Soccer referee
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How people judge your personality in general 22 comments
· 8 years ago
what kind of cat?
Its a f*cking dead gorilla 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Enough that I know that the popular vote doesn't matter. But even if I completely knew, I can still demonstrate that the popular doesn't matter because of gore vs bush I think. Or that election around early 2000s that someone won popular but lost electoral.
Its a f*cking dead gorilla 33 comments
Harlem Globetrotter casually destroys America Ninja Warrior course 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Maybe it's just me being an armchair ninja, but this doesn't look too hard. The worst part looks like the ring monkey-bars because they're so far apart.
Makes sense or not? 33 comments
· 8 years ago
The popular matters as far as the primaries. Once the final decision comes about, the one where it really matters, it matters not.
Makes sense or not? 33 comments
· 8 years ago
And imagine how the kids feel when they learn that their vote matters exactly 0 because of the electoral.
Makes sense or not? 33 comments
· 8 years ago
No, just get rid of the electoral. Or if we must have that, make the elections tournament-style where electoral and popular take turns in halving the amount of candidates or whatever.
Fishy 33 comments
· 8 years ago
I would but I don't have the patience to razor shave every other day. I just electric it and call it good.
Ending pretentious arguments 13 comments
Hermione Granger 12 comments