Peaky blinders for me 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Twilight Zone
The simple joys of childhood 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Nice. Such a classic comic. Hilarious, wise, introspective, nostalgic, touching, it's got it all.
Pulling a bad tooth on a tiger 8 comments
Never Mess With Other People's Food 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Would've been funnier if it was enough weed to send them backwards through time.
Very useful if you want to survive in the wild 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Depends. If you're wet from rain or sweat, and it gets really cold at night, you could die from hypothermia.
This legend is 50 years old now. Can we make him feel our love and respect for making our 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I absolutely miss the B-Fras. The Mummy, Blast From the Past, Airheads, Bedazzled, he should definitely make a comeback.
A different type of clock! 8 comments
I don't want your Damn lemons 53 comments
Can't have my hands in my pockets 35 comments
· 6 years ago
They're failing now as a company. They will always pay peanuts and fire when someone raises a fuss. Me and another couple people left after they fired him for that, and they've been struggling to keep people in our positions ever since. Feels good.
Can't have my hands in my pockets 35 comments
Can't have my hands in my pockets 35 comments
· 6 years ago
My last job forced its employees to sign forms saying they're willing to work overtime. But this place kept employing someone after finding out he was sleeping on the job and using work computers to search for voyeurism pornography. They also fired someone else for taking two days of stress leave after his wife had a miscarriage. Not the most honest workplace.
Hold up 18 comments
· 6 years ago
It'll never work like LGBT because the other party isn't necessarily consensual. It would be like a gay man raping a straight man.
Apparently I've Found My New Addiction 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I personally prefer Geoguessr, as this would simply be clicking around an unknown town to find a random airport. Geoguessr involves observing surroundings, learning geography, foreign languages, even whether the dirt is brown or red. To me that's way more rewarding if done well.
Friendly noodles 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I thought it was snake shaped donuts, then realized it was just donut colored snakes.
Definitely have done this 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Don't feel guilty for not wanting to go out every single weekend night
Bmw, of course 9 comments
· 6 years ago
So pull out your multitool and snip anything that you can . What, you don't carry a multitool?