But why 11 comments
· 11 years ago
All those guests... Almondlove. Was it you the whole time?
Slaughter Your World (Warning: cartoon gore) 5 comments
· 11 years ago
They only have two songs, but if they're kickstarter makes it they're going to start an animated series. They also have hundreds of comic strips. http://www.lfgcomic.com/
'murica 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I've heard about Texas wanting to secede. I say they have every right to.
Giving drivers an extra lane during rush hour 15 comments
Gotta agree 20 comments
Internet gold 5 comments
· 11 years ago
That 4chan story is beautiful. I hope they get married and post their story.
Luckiest man 15 comments
· 11 years ago
What is that important to walk back into the trolley that almost ran him over?
Gotta agree 20 comments
· 11 years ago
No I think they actually do more damage in the world by accident than evil people do on purpose, There's just more of them.
Gotta agree 20 comments
· 11 years ago
FS Feels Brigade. Nice. I call them the Selfish Sympathizers. You know those people that donate to fake counter productive 'charities' because they saw a kid cry on tv. Of course the didn't do their research. Or those people that promote those terrible feel good ideas like "Love your 400LB body!" or "Follow your dreams no matter what! Even if you're a 40 fat man whose never exercised in his life. You can be an award winning gymnast!" They just want to feel like a good person without doing any actually work. I personally hate them more than evil people. They seem to cause more damage.
Well...That escalated quickly 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Umm not sure entirely what you mean here. ^^I was responding to your hoodrat post. Legally we give a false accusation of a crime the same sentence as the crime itself, which is why I felt okay drawing a comparison between rapists and false rape claimers.
Oh hell yeah something went haywire! I can't imagine the terrible abuse it takes to make a rapist!
But still I feel weird calling wrong doing immature. That implies one can mature passed their evil. That's simply not the case. After you do the kind of harm that can never be truly healed then your moral corruption become flat out evil and there's no going back.
I reread that sentence 'wouldn't call a rapist mature' and I'm thinking maybe we're thinking in a false dichotomy. IDK maybe mature and immature are completely irrelevant terms to the issue.
Oh hell yeah something went haywire! I can't imagine the terrible abuse it takes to make a rapist!
But still I feel weird calling wrong doing immature. That implies one can mature passed their evil. That's simply not the case. After you do the kind of harm that can never be truly healed then your moral corruption become flat out evil and there's no going back.
I reread that sentence 'wouldn't call a rapist mature' and I'm thinking maybe we're thinking in a false dichotomy. IDK maybe mature and immature are completely irrelevant terms to the issue.
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree with you jjohnson21 but I still think people should be able to use it even if they don't contribute. Its almost the point of having it actually. I certainly wouldn't mind paying a little bit more on my social safety net bill for people that can't for don't afford it. People make mistakes, it happens. I think we as a society can help out even stupid people who decide not to contribute and then fall to ruin.
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
We have over half a population of voters that voted for welfare! People really care about the poor! Can you honestly tell me that you don't think poor schools wouldn't get more than enough funding, better teachers, and far more efficient use of the limited resources they have? Because if you tell me they wont get enough funding then you're also telling me that democracy is a sham and that the state is enforcing a gigantic money sucking welfare state that nobody wants. Because people are assholes. Who hate the poor. Especially poor children.
Edited 11 years ago
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Dude, what country do you live in? Look I don't know how its handled where you're from but in good ol 'Merica schools are paid by property tax. Its not like all the money is taken into a big pot and distributed equally. What happens is that each school district takes the money from their district and gives it out to the schools in their district. Now we know what poor areas are generally near poor areas and the same goes for rich areas. Now remember property taxes are based on the value of the property. So unless some odd geography happens or some weird district border jiggering goes on people generally pay into schools of their social economic class. That means rich kids get more money and poor kids get less. The good teachers go to the rich schools and to shit teachers cant get hired anywhere but the poor schools. One could not DESIGN a worse system!
