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A gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved 10 comments
· 8 years ago
A gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved 10 comments
When trying to start an essay 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Lead because it's not as elastic. More would grate away per swipe. Additionally, erasers aren't necessary ablative so it could conceivably last forever if you erase gently enough.
When trying to start an essay 8 comments
· 8 years ago
OTOH I have an eight page paper due also in thirty minutes. I wrote six lines on Tuesday and mashed the rest of it out last night.
When trying to start an essay 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I have a two page paper due in thirty minutes. I've written three quarters of a page over the past six days.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
I'd argue that's called "not being a bitch". It's the difference between "I'm cold" and "I'm not warm". Mostly they're the same but there's enough of a difference that we should recognize it.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
And it's not even "act like a man", it's just "don't let yourself get shit on. stand up for your own rights"
A gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Holy shit I hated those puzzles. Even those 3x3 cheap plastic ones drove me crazy, much less whatever mess this is.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Some beliefs just don't deserve respect. It's like holocaust deniers and flat-earthers and WBC and KKK. As far as I know, none of them have taken a collective action against anyone and this haven't violated anyone's rights but science, first person accounts, and common sense says they're all wrong. They're spreading bullshit and that's wrong. It's wrong to spread hate or false information. And that's what other kin is. False information. It exists as much as unicorns do and should we lend credence to their fantasies, they'll spread.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
And we should respect the KKKs belief that black people should get fucked. And respect WBCs belief that faggots burn in hell.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
And we should respect Scientology as well because their predatory and borderline criminal practices are reflections of what they believe.
There there Sally gently now 7 comments
· 8 years ago
No because I don't slobber all over myself even when I shovel food into my nutrition receptacle
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
· 8 years ago
I wish. But we must be content with yelling science until they break down and run away, never to be seen or heard again. Or they quit their bullshit and integrate with the not stupid people.
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
what if... 4 comments
OwO 31 comments
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
I AM AT MY WIT'S END HERE 67 comments
Every Time I'm Sick 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Two teaspoons in more or less what I can fit between my teeth and my lips if I squinch my mouth. So I just drink until I can barely hold any more fluid.
Roundabout-ception 14 comments
· 8 years ago
I was thinking this didn't make sense until I realized this wasn't in Democracy Land.
Thank you, billions of years of evolution 25 comments
· 8 years ago
I had 4 years and 6 teeth. All four of my third molars and my two top canines. Or maybe pre-canines.