I am being cyber bullied by @acscme please see this post https://m.funsubstance.com/chat/view/id/278519/ please help me
bensen · 14 comments
4 weeks ago
· 5 weeks ago
I recommend looking up the definition of Cyber Bullying as a mean opinion online is pretty normal and not CB. Ascme writing mean opinions of what you post doesn't break any site rules and there's nothing on site that can be done. They could go write similar things on every post you make without anything being done because you are posting diary entries on the chat section of a online public meme site. Random people could find the site and write much worse things than ascme does. It doesn't really matter if karlbol comes in to angrily rant at ascme or the site dev comes on to say "let's all be nice" because negative opinions on a public site like this are technically valid posts even if singe disagree with them or are seen as mean spirited.
Posts like this don't and can't really do anything on a public online space and while I don't agree with how ascme writes I will say I don't get why you're obsessed with posting what you do on this random meme site rather than a more private blog.
Posts like this don't and can't really do anything on a public online space and while I don't agree with how ascme writes I will say I don't get why you're obsessed with posting what you do on this random meme site rather than a more private blog.
· 5 weeks ago
I classify cyber bullying as being a jerk and you are being one too. I have friends who like reading what I post and haters like you don’t matter.
· 5 weeks ago
Doesn't matter what your feelings are when it comes to a definition mate. I wasn't mean, I was stating the truth for you since you seem to think this is some safe space in full. Mean opinions online aren't cyber bullying. If you have friends here that actually read and engaged with your posts they'd also follow a blog you made and read/interact with them there. You posting blog style posts on the chat section of a public meme site doesn't make logical sense and could incur way worse responses since 80-90% of people coming to a meme site aren't here for blog posts and people online aren't nice most of the time. A public meme site isn't a safe space from negative opinions and you can't really police that stuff since opinions, even if not what you want to see, are valid responses when you put yourself out there like you do with these blog posts. It'd be a different story of the responses were sexist, homophobic, racist, etc but a negative/mean opinion on a public domain is common.
· 5 weeks ago
Everything I've written was to warn you that this is a public domain and not a safe space where you can police people being generally mean about posts and that like with ascme your posts can bring those types of replies on a site like this. You can make or get help to make a safe space for these types of posts on a blog style site and i bet karlbol would help set that up of you asked them for help. You calling me a hater despite trying to explain the situation makes no sense.
Like I'm sorry to say but calling for action on a site like this over someone having/giving a negative opinion of your posts will probably not result in a result you'd be happy with since negative/mean opinions on public posts don't break rules. If chat didn't show up at the top of the all page it probably wouldn't be as much of an issue but it's still odd to do here ngl.
Like I'm sorry to say but calling for action on a site like this over someone having/giving a negative opinion of your posts will probably not result in a result you'd be happy with since negative/mean opinions on public posts don't break rules. If chat didn't show up at the top of the all page it probably wouldn't be as much of an issue but it's still odd to do here ngl.
· 4 weeks ago
Thanks for your help “mate” but no thanks. I will do what makes me happy haters be damned
· 4 weeks ago
I’m not sure if you know this but I’ve been here doing this for 8 years now and only lately have I got the hate post
· 4 weeks ago
@iondrako I agree. when guests used to be allowed on this site there was a lot worse vitriol being spewed on posts. What this other user doing is nothing, just complaining about the lack of meaningful posts here.
· 4 weeks ago
Well @bensen you are flat out a liar. You started making posts/comments 4 years ago, not 8. You also posted way more infrequently until about 3 years ago which is when most other users started dipping. Interactions with your posts plummeted to where you're lucky if you get 1 reply every month or so despite no life posting here from once to multiple times a day. The last 2 years are you spamming blog posts with almost no replies. The insane increase of spam no one interacts with is what caused ascme response because it is constant spam at this point.
My comments were to the effect that just as you're free to spam post blogs no one interacts with, ascme or others are allowed to reply with negative or mean comments as long as they aren't radical or discriminatory. This site isn't designed to allow a negativity free zone. And you can't cry cyber bullying when someone responds negatively because you chose to post on a site where what you post make no sense and aren't what people come for.
My comments were to the effect that just as you're free to spam post blogs no one interacts with, ascme or others are allowed to reply with negative or mean comments as long as they aren't radical or discriminatory. This site isn't designed to allow a negativity free zone. And you can't cry cyber bullying when someone responds negatively because you chose to post on a site where what you post make no sense and aren't what people come for.
· 4 weeks ago
And yeah I never told you to stop. While I do think it's annoying and makes no logical sense to do it on this site you are free to do it and I can ignore it well enough. But in the same vein others are allowed to reply negatively to the spam and you can't cry wolf every time it happens since even if your 2 service workers come in to yell at ascme or whoever it won't result in anything other than name calling and word throwing.
If you want a space where you can cull the negativity and only have happy posts you'd need to be on a site that facilitates that type of thing.
If you want a space where you can cull the negativity and only have happy posts you'd need to be on a site that facilitates that type of thing.
· 4 weeks ago
Also man scrolling through those 4+ year old chat posts makes me miss the old community.
· 4 weeks ago
I’m very sorry I never meant to lie. I am only trying to get along and make this a safe space for everyone. If everyone wants me to stop posting I will stop. I just thought I had friends here who respected me and wanted me to keep posting. What gives you the right to speak to me like this? I think you need to go take a cold shower and think about how you have hurt the feelings of someone who only wants to speed a bit of joy in this cold world. Sorry.
· 4 weeks ago
Neither of you have even spelled my username right
· 4 weeks ago
And yeah this isn't cyber bullying. I'm not harassing you. Thanks for the shout out, though.
· 1 week ago