Now tell me, you care about the poor right? Have you ever heard someone say no? Rare isn't it. Even poor people give. CONT
Edited 11 years ago
Now tell me, you care about the poor right? Have you ever heard someone say no? Rare isn't it. Even poor people give. CONT
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Err. What EXACTLY is the difference between force and ENfored?
What do you mean I'd be a thief if I used the fire department without paying taxes? That an odd principle. So what your saying is that a good or service can be provided, without the customer consenting, and then that customer HAS to pay for that good or service or they're stealing? So I can drop off a shiny new ferrari in my neighbors drive way and just charge him for it? That's ridiculous. So why do people in the government get to do it? You've got to stay consistent. We are all persons. It doesn't matter if we have a nice suit, a shiny badge, or sweet sash. We are all bound to the same moral principles and should be bound by the same legal rules. That's what equality under the law means. It means that no matter who you are you can only do what your fellow persons can do. Its insane to say everyone can tax at will. Therefore no one can tax at all. Because we are all equal right?
Edited 11 years ago
What do you mean I'd be a thief if I used the fire department without paying taxes? That an odd principle. So what your saying is that a good or service can be provided, without the customer consenting, and then that customer HAS to pay for that good or service or they're stealing? So I can drop off a shiny new ferrari in my neighbors drive way and just charge him for it? That's ridiculous. So why do people in the government get to do it? You've got to stay consistent. We are all persons. It doesn't matter if we have a nice suit, a shiny badge, or sweet sash. We are all bound to the same moral principles and should be bound by the same legal rules. That's what equality under the law means. It means that no matter who you are you can only do what your fellow persons can do. Its insane to say everyone can tax at will. Therefore no one can tax at all. Because we are all equal right?
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Private charity also has the added benefit of not falling on its face when bitchy politicians get in cat fights like teenage girls and stop sending out checks. I deeply fear what is going to happen to our world when our governments run out of money and decide that instead of not wasting our tax dollars on bullshit they just stop sending social security checks.
Actually scratch that teenage girls have more mature fights than politicians. I apologize to teenage girls everywhere for that statement.
Actually scratch that teenage girls have more mature fights than politicians. I apologize to teenage girls everywhere for that statement.
Yes, Welcome. 33 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm actually arguing that all forms of taxation are theft.
taxes=taking money by force
theft=taking money by force
therefore taxation=theft
I do believe we need a social safety net. I'm just against the use of force to do it, legally and socially condoned force or not. Theft is immoral no matter what you call it. I don't believe that we should base one of the most compassionate institutions a society can have on force, it taints the entire system.
Furthermore we KNOW that people would put enough money into private forms of welfare because we live in a democracy of people that voted for a social safety net. The private way is always better than the public way because at any moment people can withdraw their consent and money from a bad actor and put it towards someone doing a better job. We can't do that in a public system and it leads to a lot of the problems we see today in the public welfare system.
taxes=taking money by force
theft=taking money by force
therefore taxation=theft
I do believe we need a social safety net. I'm just against the use of force to do it, legally and socially condoned force or not. Theft is immoral no matter what you call it. I don't believe that we should base one of the most compassionate institutions a society can have on force, it taints the entire system.
Furthermore we KNOW that people would put enough money into private forms of welfare because we live in a democracy of people that voted for a social safety net. The private way is always better than the public way because at any moment people can withdraw their consent and money from a bad actor and put it towards someone doing a better job. We can't do that in a public system and it leads to a lot of the problems we see today in the public welfare system.
Well...That escalated quickly 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Hey guest if you're going to say something at least have the courage to put a name to yourself, even if it is just a username.
EDIT- Also sorry vlekkie I just couldn't resist.
Edited 11 years ago
EDIT- Also sorry vlekkie I just couldn't resist.
Gotta agree 20 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't know why you're getting downvoted. In most cases severe obesity IS slow suicide. Doing that kind of harm to your body is a sign of deep psychological issues. We shouldn't be saying be proud of your body to everybody (we shouldn't denigrate them either). Plenty of people have nothing to be proud of. We should give these people our sympathy, a diet book, and a good therapist.
Nice guys and assh*les 5 comments