I received a text that she T-boned a cement truck and was in critical condition. I scooted as fast (and safely) as I could to the hospital where I arrived just in time to tell her goodbye.
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
I mean it was a very tragic sort of death for all those involved not really because I broke up with her at her funeral
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
She's imaginary
when you think you're hot but you're not 3 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Riza was top 3 characters for me
She doesn't believe 15 comments
chu · 8 years ago
Give him my condolences. It sucks losing someone. Not that I have but just saying.