Soccer referee
Skies of Arcadia
Fire Emblem
Check out M.A.V
OMG WHAT'S HIS NAME?! 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Just a little something to think about 45 comments
What daffud is happening here!? 5 comments
I wish I could be an asshole. 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Interacting with the mentally disabled and/or children. As mean as this sounds, I don't know how to politely leave so I'm stuck there for minutes turned hours and I can't get them to shove off while my friends have all ditched me to do something fun like get lunch. And then I get praised for being so kind to them when in reality I wanna kill myself because I'm hungry, bothered to all hell, and almost had my phone molested six times.
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Seattle-Tacoma. An area with a relatively very large concentration of people, especially considering East WA is 94% farmland, SeaTac being an international seaport, airport, industrial area, and all that whatnot.
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
That's true for the local areas but as a whole the popular vote doesn't matter. And in Washington , it matters even less because SeaTac basically controls all of Washington which has almost always been democratic.
Edited 8 years ago
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Sure it's necessary more or less for fair elections (we can probably think of better ways but whatever). I'm just saying public opinion doesn't matter because it's in the hands of electoral.
Facts 18 comments
· 8 years ago
The radio transmitter deal is crap. You can't hear light without a speaker/mic. At most, the bed (springs), pan, or pot would heat up.
Edited 8 years ago
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
And I say it doesn't. My argument is that if there is one election ever where the popular and electoral do not align, and the result is in favor of not the popular, then it doesn't matter. It only takes one time to show that the popular doesn't matter.
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
So...are you agreeing or disagreeing with my statement that the popular vote doesn't matter in the final count?
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump won because he said some stupid things, got media coverage over it, and then went hard on so much more stupid things unabashedly. That's why he got so much media attention and that's why he won. He got so much airtime over his shenanigans. Also, because everyone was freaking out over Trump over every little thing he said and did, if and when something worse came up (like grabbin dat pussy) is just filed under "oh more Trump bullshit".
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
And because I'm not registered because I'm lazy.
And because I can't stand either of them. Any of them. I hate election season and I've only experienced two.
And because I can't stand either of them. Any of them. I hate election season and I've only experienced two.
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
When I see a fight break out in comments 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Both should be put in a pit with a week's worth of food and a gun with three bullets. And we hold re-elections, each of the new candidates having a hard budget of ten million. Any more spent on campaigning=disqualification.
Love automated response texts 16 comments
This is why you don't block highways if you're protesting 42 comments
· 8 years ago
See this is why I want to become dictator of a small country. You interfere with emergency services, they have the right to lynch you. Stay the fuck out of their way. I want to make emergency services immune to all consequences of their actions they take in carrying out their duties.
Edited 8 years ago
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
And the main post if you wanna look through the rest of the comments
And the main post if you wanna look through the rest of the comments
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Unfortunately I can't find it. I've been looking for the past half hour and I don't know where it went.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
They've been declining. Look at eli5 on Reddit. There's a good one about climate change yesterday.
This is actually very true 6 comments
· 8 years ago
That's a lie. If I do well I want the world to do well and if I fall then damn it all if I don't do my best to make it hell for those who made me fall.